Harry - Snow and Kisses (Arkadipta)

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Requested by: BieberAndHazza

"Why can't we open gifts now?" Niall whined, his gaze stuck on the pile of presents below the tree.

"The only gifts that are opened today are Louis' birthday gifts, now shush Niall," Liam rolled his eyes. I couldn't help but laugh, the world is seemingly against Niall. We won't let him eat or open any gifts.

"The only gift I want is some snow," Louis whined. We all nodded in agreement.

"Same!" I shouted, causing all the boys to laugh at me. My face heated up in embarrassment.

"You're so basic," Louis laughed, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm going outside." I laughed, making my way to the balcony. I stepped out, breathing in the fresh air. Liam had rented a cabin for us to stay in for the holiday, which was quite nice. It looked out on the mountains, which was quite beautiful. There was a burst of cold air, causing me to shiver. I heard the door open, turning to see Harry.

"You left your coat," He mumbled, awkwardly handing it to me.

"Thanks," I pulled my arms through the sleeves, zipping it up. Harry was looking at his feet, a look of nervousness on his face.

"It's beautiful out," He finally spoke, moving to stand next to me.

"It is," I sighed, trying not to let myself fall into the dark thoughts. I was looking forward to Christmas with Michael, but instead I found him in bed with my best friend Sarah. Harry, my best friend, had gladly told me he could join him and the lads, which I'm starting to feel like they're not too happy about. I shook my head, trying to get the thoughts out of my head.

"Arka," Harry frowned, wiping his thumb against my cheek. I looked up at him, a frown on my face. I didn't even know I had been crying until now.

"Sorry," I mumbled, turning away from him.

"Arka, I know you're thinking about that asshole. But don't. You're better than that. That asshole didn't realize what he had, and he had the world. You're amazing, Arka, you're worth so much more than the world. You deserve so much! You deserve somebody who's proud to hold your hand and give you random kisses. You deserve somebody to watch those shitty foreign films with, and you deserve somebody who brings you candy and cuddles with you. Goddamn it, Arkadipta, you deserve somebody to love you with all of their entirety. Somebody that thinka you belong with the stars, in the galaxy. Somebody to kiss you under the mistletoe." As he spoke, Harry slowly backed me against the side of the cabin. He looked above us, causing me to follow his gaze. Mistletoe.

"And that somebody is me." The next thing I knew, Harry's soft lips were pressed against mine. They moved in sync, me wrapping my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. His hands made their way to my hips. I felt something sticking to my face and hair, causing me to look up.

"It's snowing," I whispered, a grin on my face. One grew on Harry's as well, the two of us mesmerized, watching the snowflakes fly in the sky.

"Guys, it's snowing!" Louis yelled as he ran out the patio door. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Harry and I in the embracing position we were in. Niall and Liam came out behind him, their eyebrows raising in surprise. I bit my lip, looking down as embarrassment flooded my body.

"How bloody cute," Liam cheered.

"Yeah, I've been waiting for this!" Niall agreed, causing a smile to appear on both mine and Harry's faces.

Suddenly I was hit by something cold, looking over to see a chuckling Louis.

"Oh no you didn't, Tomlinson," I growled, making my own small snowball and launching it at him. He shrieked, hiding behind Niall. We all started throwing snowballs at each other, all of us knelt over in laughter.

We spent the rest of the night warming up by the fireplace, sharing stories and making memories.

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