55 - Prescritption

53 11 0

Aaron's POV

Maya told me that she's not allowed to get her medication without getting a parent to sign this piece of paper. That wouldn't be a problem if one, her uncle lived closer to us and two, she wanted him to know. She was freaking out because she didn't want to tell him. I mean I do understand why. It's a scary thing to be depressed.

So of course me being completely stupid, I said I'd tell him for her. Also that I would get him to come up to help her get the initial prescription. I can't help it sometimes. She's just so beautiful. And she's my chance. My last chance.

"Hello?" A deep Australian voice speaks into the phone. I don't think I'll get used to everyone being Australian. I miss Canada.

"Hi, are you Mr. Pearce?" Maya should really be the one doing this.

"Yes... Who are you?" He asked in a confused tone.

"I'm Aaron, one of Maya's friends. I um, I need to tell you something for her."

"What is that?" He sounds slightly annoyed. He probably thinks I'm some kid trying to prank him.

"Well she's been very... Down lately. She hasn't had much of an appetite and she just... Isn't herself. And um, I asked her to go to the hospital to get checked out. Sir, she was diagnosed with severe depression. They suggested medication and she wants to try it out but, they need you to approve it and to pay for her visits and everything. She was scared to tell you, so she asked me to call you. I'm so sorry."

He doesn't respond for a long time. I almost ask him if he's still there but before I have the chance he says, "Tell her I'll be there by tomorrow. I'll take some personal days off work."

"I'll tell her for you."

There's a long and awkward silences before he speaks again, "Thank you, Aaron. That must've been hard."

"I just want to do anything to help her get better."

And then he says that he has to go and we say goodbye. I shove my phone into my pocket and knock on the door to Maya's house.

She opens the door looking like she'd been crying recently. I'd like to say that it isn't normal, but it is. She's almost always crying.

"Hey, I can't stay but I just wanted to tell you I called him." I smile.

"Thank you," it comes out as practically a whisper. She steps outside and hugs me.

"Anything for you."

Maya's POV

*the next day*

"Dahlia I'm terrified," we're waiting for my uncle. He should be here soon.

"It'll be okay."

"But what if it isn't?!"

"But it WILL be."

"What's he gonna say? He's gonna hate me isn't he?"

"What? Maya no!"

I'm about to say something but the doorbell rings. It's him. He's here. Dahlia gets the door for me.

I can hear their voices talking but I can't make out what they're saying. I stand by the counter, growing slightly impatient. If something bad is gonna happen, I just want it over with.

Within a matter of seconds, my uncle is walking in and wrapping his arms around me. He hugs me for a really long time before he whispers, "It's gonna be okay."

"I'm sorry," I start to cry.

"No, no it's okay. Shhh." He comforts me just like my dad used to.

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