Niall - Picking You Up At The Airport

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Jenn's POV

After 8 hours of anticipation and waiting, the excitement of seeing my boyfriend of 4 months is immense. I'm currently standing in 'arrivals', searching for an exit in a foreign airports. Knowing that I was only a few hundred metres away from my boyfriend, who I haven't seen for just over 6 weeks, was almost torture. Once my eyes had found the exit, my feet moved and I started my trek to carpark 3. Niall has flown me out to LA so that I could spend some, deserved, time with him whilst he's on tour and I can honestly say it's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. He told me that he wants me to discover what his life is really like. I have never seen that side to Niall's pop star life. Not in person. He has told me in depth about all the amazing things he's done and what breath-taking views he's witnessed. He also talks about all the funny banners fans make and how he always thinks of me whilst singing 'Little things'. Niall wants me to love his job, the way he does.

We agreed to meet in the airport carpark, Niall has warned me about how crazy things can get when he's there and how he knows I'll be safer on my own. My cases clunk down the pavement as I've now reached the empty carpark. Niall and I haven't told each other that we love each other, but if the feeling that intoxicates me when I think about him isn't love, then I don't know what is.

After a few minutes of waiting for Niall, a Land Rover Sport speeds into the empty carpark. At this moment my heart begins to race. Knowing it was him I began to walk towards the other side of the carpark, where he now was. The fast car stopped and a slender male figure jumps out of the car. The familiar face, that was tucked into a thick hoodie, smiled. My heart , now pounding, caused a surge of emotion that washed through my body. Tears were brimming at the edge of my pure blue eyes. My lips automatically moulded into a smile. A rush of anxiety filled my hands and sent my knees shaking. His arms were waving above his head. Suddenly the emotion became too much and I stop walking and drop my cases so that I can cover my face with my hands. I've missed him so much.

Niall jogs towards me and wraps his arms around me. The softness of his jumper makes the moment even more comforting. Tears streaming down my face, Niall places his hand over my two and pulls them away from my face. With one of his hand still on the arch of my back, he pulls my fingers to his lips and kisses them softly.  His blue eyes searched mine.

"I thought I made you happy baby?" I smile at his words and his little joke. He kisses my fingertips again. He's just so beautiful. Not a day goes by that I think he's out of my league.

"I am happy, I'm very happy." I say, although I don't sound happy or look it. "I've just missed you so, so much, it's been such a long time. I'm only crying because I'm tired. Ignore me" I laugh, trying to take the attention away from my red, puffy cheeks.

"Okay.." His hushed voice trails off and the corners of his lips twitch as he moves both of his hands to my waist to pull me closer. My hands are flat against his chest as out hips press together. Just as I think that we are alone, a car speeds up the ramp to the carpark. Niall and I separate and he pulls my hood so that it's over my head. "Come on, lets go back to the hotel."

I reach down to grab my bag and put it over my shoulder. Niall takes it off my shoulder and puts it onto his. "I can't spoil you all the time, so allow me to when I can."

"You're seriously too cute." I grab onto his hand and he guides me to his car. He lets go of my shaky hand and opens the passenger door for me. "Thank you" I climb into the oversized car and shut the door. Niall fits my bags into the boot and then sits beside me, on the driver's side.  We pull away before anyone had even seen that we were there.

"I can't even describe how much I've missed you baby," Niall's eyes were glued to the road but I knew everything he said he meant. His voice sounded so good in person rather than over the phone. It had more of a seductive quality, and I loved that.

"I've missed you too, but it's going to be nice to have a few weeks together." I reply, the fact that I was going to be touring America with my gorgeous boyfriend for the next 3 weeks filled me with happiness.

"We are going to have a lot of fun." Niall laughs lightly at first and then realised that what he has just said, could have another meaning. He tears his eyes away from the road for a few seconds to check my facial expression. I raised an eyebrow and placed my hand on top of his that's on top of the gear stick.

"I'm sure we are babe" I laugh back, knowing that right now, this is the happiest that I will ever be.

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