57 - Leave

54 11 1

Maya's POV

Luke meets me after school at the bus stop. These past few days the meds haven't been working very well. At the hospital they said that they would raise my dosage on Friday, in two days.

"Hi," he kisses me.

"Hi, I sadly have math homework." I show him the textbook.

"That sucks. How are you feeling?"

I sigh, "Fine."

He puts an arm around me as we walk home. I'm not sure how Luke feels about everything. He hasn't been saying much. It's worrying me. Does he hate me for it?

Once we get home, I sit down and start doing my homework. I go through all of them fast enough. I'm actually pretty good at math, which is surprising. Eventually, I come across one equation that I just don't understand. I frown at the paper and pout a bit.

"What is it honey?" Luke puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I can't do this math problem!" My eyes fill up with tears.

"N-need a calculator..?"

Tears start streaming down my face, "I have a calculator!"

"Want help then?"

I sniff, "I- I don't know."

"Why are you so upset?" He frowns.

"Because I can't do the equation!"

"It's okay, it's only one question."

"But I'm supposed to be good at math!" More tears fall.

"Maya it's just one question. You are good at math."

I cry more and wrap my arms around him. "I'm a failure."

"What? No!"

"I'm sorry Luke," I hug him tighter while crying.


I let go and wipe away my tears. He doesn't deserve to be caught up in my problems too. "You know what? I'll just go call Aaron."


"Because you don't need me to be like this around you."

"Well why are you bothering him then?"

That was harsh.

"Um because he wants me to..?" I honestly don't know what to say.

He mutters, "Doesn't he have a life?"

Suddenly I'm not sad about math anymore, "Excuse me?"


"Why would you say that?" I'm sure you can hear the hurt in my voice.

"Say what?"

"Luke, do I matter to you?"

"Of course!"

"Then why would you say that he had no life for wanting to help me. Cause that makes it obvious that you don't want to help me."

He rolls his eyes, "I was joking."

"And I wasn't." I pick up my textbook and make my way upstairs.

"Seriously Maya?! Being sad isn't an excuse for temper tantrums."

I stop walking, look at him while blinking my tears back. I slowly shake my head, "Leave."

"What?" He stares me down.

I shrug, "Get out."

"You're kicking me out?"

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