10 - Admit It

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*Dahlias POV*

"Tell me. Now," Maya demands.

"Just a cute English guy from a coffee shop," I say simply.

"What about Calum?"

"Um," I laugh. "What about Calum?"

"Can't you tell he loves you? And you love him too."

"Oh please," I guffaw.

"Lia! Why don't you just admit it?"

"I don't do love anymore, okay? Just stop!"

"Why, Dahlia? Why?"

"I should go," I blink back tears.

"No. Tell me what happened."

"Nothing Maya, just reality."

"Tell me!"

"It was a long time ago, and I've moved on. I don't want to bring up the past," his face comes into my mind for a second. No. Push it away.

"Dahlia... I'm not leaving until you tell me."

"I can't. Please," I plead. "I've been pushing every little feeling like that away successfully up until today. Please Maya. Let it go."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I smile sadly. "You're just concerned. I would be too."

Maya smiles and gives me a hug. "Lia, whenever you want to talk about it, just come tell me."

"I," I stop and stare at her concerned face. "I will."


"I promise," I say. "And about the Luke thing?"


"Just tell him. You deserve love more than anyone Maya."


She protested, but I eventually sent Maya on her way to go tell Luke how she feels. Whether she will or not, I don't know.

Giving Matt my number was the stupidest thing to do. This is how those dumb love stories start. Why didn't I say no? Normally I can ignore puppy eyes, but not his. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I reply to the text that I got from him earlier.

'Hello Dahlia!'


He messages back instantly.

'Would you like to come to dinner with me tonight?'

I stare at the invitation to dinner, not knowing what to do. If Maya is talking to Luke, she'll be busy. I doubt Calum will talk to me, ugh I hate truth or dare. Ashton and Michael just left, who knows how long they'll be gone. Why not go? What's the harm anyway? When I go home I'll never see him again anyway.

'Sure,' I type. I stare at the message, regretting it instantly as it sends.

And then the screen reads, 'Message Sent'

*Maya's POV*

After Dahlia finally convinced me to go tell Luke how I feel, she practically shoved me out the door. I walk down the hallway to the boys room shaking and slightly sweaty.

"Hey Cal," I see Calum sitting outside the door.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked noticing my nerves.

"I'm gonna tell him."

Calum's eyes widen, "Tell Luke?" He whispers.

"Yeah," I bite my lip.

"Wow. Uh. He likes you too. It'll all go fine."

"Thanks," I smile. Calum looks down and I notice he looks sad. "What's wrong with you?"


"Go tell her. Now."


"Now," I pull him up off of the ground and push him towards mine and Dahlia's room.

"O-okay," He walks down to her room.

"You can do it!" I whisper-yell.

Turning around, I see Ashton at the door. "So you are gonna tell him now?"

"I'm taking Luke to the aquarium. If he wants to come."

"Oh he's coming," Michael says from behind Ashton.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure he's just in the shower," Ash says

I sit down on the couch and my stomach feels slightly sick. I'm so nervous. What if he doesn't like me back? What if I ruin our friendship?

"Relax," Ashton says.

"You'll do fine," Michael throws his arms around me and hugs me.

"I'm scared," I say quietly as I pull out of the hug.

Ashton goes to speak but Luke walks into the room. He's wearing black jeans and a grey sweater. His hair wet.

"Hey Luke," I smile. Seeing him really calms my nerves.

"Hey Maya."

"Wanna go to the aquarium with me? There's gonna be penguins," Knowing how much he loves penguins, I know he'll come.

"Of course!"

"I'm ready whenever you are," I had already brought my red coat with me so I don't need to go back for that.

"Okay let's go," He says as he walks out of the room.

As I leave Michael and Ash yell a few things. Some encouraging. Most just plain stupid.


"Luke look at the seal! It's adorable," I gush looking at the animals. They are all so cute. The majority of the time Luke has just been watching me with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"He kinda looks like you," Luke replies.


"No, it's a good thing. You are both so cute!"

I smile at Luke and take his hand to show him the penguins. It's time.

"Maya! Look at the penguins. Look at them! Look!" Luke gushes over them.

"They are amazing," I look over at Luke. He's smiling and having fun.

After 10 minutes of looking at the penguins, I decide it's time.

"Hey Luke? I've gotta tell you something. It's really important," There are only a few people around us. So it's pretty quiet.

"Yeah Maya. Anything," I grab his hands.

"Well, ever since I met you, I knew I liked you. And by 'like' I mean that I had a crush on you. Just not as much back then. But now," I pause and look into his eyes, "I think I might love you," I finish speaking.

He just stood there with wide eyes. My heart falls when he didn't speak. "You know what never mind. It was stupid anyways. I-" I start but stop speaking when Luke cupped my face in his hands, making me let go of him.

He then leaned in and I felt the warmth of our lips connecting. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. It was an amazing feeling.

After about one minute of kissing, Luke pulled away and started speaking, "I never thought that you would tell me. I love you. Maya Hawthorne I love you so much." He says pulling me into another kiss.

I pull away and say "I love you too." Just after I speak, I go back in for another kiss.

Hey guys! We wanted to say thanks SO MUCH to cliffords_pants queenofcxke HemmingBird14  @im_a_CALM_girl @_amy_is_a_penguin_  For your votes and comments! :D
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