Mr Tomlinson

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Jenn's POV

Today was the day that we find out who is our new English teacher is, what fun. Just going off of his name, 'Mr Tomlinson' sounds like a 50+ year old man, who smells like cabbage and lives alone. All of my class is speculating about what he looks like and whether he will be a push over like Mr Lloyd was last term.  It's not that I misbehave, its that I don't like to be told what to do. I don't like authority, nor do I relish the though of being a 'good girl'. My friends are the same, so it's not like I'm the rebel of the group. I just don't enjoy doing what I am told.

We all sit down in our usual seats, apart from me. I was moved from the back to the front because apparently, making strange noises throughout the duration of the lesson was not acceptable... If there is a new teacher, I don't have to abide by the old teachers rules, and to the sound of his name he sounds like a pushover. All of our heads turn to the back of the class as the door opens. Mental groans fill the room.

"Hi class, I'm your new English teacher, Mr Tomlinson." The female population of the class were in aw of him. His tousled, brown hair and his bright eyes just drew us all to him.

"Sir, how long will you be our teacher?" One of the girls from the front row asks.

"As long as it takes to get you all to pass English Language!" He sarcastically said. We all knew that it would be until our exam in May, so god knows why Emma asked...

"Right class, what do you know about Shakespeare's Othello?" Mr Tomlinson enthusiastically asked to the group. The girls fought for his attention with their flying hands.

The girls answered the questions whilst the boys, and I sat in disgust. I mean, I find him attractive but I know he's a teacher. Its illegal for anything to happen and it doesn't look like he has been teaching for long, so he would be wasting the £27,000 university loan he took out to become a teacher. I can't help being realistic.

"So, can you read page 23 in this text book" He holds up the text book and starts to hand them out, one per table "and ill come round and have a look at some of your work so that i can get to know you a little better."

He does what he said he would, handed out the books and then came and had a round a two minute conversation with each student. Mr Tomlinson came round to my table and had a chat with Mia. With his eyes flitting between me and Mia, Mr Tomlinson knelt down by our table.

"So..." He waited for my name once he had finished talking to Mia.

"Jenn" I prompt.

"Jenn" He smiles and then looks down to my paper, " What do you think of Othello?"

"Obviously its a wonderfully interesting play..." I joke and Mr Tomlinson smiles slightly.

"Anything else?" He adds, waiting for a more serious answer.

"Nope." I finish.

"So, you've been studying this book for who knows how long and all you can say is that it's 'wonderfully interesting'?" Mr Tomlinson's whole aura changed. He went from seeming pretty cool and a nice guy to being a real idiot. His voice was raised and his tone was angry.

"Yep." I reply, slightly embarrassed from his sudden outburst, I mean, I though he was cool. How wrong was I?

"Why don't you come back after school to give me a proper review of the book." Sir stood back up from my desk and walked to the front.

"I'm not going to bother teaching you if you can't be bothered to learn, Jenn" He continued to have a go at me.

"But, sir" I start, before being interrupted by his speech.

"And if anyone else doesn't take English Language seriously, then you can come back for a detention tomorrow night!"

"Wow, he changed moods" Courtney, who sat close to me, whispered.

---After School---

I walked up to the classroom door as slowly as I could. I don't want to be here. I looked into the window and Mr Tomlinson was sat at his desk, on his phone. Such a child. Who does he think he is to have authority over me when he's like5 years older than me. Ergh. I tap on the door before entering. Mr Tomlinson's eyes avert from his phone scree to me. He places the phone back onto his desk and stands up.

"So, Jenn. Are you ready to tell me a serious plotline of Othello?" He asks, standing a few metres away from me.

"I honestly don't know anything" I say bluntly.

"Right then." He turns around and sits back at his desk. "Sit" He orders, like I'm a dog. He pointes to the chair that is next to his desk.  "Move that to here and ill tell you." He instructs.

I did what I he said sat next to him. He reached over for the book on his desk. He opens it up and starts to read it to me, like I'm five. He smelt so good. The words that he was saying didn't register at all, it all just sounded like a peaceful noise in the background. Instead of looking at the book, I stare at his lips. The way that they move when he speaks. The way his teeth pierce though the surface layer of skin on his lips after every word.

"Right." Mr Tomlinson says, scaring me slightly and causing me to jump. He laughed quietly. "Sorry"

"It's okay, I'm just a jumpy person." I say, feeling embarrassed.

"You read the next pages" I start to read, but I soon feel like I have lost the ability to speak. The words are all stuck at the back of my throat and cant get out. A page and a half down, I am a mumbling mess.  I take a huge breath in, irritated with myself.

"Do you want me to sound the word out to you?" He asks, as if its my ability to read that is the problem. His finger touches my leg causing me to feel even more of a mess.

"No, I'm fine." Not believing my words myself.

"Do you think you should come back tomorrow to work on your reading?" He asks, moving his finger around. Frustrated with myself, I huff and plant my elbows onto the table and they held my head. I CAN READ, I screamed in my head. Mr Tomlinson moved his arm around me, thinking that I was crying. "It's okay, I'm just glad I know now. We can work on this until you get it right!" He was dangerously close to me now. His aftershave was really prominent now. He started to rub my back and put his head in between my arm and my head. "Come on, it is okay"  He smiled to me. "I know its embarrassing but, if you can't read then we do need to get this sorted. It's simple to do. Just come back everyday and we'll go through it together? Yeah?" He asks. I think he's really attractive but I cant come back everyday when I can actually read. But, if I come back everyday then I can slowly wear him down into liking me.

"Ive got to go now, sir." I say, breaking the contact between us by standing up.

"Please come back tomorrow?" He pleads.

"Yeah, okay." I say, pushing the chair under the desk and leaving quickly.

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