Niall - Janitors Closet (Carlie)

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Requested by: PerfectionDesperate (aka my bestie hoLLA -r)

Warning: Mature imagine, read at your own discretion!

"You're such a fuckin' nerd," Niall laughed, shoving me into the lockers. I groaned from the impact, all of my books scattering across the hallway floor.

"Niall, stop," I whimpered, desperate for him to go away. He pushed himself on me, his deep blue eyes staring into my own dull ones.

"Now why would I do that, huh?" His voice caused my heart to clench, his accent bringing its effect on me. I squirmed, trying to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong and I was pinned.

"B-because we'll be l-late to class," I stumbled across my words, shaking with fear. The bell rang, signalling that class was starting.

"Y'don't have to worry about that now," Niall smirked, backing away from me. I started to grab my books when he shoved me again, causing me to fall onto the ground. I took deep breaths, trying to avoid crying and embarrassing myself any further.

"Please," I whimpered, refusing to look up and see the likely look of pleasure on his face. He reached towards me but I flinched away, causing his arm to pull away quickly.

"Carlie," Nialls voice dramatically softened, the harsh edge he usually spoke with disappearing. I couldn't control the speed my heart was beating at, my breathing unsteady.

"Why can't you just leave me alone for once?" I cried out, finally looking up at his face. His lip was quivering, pain shown in his eyes. "I get it, I'm a fucking loser and I'll never meet your standards, I'm a fatass and nobody will ever love me, I've fucking got the message!" I screamed, tears finally escaping my eyes.

"Hey, hey angel, don't," He whispered, sitting on the ground and pulling me into his arms. I laid my head on his shoulder hesitantly, trying to even my breathing.

"Fuck, Carlie, I didn't realize you actually believed all that shit. You're beautiful, so fuckin' beautiful, Carlie. I was scared to admit the fact I liked you, so I guess I tried to hurt you to hide my feelings. Fuck, I'm so stupid, I'm sorry," He shook his head, his speech causing my heart to ache. Niall liked me?

"Hey," I whispered, wiping the tears from my eyes. I pulled myself out of his grip, turning his face to meet my own. "You're not stupid." I smiled, mentally cursing myself out for possibly falling for a trick.

"Yeah, I am, Carls. I let you believe you were all of that, but you're perfect," He sighed, looking down to avoid my gaze. I turned myself so I was straddling him, tilting his chin up.

"It's okay." I nodded, trying to reassure him. His eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips, my breathing immediately becoming heavier. He licked his lips, slowly leaning in towards me. My eyes fluttered shut, his soft lips softly caressing my own. I pushed myself against him, deepening the kiss. Our lips moved in sync, then a small moan escaped his mouth. I pulled away, my cheeks heating up. I looked down between us and saw what I had done to him, immediately becoming more embarrassed.

"Uhm," I mumbled, my gaze unable to leave the sight of the tightness in his pants.

"Well you could, um, help, or something," He mumbled, my eyes widening in shock. I looked up at him, biting my lip. "I mean, you don't have to, if you don't want to, you know? You don't have to, uh," I shook my head, laughing at his being embarrassed. The tables have definitely turned. I leaned in, pressing my lips against his shortly. I then pulled away, standing up and grabbing my books. He sat on the hallway floor, looking up at me with pleading eyes.

"I'd love to help. Just not here, in the school hallways." He quickly stood up, his eyes turning into a deeper blue color, full of lust.

"Where, then?" He asked, obviously excited at the fact he's getting some pleasure.

"Janitors closet or something? Your car? I dunno, I have a test sixth period, can't skip." I smiled, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Well come with me," He winked, a small laugh escaping my mouth. I shook my head, slipping my fingers through his own. He led me down the halls, coming up to a janitor closet. I couldn't help but laugh, how cliché was this moment? He shut the door behind us, taking no time in locking it. I set my books on a shelf, turning to him. The nerves caught up to me, questioning if I should really be doing this.

Niall softly shoved me against the wall, his lips attaching to my neck. I let out a soft moan, tugging at his shirt to pull it off. He pulled it over his head, tossing it across the small room. He pressed his lips against mine, his tongue immediately entering my mouth. It massaged my own, my hands busy tracing the outline of his abs. Niall pulled away quickly, tugging my shirt off, admiring his new view of my chest.

"Fuck, Carlie, I need you," He whimpered, unclasping my bra. He brought his mouth to one of my breasts, sucking and causing me to moan. I reached down, undoing the button and unzipping his jeans. He pulled both his pants and boxers down at the same time, my eyes widening at his size. He then took no time in removing the rest of my clothes, the two of us completely exposed to eachother.

"Do you have a-" He nodded, reaching into his jeans and pulling out his wallet. He pulled out a foil packet, ripping it open.

"Lay on the desk." He ordered. I nodded, pushing the random papers off of it and laying down. My breathing started to get faster again from my nerves. Niall stood at the end of the desk, spreading my legs open.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked, me nodding in confirmation. Even if I might regret it eventually, I know I want it. He placed his tip against my entrance, slowly pushing in. I squeezed my eyes shut, ignoring the small pain.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice sounding concerned. I nodded again, unable to speak. His hands gripped my hips, slowly pushing himself in. Once he was all the way in, he stopped for a moment so I could adjust.

"Go on," I whispered, him doing as I said. He continued slowly, and finally I started to feel pleasure building in my core.

"F-faster, please," I moaned, him taking no hesitation. He pounded against me, giving me more pleasure than my hands ever could.

"Fuck, Carlie, you're so perfect," He moaned, one of his hands reaching up to cup my breast. He squeezed it, causing more pleasure to course through my body.

Suddenly he pulled out of me, causing an emptiness to run through me. I whined, causing him to simply laugh.

"Nowhere near done," He started kissing me, adjusting our position so he was laying on the desk and I was straddling him. I pulled away from the kiss, smirking. I adjusted myself so he was at my entrance, then I slowly slid down his member. Once I filled myself with him, I started rolling my hips to intensify the pleasure.

"Fuck, Carlie," Niall moaned loudly, his eyes squeezing shut and his head falling back. I started riding him, me coming close to my high simply by watching and hearing him.

"Fuck, I'm gonna come," I felt him come undone inside me, causing me to come undone as well. Once we both rode out our orgasms and our breathing steadied, I got off of him. I quickly started pulling my clothes back on, freaking out because sixth period started in two minutes.

"Hey, Carlie," I turned to Nialls voice, him pulling his shirt over his head.

"Yeah?" I asked, grabbing my books.

"You were great. Perfect, really. I just, erm," He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "Will you go on a date with you? This probably wasn't the best thing to make up for what I did, but I do want to make things right." His cheeks were tinted red and I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, of course Niall. I'd love to." I pressed my lips against his in a soft kiss, pulling away after a few seconds. "I have to go take that test now," I laughed, unlocking and opening the door. I started walking towards class when I heard his voice from behind me.

"I'll pick you up Friday at 7!"

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