60 - Goodbye Aaron goodbye

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Maya's POV

"Maya? You sounded sad on the phone. Are you okay?" Michael says as he opens his door.

I don't want Michael to be sad. He's always so happy and I don't wanna damage that. I just need someone. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just hadn't taken my meds yet." I smile at him.

"Oh... You're good now though?"

"Mhmm." I pull my sleeves over my hands to cover the fact that I'm still shaking.

"Well, here's a hug anyway." He smiles and gives me a hug.

"Thanks." I pull out my phone, "Did you call Hailey yet?"

He blushes, "Yeah... I think she likes Ashton though." A look of disappointment spreads along his face.

I smile half heartedly, "You never know."

"Yeah." He looks doubtful. "Anyway."

"You should keep trying, Mikey."

"Eh, She's just a little bit out of my limit." He shrugs.

I lightly push his shoulder, "Come on. Don't say that. Hailey likes confident guys."

He makes a weird face.

"Michael, you can do it. You just can't let her friend zone you."

"Can we talk about other stuff?" He begs

I sigh, "Fine. What do you want to talk about?"


"We can talk about London."

"Why would we?"

I shrug, "Something to talk about."

"London. Somewhere you, Luke, Calum, and Dahlia got all coupley." He smirks. "Done. Let's talk about something else. Hey, where IS dahlia today?"

"I don't know. Calum came over and I left."

"Ah, giving them alone time." He wiggles his eyebrow.

"Yeah... Sure..."

"So." He taps his feet.

"I missed you so much."

"Aww." He laughs. "Come 'ere" He comes and gives me a hug.

I smile softly, "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know."

I look down, "What do you think of Aaron?"

"Aaron is great! Actually I was supposed to chill with him today but he called saying he won't be able to make it. He's going away apparently."


"Yeah, said he was gonna meet his sister somewhere. Hey, have you eaten yet? I can make something."

"H-his sister?"

"Yeah... Why?"

"She-she's... Never mind." What's Aaron doing?

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