Louis - First Date (Alex)

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Requested by: PrincessAlex90

The doorbell rang, the sound echoing throughout the empty hall. It caused me to jump, smearing my deep red lipstick across my cheek.

"For fucks sake, Lou," I groaned, quickly grabbing a wet towelette and wiping it off. He continued pressing the bell repeatedly, me biting my tongue to hold in my anger. I stomped to the front door, pulling it open to reveal Louis with a grin on his face while pushing the button. I cleared my throat to get his attention, his mouth turning into an 'o' shape.

"You look marvelous, Al," He chuckled, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Oh shush, Lou. You're like, what, fifteen minutes early? I'm not ready yet," I gestured to my face which only had half of my makeup on it.

"Oh, I figured that was your go-to first date look," He smirked, tapping my chin.

"Oh shut up, you can sit while I finish up. Don't break anything," I glared at him, referencing to last week when he 'accidentally' knocked over a vase.

"Yeah, yeah," He rolled his eyes, plopping onto the couch.

I went back into the bathroom, finishing my makeup. I spritzed some perfume onto my wrist and neck, turning my head around while looking in to mirror to make sure everything looked perfect from every angle.

I didn't really need to impress Louis, since we've been friends for nearly four years. He's seen me at my lowest point, when I spent a week as a hermit crying over my breakup with Jake Smith. He stayed at my flat the whole week, trying to make me happy. He really was a gentleman, when he wanted to be of course.

Last weekend Louis had finally grown enough balls to ask me out on a date. I've known he's liked me for well over a month, he was pretty blatant when he checked me out. Always touching my knee, desperate for any contact really. So when he asked me out, I wasn't all that surprised.

"Hurry up, Alex! Reservations are for a specified time, y'know," He yelled out, causing me to roll my eyes. So sassy.

"Coming!" I slid into my heels, grabbing my clutch and going out into the loft.

"Damn," He spoke under his breath, probably so I wouldn't hear although it didn't work at all.

"Come on, we have a reservation," I winked at him, laughing when he nearly tripped over his own feet as he got up.

"Fuck, Alex," Louis whined, pouting his lips out like a child.

"What is it now, Louis?" I groaned, glancing over at him.

"You're taller than me in those shoes," He crossed his arms.

"Seriously? It's not my fault you're a midget." I ignored the little tantrum he was throwing, walking towards the front door.

He shoved his way past me, opening the door. "Ladies first," He smirked.

"Really? Then you should go." I smirked back. His face dropped, him taking a deep breath. I frowned, walking past him and outside. He followed, me locking the door behind us. He rushed to the passenger side of his car, opening the door for me. I slid into the seat awkwardly, the doors a little too low for the height that these heels gave me.

"Told you those were too high," He smirked, closing the door. I rolled my eyes, tugging at my skirt that suddenly seemed much too short. He got into the drivers seat, turning on the car.

"So where are we going?" I asked, clicking in my seat belt.

"It's a surprise," He grinned, pulling out of my driveway. His left hand drifted from the steering wheel, finding its way to my upper thigh. I tried to ignore the chills that ran through my spine from his simple touch, but by the smirk of his lips, I'd say he noticed.

He pulled up to a nice steakhouse, pulling into a parking spot. The restaurant seemed fairly busy, considering it was a friday night. I unbuckled my seatbelt and he was immediately by my door, opening it for me.

"Thank you," I smiled lightly, him taking my hand in his and leading me inside the restaurant.

"Reservation for Tomlinson." He smiled at the hostess, the young girl having a scowl on her face. Somebody's in a good mood tonight. She led us to our table, a small booth in the corner. We took no time in ordering our food, silence overwhelming us.

"This is lovely, Louis." I sipped from my lemonade, smiling towards him. His foot nudged mine playfully, a small smile on his face.

"You're quite lovely, Alex." He teased, wrapping his feet around one of my ankles. I couldn't help but laugh, shaking my head at his behaviour. Louis reached forward, grabbing my hand and holding it across the table. His thumb grazed across the side of my hand soothingly, his eyes softened and full of admiration.

"What?" I blushed, pulling my lip between my teeth.

"You're just so beautiful. I'm so lucky to have you here tonight," He spoke honestly, his voice high-pitched and nervous. "Also, if you don't take that lip back out, the end of the night might end with unspeakable things," He winked, causing me to burst into laughter.

"Oh my God, Lou," I shook my head, in disbelief at this boy. He was definitely something else. He simply shrugged in response, his fingers fumbling around with mine.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm glad to be here too." I smiled, his eyes lighting up.


Dinner tasted wonderful, the night going smoothly with the occasional sarcastic comment. We were back at my flat, standing in front of the front door.

"I had a great time, Louis." I smiled at him, wrapping my arms around him in a warm embrace.

"So did I, Alex." He mumbled against my neck, causing warmth to spread throughout me. He pulled slightly away from the hug, his face inches from my own. I could feel his warm breath against my lips, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. He let out a small chuckle, slowly leaning in closer to me. His blue eyes darted between my own eyes and my lips, until his lips lightly brushed against my own.

Tired of the teasing, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, connecting our lips. They moved against eachother perfectly, the kiss slow but meaningful. He pulled away too soon for my liking, pressing a light kiss to my forehead.

"Goodnight, Alex." He smiled, walking back to his car and leaving me awestruck at my doorstep.


Sorry for the long wait Alex! Hope you enjoy it x

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