54 - Asprin

67 11 7

Maya's POV

"How are you really?" Aaron sits next to me at the park. We decided to eat lunch in a quiet place where there's no people.

"It's getting harder to be happy. To feel anything other than sadness and depression. Aaron I just want this to end. Right now. Plus, Luke thinks I'm a brat."

"He's... He doesn't understand. He doesn't know WHY you're like this." Aaron pauses. "And if he did know, he's just a kid. We're all just kids." He frowns.

I put my face in my hands and mumble, "Why can't it all be over?"

He shrugs.

I look at him, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course," he looks over.

"What did you mean when you said you HAD to save me? Something about being your last chance?"

His expression turns to stone as he stands up. "We should get back in case the bell rings and we don't hear it."

"Are you okay?"

"Class. Important." He starts to walk away.

I stand up and run over to him, "Hey? I'm sorry."

He lowers his eyes," No. I'm sorry."

"I shouldn't have asked anyway. I'm kinda very stupid."

"It's not," he shrugs and lifts his chin to the sky, showing plainly his Adam's apple. "It's not stupid."

I frown and try to change the subject, "It's too hot outside."

"Been a long time, a long time," he mutters, shaking his head.

I stop and grab onto his arm, "Hey? Aaron?"

He shakes his head harder, "No."

"Are you okay? What's going on?"

He stops and scrunches his eyebrows together. "She's dead," he says it plainly, like you would know what and who he's talking about.

"Who's dead?"

"Mmm mmm." He purses his lips and the pain in his eyes is all too evident.


"Amie," he whispers.

"Who's Amie?" And that's when I remember the family pictures. The skinny girl with no life in her eyes. The girl I've never heard about. "Is she the one in those family pictures?"

"I can't do this today. I- I can't do this ever."

"I'm sorry," I frown. "Forget I said anything."

"My sister." He says it as if it were a breath.

"Your sister?"

He nods.

I try to put two and two together. If he needs to save me and she's dead... "Did she...?"

"Was my job. I was... It was my TURN."

"No... No." I shake my head and look down.

"Yes!" He yells, causing me to jump.

"Aaron! It's not your fault. You couldn't stop her."

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH! It was MY TURN. They left her with me. I just had to make sure she ate her supper. One night, Maya. It was one night. And I fell asleep. I fell asleep in the next room over." He starts to shake a bit.


"My mom had to come home and wake me up to tell me, sobbing, that my sister was dead. My MOTHER had to tell the person who basically was responsible for it that her beloved, sick daughter was gone." His face is full of panic while he's shaking.

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