Harry - In Love With A Mobster (Carlie)

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Requested by: PerfectionDesperate

(okay just so this is clear, it's a Mafia Harry, so theres some terminology i used that might make zero sense but it's their slang [be proud carlie i researched for you] but yes enjoy ! and also for you young ones - SMUT! although we're all dirty people so who's gonna stop you from reading it tbh)

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I cursed, trying to hurry and finish washing the dishes. Harry was going to come home in any second and it wouldn't be good if I wasn't done. I scrubbed hastily, then I heard the door being unlocked. The shocked cause me to drop the plate on the floor, and all I could do was watch it shatter.

"Carlie?" His rough voice called out, causing chills to run down my spine. Fuck, the plate.

"Uh, in the kitchen!" I shouted, grabbing pieces of the plate and shoving it in the trash. Kicking the dust of it under the table, there was no visible evidence left. I breathed out in relief, smiling at Harry as he walked into the room.

"Ah, good, all the cleaning is done," He smirked, digging his fingers into my hips and pulling me against him.

"You're in a good mood today," I hummed, his lips attaching to my neck.

"Mm, well today they let me whack that rat, the bastard, but that's not all. Got promoted to underboss." His hands slid up my body and cupped my breasts through my dress, the sucking on my neck getting harsher.

"I'm so proud of you, Harry." My voice was heavy, trying my damnest not to moan. His hands went up to my shoulders, pulling the thin spaghetti straps so they fell off my shoulders.

"You're so fucking sexy," He mumbled, trailing kisses down to my collarbone. His hands continued traveling down my arms until they reached my hands, intertwining our fingers.

"What the-" He quickly pulled away from me, examining his hands. I glanced at them and my own, then noticed they both had blood all over them.

"Fuck," I squeezed my eyes shut, rushing to the sink to wash them.

"What the hell, Carlie? What is this shit?" His voice boomed through the small kitchen, the anger evident.

"I, uh, it's nothing, Harry," My voice was weak, trying not to show my emotions. If there was one thing Harry absolutely hated, it was crying. Hell if I know why, but he despised it.

"Nothing, yeah? Then why's there a bloody broken plate in the trash!" He shouted, grabbing my arm and yanking me towards him.

"I'm sorry!" I cried out, ignoring the pain in my arm.

"What a lousy goomah," He growled, pulling me down the hallway and to the bedroom. He threw me onto the bed, then pulled out his phone and started typing.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I bit my lip, my heart beating erratically.

"Inviting the boys over for a show," He smirked, pulling open the night stand drawer and pulling out two pairs of handcuffs. My eyes widened as he cuffed both hands to opposite sides of the headboard, constricting me of any upper body movement at all.

He ripped off my dress, not caring at all that he completely destroyed it. I was left in my navy blue bra, that my breasts were spilling out of, along with my matching panties.

"Gonna wreck you so hard, Carlie, gonna punish you like the slut you are," He growled in my ear, unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it off to reveal his toned chest that was scattered with tattoos.

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