A Little Question...

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Hi everyone!

Rebecca and myself would love get a little feedback from our readers about which of our imagines is your favourite. We would love this feedback because it really helps up to write imagines, in between our requests, that you guys would enjoy reading. So, if you wouldn't mind, could you comment on this 'chapter' which imagine is your favourite.

This would help a massive amount because we just want to get to now you a little better and we also understand that you may not have any ideas for a request, but enjoy reading imagines like 'Mr Styles' for example- my personal favourite!

If there is a particular thing that you like, like more mature imagines or ones where you are committed to each other, please just say! We just want to be able to tailor our imagines to you guys:)

I would love to take this opportunity to thank everyone of you guys that have read, voted, commented (are about to comment-hopefully) and requested. Thanks again!

Jenn x

One Direction ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora