Niall -Army Homecoming (Christie)

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Requested by: Nerd--x

So sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoy it!

Warning: This story includes a mature topic. DO not read if you are opposed to that type of writing! Thank you!

The first weekend in September meant something special to me. Not because I got a day off from everything that caused my life to usually be chaos, but because of something that I have been waiting for, for a very long time.

I jumped out of bed excited to start my day. I threw on a shirt that I had gotten just for today, a sheer deep red shirt that flowed perfectly with my dark jeans. I just knew that this outfit would get me in the mood for what was going to be the perfect day.

My boyfriend for two years is coming back from the Army today. He was stationed overseas, which meant a lot of missed Skype calls, not enough phone calls, and sometimes a few text messages a day. Other than that, I haven't had any contact with him in 14 months. It was hard on me at first, but then it just got to the point that it was a good day when I just got an 'I love you' from him. Niall was one of the guys that always put people in front of himself, but this was an exception. He had wanted to do this his whole life, I pushed him to do so. Although I was sad that he decided to put his dream on hold for me, I was thrilled because I got to feel his touch again, his lips on mine. He was mine again.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was time to go to the airport, I had butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't contain my happiness. I drove the whole way there screaming my favorite band at the top of my lungs to keep me from shaking while driving. The shakes came back as soon as I saw the airport. I saw all the families running to the airport pickup with signs of welcome home and I miss you. I even saw a 'Will You Marry Me'. It was touching, I felt like I wasn't alone anymore.

They came walking off the plane, one by one and that's when I saw his blonde hair. Everything else blurred around me as he jogged the rest of the way. We didn't say anything, he just picked me up and hugged me, twirling me around. He looked different, stronger.

"Christie, you look so beautiful. I can't believe that I have you in my arms again." Niall said while trying to hide his smile. I couldn't say anything, no words would come out while I tried to speak.

"Love, are you ready to go back home?" he asked me while kissing my head. I couldn't believe this was happening. "I got you some presents.

"Absolutely, lets go. I have everything already set up." While he was gone, I moved into an apartment, our apartment. I couldn't believe that he was here to start our life together. I just wonder what my present would be.. I didn't like surprises and he knew that.

The hour long drive home went by fast. We talked and laughed and sang. He had such a beautiful voice. We talked about the future, I got more butterflies, the usual. He touched my thigh as I drove through our city, leaving Goosebumps in his wake. His touch was electric to me, I couldn't get enough.

"Well, here it is! Casa de Horan!" I said as I waved my hand in front of the door.

"Well, jump up. I have to carry you over the threshold." Niall said as he threw me over his shoulders, me kicking and screaming. As he was still carrying me, he looked around everywhere. Looking at the living room and kitchen before setting his eyes on what would be our bedroom. He started walking towards it with a look in his eyes. I knew what was coming, and my skin was crawling. After 14 months, it was happening.

"It's time for your present, Christie." Niall whispers as he lays me down on the bed. "It's been so long." I tried to contain a smile thinking about it.

As I am laying down on my bed, Niall trails kisses up my neck, letting them linger. He moves from my neck to my stomach, still kissing and sucking. I ran my fingers through his hair, earning a groan from him. His fingers took my shirt in them and pulled it over my head, then quickly pulling my pants to the ground. I could hardly let my mind catch up with me.

Niall was over top of me, running his hand over my body, me trying to gasp for air. The feeling that this gave me was something that I couldn't imagine before now. The pleasure and love that I felt, was incomparable to anything else. F uck that was amazing, I thought while I was catching my breath, running my fingers over his chest, and then his lower parts that caused so much pleasure.

"Niall, you are amazing. I love you so much, I'm glad you are home." I say to him after we finished proving our love to each other. He just kissed me deeply, letting our tongues explore each other after so much missed him. I could have replayed the sex that had just happened over and over again in my head.

"Never leave me again?" I asked as I pulled away from our long kiss.
"Christie, I could never leave you again. You're lucky I'd even let you leave this bed", Niall said as he pulled me to his chest, bare skin to bare skin. "Now, you want to go another round?"

I smiled and nodded as we began again, and I couldn't imagine being anywhere but here either. In this bed with Niall.

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