Liam- He Find's Out Your Boyfriend's Cheating on You Part 2

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Requested by fireproof_stylinson

Warming: This has very adult content and I strongly advice you not to read this, unless you are 13+ of course :)


"I'm not messing around with you babe, not when you're in this mental state." Liam moves away from me.

"It's not messing around if you don't want it to be" I reply, moving back towards him. If I wasn't feeling rejected enough that my boyfriend's been cheating on me for god knows how long, now Liam's rejecting me.

"You know I've always wanted more Y/N" Liam says angrily, his face was slightly red and very angry. "But there were always guys that were betting looking, or in the rugby team or drives a really nice car..." Liam mimics the words that I had once said to him.

"That's not true Liam" I say quietly. It mustn't be true. Liam always had girlfriend after girlfriend. "What about Kelsey? You were together for ages!" I replied, trying to prove him wrong.

"I only was with her because I couldn't have you." Liam stood up from the bed and turned the film off. "Look I don't know what you want me to say, I wasn't enough for you and that's okay, but don't use me to get over your cheating boyfriend." He walks out of the room, leaving me speechless. It wasn't like that, was it? I'm not using him. I was in love with him for two years before I gave up my feelings when he asked out Kelsey. I was heart broken.

I followed Liam's steps down the stairs and into the kitchen. Liam was standing over the sink with a glass of water. He slowly drank from it, I guess he was trying to calm himself down. I know Liam, I know how angry he gets. He has to cool off and have some space before speaking to anyone, or else he flips out. He glugs the water down and places the empty glass on the work surface making a little clanging noise. I walk over to him, his back was still to me. Once behind him I place my fingers on his back and trail them round to his toned abs. With our height difference rather noticeable, I place my head on his back.

"It's you that I want Li, you. I was so in love with you for so long and when you didn't do anything, and went out with someone else, I felt like I was just your friend. Li, please." I begged. Liam moved his hands to be on top of mine and gripped them affectionately.

"Babe." Liam states, as though I was mentally supposed to know what he really wanted to say. With our hands still connected, I walk away, forcing him to follow me. I take him through the hall and up the stairs again. "You haven't even spoken to To..."

"Don't say his name" I interrupt, still continuing to Liam's room.

"It's wrong." Liam states.

"You don't have to do anything..." I open his door and allow us both in. "All you have to do is" I push him forcefully onto his bed, "say there" I giggle, not really believing that I would say such things. I close Liam's door.

"But," Liam starts and I glare into his direction. The confusion and the indecision on Li's face was obvious. He sat up and put his feet onto the floor. "You're right, screw him." Liam threw out his arms to me, grabbing my legs and pulling them towards him. His hands trail over my jeaned legs, sending me weak.

My fingers instinctively went to the back of his neck and gently pulled on his tousled hair. "Sit" Liam says, signalling with his eyes that I should sit on his lap, but still facing him. I did as I was told and straddled my legs around his body, letting them lay out behind him on the bed. Liam pulled me closer to him so that our bodies were moulded together. Playfully, I bounced up and down a little on his crotch. Liam moved his hands to my back and trailed his fingers up and down, teasingly. Knowing the hold I have over him at this point, I change tactic. I slowly move my hips in a circular pattern on his lap. Knowing that this was working, I glide my fingers over his chest and to the hem of his shirt and start to lift it. After the shirt was over his head, items of clothing were rapidly dropping off the pair of us until we were in our underwear.

Liam leant back so that he was lying down and pull me, by my feet, so that my clothed crotch was in front of his face. Playfully, Liam nuzzled into me, sending me crazy. Leaving me with no time to think, Liam started to lick the material of my lace pants. I pressed the back of my head into his stomach, knowing all too well what was coming next. Lapping rhythmically, Liam soaks my underwear. Hooking his finger into the rim of my pants, Liam pulls them off quickly. I felt completely exposed, self conscious and everything else someone feels when in this sort of situation. With his thumb, Liam presses my labia to either sides, so that I was completely exposed, right in front of his face. Once satisfied, he reattaches his tongue to me.

"Liam." I say unable to think of anything else to say. Squirming uncontrollably, I cannot think of anything, my mind is completely blank in the bliss.

"Mate? You home?" A familiar voice shouted through the house. Oh God...


Hi all, just checking that everyone is still okay after reading this^ It's my first proper naughty scene, in detail. I hope this is what you all were expecting to happen and there's so major surprises. Hope this wasn't too horrible to read! Thanks to everyone who has ever read an imagine or is a regular reader-much love. <3

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