1 - Meeting Bands

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-Maya's POV-

"Hey, Dahlia! How are you?" I ask as I slowly walk into her room. She had just redecorated/ painted her room. Now it has white walls, one covered in drawings. She's really artistic.

"Good!" She looks up from her notebook, obviously drawing again.  "You?"

"I'm alright, thanks," I say as I sit down on her blue blanketed bed. "Who's that?" I ask pointing to her notebook. It's of some guy who, might I add, is really attractive.

"It's Luke, Calums friend. I'm drawing a picture of the four of them as a present for their first big concert!" She squeals excitedly.


"Hey, what happened between you and Cal that other day when you and him went to go see a movie?" I raise my eyebrows while playfully smiling at her, forgetting Luke for a while. I've only really ever met Cal. He is practically engaged to Dahlia. They aren't dating but they obviously love each other.

"Maya, it wasn't a date! We've been friends for years, you know that!" Dahlia's face turns red.

"No, no of course it wasn't." I say sarcastically, "cause he totally doesn't drool over you, right? Stupid, stupid Maya. What was I thinking!?!?"

"Oh don't be ridiculous! Seriously, Maya, he really doesn't like me like that."

"Yeah, yeah okay. That's why your face is as red as a fire truck right?"

"Oh my gosh," she tries to hide her face with her hands, "Stop, please!"

I start laughing at her. I mean this is what best friends are for right?

"Your face right now," I say while laughing crazily. She obviously loves him. I mean I'm her best friend. We grew up together. I can tell these things.

Bzzz bzzz bzzz

I look at my phone, it's a call from Calum. That's weird. I never get a call from Cal. It's always Dahlia.

"Hey..." I say into the phone

"Heyyy Maya, how are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"Amazing! So uh. Anyways I wanted to ask you something."

Dahlia looks at me and mouths 'who is it?'. I mouth back 'your true love'. In response she rolls her eyes and continues the drawing of Luke.

"Yeah...?" I say to Calum.

"Did you and Dali want to come over so you could meet the guys?"

"Sure. What time?"

"Well I'm at the door..."

"WHAT THE HECK CALUM!" I yell into the phone, "whatever, come on in." I end the phone call and explain it all to Dali.

We jump into the back of Ash's car cause he is the only one allowed to drive. I am on the drivers side behind Ash, next to me is Cal, then Dali. Mikey is in the passengers seat.

I look over at Cal who is blushing nervously and say, "Cal. You idiot." While slapping the back of his head.

"Oww. That hurt." He replied.

"That was kinda the point." I smile, "next time at least give us a ten minute warning okay?"

"Okay." He raised his arms up in defence. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, yeah."

I look out the window and watch as the city of Sydney passes by me. We are currently driving to Luke's place. They have band practice there today. I'm not sure why they would want me there. They barely even know me. But I mean... They are all good looking. So I'm cool with it.

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