47 - Couple Thousand Dollars?

58 13 0

+Maya's POV+

I can't believe I just told Dahlia that I hated her. I don't, I'm just mad. I turned on my phone last night. A Twitter notification popped up. Dahlia tweeted about being in a graveyard.

I need to be there for her.


"Can I please leave this life yet...?"

No... Dahlia. I can't let this happen.

Dahlia was sitting by her moms grave. This is the first time I've been here since they died. I sit next to her and stare at my parents' graves, "I'd hate it if you died. I'd hate myself."

She jumps, "I... I didn't mean that... I..."

"Dahlia... It's okay."

"You don't need to pretend you care..."

"I do care," I look into her eyes, "I care more about you than I care about myself."

"I'm sorry Maya."

"No... I'm the one who should be sorry. I ran away and I told you that I hated you. But I don't, I love you."

"I love you too," she warps her arms around me.

I hug her back, "Is it too late for me to come back home?"

"No. Please come home."

"Thanks," I give her a small smile as we pull away. I look at my parents' graves.

I run my fingers over their names, "I miss them."


"Maybe if they were here... Everything would be normal? I don't know. But I do know I wouldn't have messed up like I did."

"Maya, you didn't even do anything? What do you mean?"

"I shouldn't have ran away."

"Seems to run in our family," she laughs slightly.

"You know I'm here for you? Right?"

"Okay. I'm here for you too," she buttons up her school blazer.

"I'm sorry for being so depressed lately. It just... Takes over my body."

"I know."

"I can't stop it. I just wish... That this could all be over."

"Maya... do we have a few thousand dollars?"

"Um... From our old jobs and the last gig... Yeah."

"Can we go see them on spring break?"

"Are you serious?" I ask suddenly feeling happy.


"Thank you so much." I hug her tightly.

"We can't tell them though. It's a surprise."

"How're we gonna pull that off?"

"Won't be hard for me. You though... You need secret keeping lessons..." her smile fades as she looks sad again, "Wait. Maybe you should go. Like, without me."


"Come on, they'd love to see you."

"They would all love to see you. Especially Calum."

"Maybe not him so much."

"What. Did. He. Do."

"Nothing, it was me. He's mad at me for kind of ignoring him this last little while..."

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