Louis - Get together / Get Naughty (Charlie)

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Requested by: HarryLove9045

Charlie's POV

"So this is Louis Tomlinson's rumoured girlfriend? Isn't she a bit ordinary looking?" Mark Thomas, asked his cohost Laura Miles.

"Yes, but I think that's his type you know? I mean, look at her hair, there's no extensions, her nails aren't done-she's pretty normal." She replied whilst pointing at the printed out picture of me.

"It's strange that a guy that is so successful is interested in girls who are normal. "

"Yeah I suppose, but isn't it good that he does want her? I mean his ex girlfriend was normal too. Eleanor, was it? She was beautiful, but normal."

"Yeah, but now she's become a success in fasi-" I was abruptly taken out of my bubble when Louis interrupted in.

"Babe?" He shouted.

"In here" I shouted back whilst turning off the tv. Louis pops his head round the side of the door frame.

"Fancy coming out tonight for dinner?"

"Yeah, is it all of us? Because, I wanna get more girls to come out this time, there's only so many times I can hear about the new nurf gun that's put." I joke. It's was always the way when I came to see Louis on tour. The guys did have girlfriends but they were never here when I was and ever since Louis split with Eleanor, he's been a bit lonely. That's why I come and see him, well that and because I fancy the pants off him. But we are just friends.

"Nahh babe, was just thinking that it'll be just us. You know, like a good catch up or somethin'?" His eyes started to flit from me and the floor. He walked closer to me.

"Errrrm yeah," I smile "that sounds nice. What sort of place are you in the mood for?"

"Something fancy, but your glad rags on, babe!" And with that beautiful lasting sentence, Louis turn on his heel and left. I guess I better get ready, seeing as I've no idea what time we are going out.

---At 7:00pm---
"Ready Babe?" Louis called up the stairs the mini rented apartment. Louis hated hotels, he never behaved long enough to stay in them.

I grabbed my shoes off of my bed and rushed down the stairs.

"Just coming!" I says whilst rushing.

"Wow, love, you look stunning!" I was wearing a little black, skin tight dress. I had red heels in my arms and a silver clutch.

"Thanks," I pause, still fussing around with what I was wearing, "can you hold this whilst I put my shoes on?" Louis agrees and hold my clutch as though it was a bag of dog mess. Using Louis' shoulder for balance, I slipped on my shoes, shoe by shoe.

"Beautiful. Come on" Louis' lips tweaked at the ends. He was a little odd. It's almost like he wanted to get it over with.

"You alright?" I ask whilst he guides me out the door.

"Yeah, we just don't have a lot of time because the twats come and find us" twat is Louis' name for reporters, he found it more fitting...

"Okay, are we walking there?"

"Yeah, it's literally next door."

We leave the apartment and and get onto the road. Louis held my back with one of his hands. It was just enough to make me feel protected in some strange way.

"After you" Louis opens the door and let's me in first. After he enters behind me, he asks for our table. He orders us a bottle of wine and we sit down.

"You alright, Lou?" I ask, genuinely concerned from his quite distant behaviour.

"Yeah, babe. Are you?" He replies whilst fidgeting in his seat. He looked lovely in his dull blue suit and white shirt.

"I'm good. It's just you're being a little strange;what's going on?"

"Here's your wine, would you like to taste first or have you had this one before?" The waiter interrupts.

"No thanks, we are fine" Louis replies for the both of us. The waiter pours the wine into two glasses and put the opened bottle in a bucket of ice that is to the side of the table. The waiter leaves and Louis starts to fuss with the condensation on the side of his wine glass.

"Louis." I say, trying to refocus him.


"What's wrong? You're being all shifty? Have I done something? Do you want me to go back home?" I say, trying to shed a little light into the situation.

"Naaah, babe. You've done nothing." Louis puts out his hands over the top of the table and gestures for me to hold them with mine. "It's just I've been thinking, and you know when you think and think and think and things just get to you because you've thought about it too much?" Louis rambles whilst staring into my eyes.

"I think so..." I tell him, even though i don't. The feeling of his hands in mine sends electrical pulses through my body. He's so hot. He squeezes my hands softly and he smirks nervously.

"Like, what I'm trying to say is that I've liked you, for a while now. Well, for a good few months. I want you to be mine, Charlie, like properly mine." He blinks slowly, I guess he was trying to avoid my eye contact.

"I like you too." I manage to utter out, still completely in shock. I would never have guessed he felt this way about me.

"What do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course." I smile stupidly back. Louis stands up and leans over the table to kiss me.

"Fancy blowing dinner off to celebrate?" Louis cheekily suggest.

"My room or yours?" I stand up to Louis height and grab my clutch from the back of my chair.

"Yours." Louis throws a small handful of cash onto the table and grabs my hand.

---In Charlie's Room---

Running my fingers through his hair whilst kissing hungrily, I feel a warmth spread between my thighs. Louis pushes me to the bed and turns to shut my door. He takes his shirt off quickly along with his shoes and socks, whilst I admire his toned torso.

"Just going to watch me, babe?" Louis arches an eyebrow at me jokingly. I start to take off my dress whilst sitting on the bed. Once finally free, I throw it toward the door.

With Louis just in his boxers, and me in my underwear and heels, Louis grabs a little foil packet from his wallet. I kick off my heels and take off my remaining clothing. Louis turns his back to me to put it on. I feel so completely exposed that the still air in the room sent shivers down my bare spine. Louis finishes what he was doing, takes his boxers off and joins be on the bed. Towering over me, Louis kneels between my legs. He opens them and places my feet onto his chest and he pauses.


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