Harry - Catering Girl (Alice)

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Requested by : TelesaSwift8

"Alice, I need you to cater a party tonight." My boss, Sarah, spoke through the phone.

"But I have the day off!" I frowned, running my fingers through my tangled hair.

"I know, I know, but Derek and Sam both called off last minute, and we're going to need as many hands as we can. I'll give you a bonus if you work tonight, Alice. Please?"

I sighed, throwing the blanket off of me and turning off my TV, where I had been binge watching a new series I had came across on Netflix.

"Fine. But only because I need the extra pocket money." I raised my shoulder up to hold the phone to my ear, digging through my closet to grab my uniform.

"Great. Come by the shop so you can take the van, you're working with Holly by the way!"

"Alright. I'll be there in twenty." I hung up the phone, throwing it on the bed behind me as I quickly changed into my work uniform.

I rushed to the bathroom to quickly apply some light makeup so I didn't look like I had just gotten into a fight with Satan himself.

After my foundation, mascara and lipstick was applied, I brushed out my knotted hair and then pulled half of it into a top knot, leaving the other half down in its natural waves.

I brushed my teeth to rid my mouth of the garlic stench from the pizza I had for lunch, then reapplied my lipstick like the ditz I am.

I pulled my boots on hastily, throwing my purse over my shoulder and rushing out the door.

I said twenty minutes, right?

Well, it's been fifteen.

And Sarah doesn't like it when you're late.

I started running towards the bakery, yelling  "Sorry!" behind me several times whenever I nearly collided with another human being.

I finally reached my destination, the bells ringing as I opened the door.

"Ah, there she is!" Sarah's voice filled my ears, her hand wrapping around my wrist and pulling me to the kitchen.

"Okay, everything is loaded into the truck already, I just need you to drive to the venue without destroying everything, yeah? Holly is already in the truck waiting on you, so off you go!" She dropped the keys in my hand, pushing me out the back door.

Everything was always fast paced working at the bakery.

I opened the drivers door and slid into the seat, Holly in the passenger seat already, fingers tapping against her phone screen.

"Oh look, you finally showed up," I rolled my eyes at her attitude. Honestly, if I could punch her in the face without an altercation, I would.

"Whatever. I wasn't even supposed to work today." I buckled my seat belt, starting the van up and pulling onto the main road.

"We're going to Eastern Banquet Hall, by the way." She spoke, her eyes not leaving her phone.

"Really? That's the biggest one in town."

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