Zayn - Babysitting and Best Friends (Charlotte)

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Requested by: xozaynmaliksqueen

There was a loud knocking on the door, interrupting Zayn and I from cuddling. Zayn huffed in frustration, getting up and opening the door to see Lou, his makeup stylist.

"Zayn, please tell me you'll watch Lux for the night? Thank you, you're a lifesaver," Lou sighed, handing Lux to him and disappearing. Zayn turned to me, a look of confusion on his face.

"What just happened?" He asked, closing the door and setting Lux down. She walked towards me, sitting next to me on the couch.

"Hi Char," She giggled, bringing a smile to my face.

"Hi Lux," I laughed, looking up to see Zayn tugging on a hoodie.

"Let's go to the mall, yeah?" He suggested, and I nodded. I grabbed Lux's hand, leading her back out the door and downstairs. We caught a cab, which took us to the mall. Once we got there, she begged to go inside the toy store. She immediately went to the Barbie section, looking at the assortment of blonde dolls. I looked around and realized Zayn had disappeared, causing me to sigh. After Lux had picked out a doll, I took her to the register to pay for it. As we exited the store, I found Zayn talking to both Louis and Harry.

"What a coincidence," I laughed, joining them.

"Harry!" Lux's face lit up as she ran into his arms.

"Lux!" He exclaimed, picking her up and laughing.

"So where's Liam and Niall?" I asked, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Ah, Li is out with Sophia or something. Niall's probably golfing. Couldn't be bothered to join us, apparently," Louis laughed.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Zayn asked, running his fingers through his hair.

"Well, the emos are in town, so we were going to go watch them. You can come too?" Harry asked, and we both nodded.

"Sure! But I want Starbucks," I laughed, so we headed to the coffee shop. We all ordered our drinks, then made our way to the arena.

"We get to see Mikey?" Lux's face lit up, and I nodded. "Yay!" She squealed, practically running to the arena.

During the concert, luckily Harry and Louis watched Lux so Zayn and I could dance together. He would steal kisses from me, hug me, and we swayed most of the night away. Luckily none of the girls around us noticed us, so we weren't swarmed. After the show ended, we all went back outside and decided how to finish our night off.

"Well I want some authentic mexican food," Harry grinned, and we all looked at him with a blank face.

"So Taco Bell it is," Louis laughed, patting him on the back. We started walking towards the restaurant, when I noticed Lux had fallen asleep in Harry's arms. I smiled, turning my attention to Zayn instead. I nudged his side with our intertwined hands, him turning to me.

"I love you," I giggled. He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners and causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

"And I love you more," He leaned down, placing a delicate kiss on my lips. I hummed in approval, smiling when he pulled away.

"Ugh, Harry, I feel so lonely. Kiss me too," He whined, his voice teasing. I turned to look at them, raising my eyebrow suggestively when Harry kissed his cheek. We finally reached the restaurant, sitting down while Zayn ordered and brought the food. We woke Lux up, her mumbling about unicorns from her dream. We quickly ate in silence, the only sounds being moans of contentment from the food.

"What time is it?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"A little after midnight," Zayn checked his phone.

"Ah, the night's still young!" Louis exclaimed, grinning.

"Whatever," I yawned, laying my head against Zayns shoulder.

"Let's go to the beach, yeah? That might be fun!" Harry grinned. I simply stared at him in disbelief.

"Yeah!" Zayn enthused. I shook my head, sighing.

"Alright, it's settled. To the beach!" Louis laughed, as we all stumbled back onto the streets. We quickly caught a cab, all of us managing to fit into the back. Harry sat against one window, with Louis sitting comfortably on his lap. I then sat in the middle, Zayn on my other side. Lux was sat in my lap, somewhere in between being asleep and awake. We arrived at the beach maybe ten minutes later, where the boys enthusiastically ran towards the shore line. Their clothes were stripped as they ran, being only in their underwear when they reached the water.

"Boys are weird, Lux," I laughed, walking with her and sitting down in the sand.

"Boys have cooties," She giggled, and i nodded. We simply watched the boys tackle eachother and mess around, where at some point both Lux and I fell asleep.

"Babe!" Zayn shouted, poking me in the cheek repeatedly.

"What?" I whined, shoving him away.

"We're going to Lou and Har's flat for a sleepover, c'mon," He smiled, pressing his lips against mine. I deepened the kiss, sighing in disappointment when Louis shrieked beside us.

"Harry, cover the baby's eyes!" He snickered, eyes widening when they met my glare.

"You better run, Tommo," I got up, chasing him around the beach while he screamed.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry!" He bent over, clearly winded.

"Are you children done? I'm ready for a sleepover," Zayn laughed, as we all nodded.

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