15 - You Make Me Smile

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-Dahlias POV-

"Ohhh," I groan. "Where am I?"

My vision is blurry, I think the room is empty. I see people in scrubs walking around outside. I look beside my bed, oh. I'm not alone here.

I slowly reach out to touch the person, but miss. What's wrong with my depth perception? I try again. My hand grabs her shoulder, and I try to shake her awake.

My head feels so fuzzy... She opens her eyes and starts to cry.

"I know you," I smile. You're my sister, right?"

She just cries harder. Did I say something wrong? I give her I questioning look.

"Where am I?" I ask. "My head feels funny. Is your name Maya? I love Maya. Where's Calum? I miss him. He's my best friend in the whole world. I love him so much! Just like I love you!"

A boy runs into the room. I know him too. His name is... Is...

"Luke," Maya says between sobs.

Yes, that's his name. Three more boys run into the room.

"My family!" I say happily. I feel a tear on my cheek. "I thought my family died. I love you..."

"What's wrong with her?" Maya whispers, but I hear it.

"I don't know." 

"She's fine," a strange woman says.

That's good. I feel fine. Except my head. I have my family again! I missed them.

"Why is she like this?" One of the boys says. Calum.

Hearing him speak makes me smile. Looking at him makes me smile.

"It's the pain meds mostly. She hurt her head pretty bad, but there wasn't much damage to her brain. She'll probably be very tired for a few days, but she will be fine."

Tired. Yes, I feel that.

"So she's gonna be okay?" Maya says. She's not crying now. That's good. I don't want my sister to cry. Crying is sad.

"Should be good as new in a few days, honey."

"I want a puppy," I say. It seems to startle them.

"You've always wanted a puppy," Calum whispers.

"Puppies are nice..." His voice still makes me smile. "You're nice too."

"So are you Dali, so are you."

"I am going to sleep now," I say. "Goodnight..."

What do you guys think of loopy Dahlia?
Glad to find out she's going to be okay? ;)

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