Author's Rant

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Hey guys, it's Rebecca here. Something occurred this morning, and I just want to say a few things.

Jen and I are teenage girls. We are both in school, working extremely hard. We both have friends and family we spend time with. We both have loads of homework, and chores, and things that occupy most of our time. We both have a life.

But for you guys, we take free time we have to write for you. We enjoy writing, it's a hobby of both of ours, and we try as hard as we can to make time to post these imagines that you all have requested.

Sometimes it's hard for us. Some requests are vague, some we don't feel inspired to write, and sometimes we just don't feel like writing. But we do. For you guys.

Sometimes it takes a while for us to find the time to write them. So then we feel bad for making you all wait, and we rush the writing process to get something out to you. Sometimes it's sub-par, yes, and we're not 100% happy with what we wrote but we want to get your imagines out to you quickly, before you forget you even asked for one!

We do try our best though. But apparently our best isn't always good enough. I'm not going to call anybody out, but there was a comment on Jen's imagine that hurt her. A lot.

This isn't meant to be harsh, or rude, but we want you all to realize we are human. We're not going to be perfect, write perfect imagines, we're just not! Nobody is perfect. We also have feelings, so when you say our work is "not that bad", our feelings are going to be hurt. We're going to feel like absolute shit because we tried to make you happy, but it didn't work.

Basically, I just want to say if you're not happy with what we give you, we're genuinely sorry. We tried. It's not always easy. As a writer, I have two stories I'm writing on my personal along with writing these imagines. I have so much stress on me to write, write, write, that it gets to the point where I don't have it in me to write. I get so stressed and it takes me days to write a measely 1000 words.

So please, be understanding with us. We are trying. If you're unhappy with what we did, simply message us and we'll gladly rewrite it for you. But please don't comment something harsh for everybody to see, because it will make us look bad.

We all have bad days. Nobody deserves to be criticized publicly, especially when we try our hardest to write these imagines and get them posted as soon as we can.

On a happier note, thank you thank you thank you! We've gotten so far with these imagines. There's been some troubles along the way, but we've done so well and I hope we go even farther!

Have a nice day. x

One Direction ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora