Harry - Labor Pains (Jasmine)

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Requested by: Harrystyles990

Harry's POV

I was shaken awake, groggily rubbing my eyes. "What is it, babe?" I mumbled, looking at my very pregnant wife. I immediately woke up when there was the look of fear on her face.

"My, uh, my water broke," She whispered, and I breathed out in relief.

"God, Jasmine, I thought something bad happened to you," I mumbled, tracing the outline of her lips.

"Well, I mean, I am in labor," She laughed awkwardly, then I nodded, trying not to freak out.

"Yeah, yeah, alright, erm..." I scratched my head, trying to think of what to do. "Ah, the hospital! Yeah, we need to get you to the hospital," She sighed as I got out of bed, desperately searching for the bag we had packed a couple of weeks ago.

"It's downstairs," Jasmine mumbled, rolling her eyes at me.

"Oh, yeah, right," I mentally cursed myself out, feeling extremely dense at the moment. I quickly helped her down the stairs, grabbing the bag and leading her to the passenger seat of the car. I got in, quickly driving to the hospital that was about fifteen minutes away. I rested my hand on Jasmines thigh, squeezing gently in reassurance. Once we got there, I helped her out, letting her sit in a wheelchair as I pushed her into the emergency room.

"My wife is in labor," I tried not to sound too panicked, the nurse escorting her through a set of doors while I was left to fill out paperwork. After what felt like an eternity, I was finally in the elevator to be by my wifes side, and meet our daughter Adelyn. I walked into the room to see my beautiful wife in tears, her face scrunched in pain.

"Love, it'll be okay," I whispered, kissing her forehead. "I love you."

"No, I... I think somethings wrong," She screamed out in pain, which worried me, so I ran out to get a nurse or a doctor or somebody. A doctor and a few nurses rushed in, whispering and checking her vitals and such.

"What's going on?" I asked, trying to push my way through to soothe my wife. I was pushed out of the room, the door being shut in front of my face and I was unsure of what was happening. I backed away from the door until I hit a wall, sliding down it and resting on the floor. I stared at the door in shock and confusion. What was going on? What was wrong with her? Why couldn't I be in there? The door then suddenly opened, the nurses and doctoring pushing Jasmine out of the room and down the hallway.

"Wait!" I yelled, running behind them. "What's going on?" One of the nurses stopped, holding me back from following them into the operating room. She led me to the chairs, and I knew this couldn't be good.

"Okay, so it seems there's some complications with Jasmine. The baby isn't positioned correctly, and the pain seems to be really affecting her, the medicine wasn't enough. So they've taken her for an emergency C-Section, yeah? She'll be fine." The nurse smiled, patted my knee, then got up and walked away.

I sat, my mind running and my eyes burning. What if something happened to Jasmine? What if something happened to Adelyn? What would I do?

Three cups of coffee and one snack cake from the vending machine later, a doctor walked out of the doors and walked towards me. My heart sunk from the somber expression on his face, all the possibilities running through my mind.

"Mr. Styles?" He asked and I nodded. He motioned for me to sit, so I did. "So... I'm sorry to say Jasmine did not make it through the delivery." It felt as if my heart shattered, my hands shooting up to cover my mouth as I let out a heartwrenching sob.

"No, no, no, not my Jas," I cried, shaking my head repeatedly. The doctor awkwardly placed his hand on my back.

"I'm sorry for your loss, sir. During the C-Section, the pain seemed to be too much and she went under cardiac arrest. I'm sure you were warned at the beginning of the pregnancy, with her weight and frame there would be a definite impact. I'm sorry. But if you would like to meet your daughter..." My head shot up, my emotions everywhere. Daughter?

"Wait... she made it?" The doctor nodded in confirmation, and a small smile grew on my lips. I had a daughter. But I didn't have a wife anymore, causing it to drop again. I'd have to raise my daughter without her mother, and I would have to plan a funeral, and the tears were flowing again. I followed the doctor towards the nursery, where I saw my daughter laying in a small crib. They let me in, me taking her into my arms, crying harder at the sight of her. She was like a miniature Jasmine, the long eyelashes and button nose identical. Her hair was dark and curly like mine, and she had my lips. I wiped the tears from my eyes, leaning down and pressing a kiss on my daughters forehead.

"So what would you like to name her?" The nurse asked, grabbing the document.

"Jasmine. Jasmine Adelyn Styles."


god this made me so sad to write!! i hope it's to your liking, if not you can request another one x

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