Niall- First Date (Aideen)

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Requested by: bunny_xox123_

Aideen's POV

"If I wear the matt red lipstick, it will clash with my nails, but it will match my bag. But if I wear my pink lipstick, it'll match my nails but will look hideous with my brown bag... Do you see my dilemma?" I say to my friend over the phone. I've got a date tonight. My first one in a long time. To make my nerves even worst, it's with Niall Horan from One Direction. I need to look good. He's probably been out with supermodels, what will he think of me? It's like comparing a cow to a corgi-I'm the cow my the way.

"It's better to have the red lips, Hun. Don't go with the pink! What time is he picking you up?" Ash asked me. I applied the red lipstick, agreeing with her.

"Hold on, let me finish my lip...erm, in ten minutes" I reply after looking at my phone. "I'll talk to you later, thanks for the help, I need to get my shoes on and reapply my perfume!" I hang up before she answers.

Throwing my phone onto my bag, I toss it over my shoulder to the rush down stairs with it. I fling the bag, with my phone in-that's surprisingly not broken- onto the sofa, before digging out my best black heels.

Quickly I tie the straps. The door bell rings. Shoot! Hurriedly, I grab my belongings and go to open the door. Knowing my face was flushed, I held my nerve and swung the door open. Wow.

"Hi" I giddily say, whilst staring at Niall who was standing in a black suit.

"Hi" he replies, unable to say much more. "Ready?" He asks whilst looking up and down my body, before smirking.

"Yes" I reply, incredibly shyly. I follow his beckoning hand and get into the passenger side to his car.

"I thought a meal out would be nice" Niall tells me as he starts up the ignition.

"That sounds lovely" I smile, feeling so incredibly awkward. I've never felt so nervous.

"Good, it's just a little independently run restaurant, just round the corner from here. It's nice, or at least that's what the online reviews said."  Niall's eyes were glued to the road, but his voice traveled to me softly.

"What type of food is it?" I ask, trying to be confident but knowing that my sweaty palms and my cheeks were bright red.

"Indian, I discovered it whilst I was with the boys, ya' know, on the road and that." Niall tells me. I have no answer. I've never been traveling, nor have I been in a successful boyband. He's so out of my league.

"Yeah..." I reply.

"Do you like Indian? We can go somewhere else if you don't?" Niall says whilst putting on the indicator, showing that he was about to park, just outside the restaurant.

"I've never had it before, but I'd love to try it" I reply, trying to interesting.

"Good." Niall says before opening his door. I mimic his actions and get out of the car.

Niall asks the waiter for our table and we sit down. He orders a selection of meals so that I could try a little bit of everything, how adorable. Niall also ordered me a drink and him a pint of bear. After tens of awkward first date glances at each other, I place my hands on the table to play with the cutlery. The waiter returned with our drinks and then left quickly.

"So, Aideen, tell me about yourself" he says after sipping from his pint glass.

"Well, I'm just your average girl really. Never travelled, never gotten drunk nor high. I'm just a good girl. What about you?" I answer truthfully.

"There's nothing wrong with a good girl," Niall tells me smiling. He looked so cute "I used to be a pretty normal guy, but you know the story. I like this part of town, it's very normal- what I aspire to be. What's your type then?"

"Of guy?" I ask, checking what he actually wanted me to answer.

"Yeah, I already know the type of wine you drink" he joked, pointing to my full glass of wine that I help in my hands.

" I don't really go for a physical type, like tall ect. I tend to go for guys who smile a lot, especially the ones who make me laugh. I'd hate to be stuck with someone who bored me to tears" I say, laughing at the thought. "What about you?" The waiter reappears with the selection of dishes that Niall order for me to try. They all looked amazing. Niall gestured for me to dig in, and I did. Pulling an appreciative face, Niall laughed at my facial expressions.

"Anyway...I'm not interested in guys" Niall replies dryly. I smile a his poor excuse of a joke. "I like girls with a bit of attitude, ya'know? Someone who knows their own mind but will also be up for trying something new. Like you." He tells me, looking into his glass.

"Like me?" I  repeat whilst wiggling my eyebrow at him, teasingly.

"Yeah, why else would I want to date you."

"So you're thinking of more than one date?"

"Of course, you're not the type of girl that a decent guy leaves. I want to get to know you-properly."

One Direction ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora