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Maya's POV

*Tuesday, March 5, 2013*

We leave in four days to go see the boys. I'm so excited yet I'm still kinda sad. I'm not sure why. I should be happy... I'm going to see them.

Maybe it's because I know that nothing lasts forever. But I want me and him to last forever. I want all my moments with him to last forever. But nothing does.

I just got home from school. I put on some grey sweats and an over sized sweater. I go downstairs and lay on the couch, waiting for Aaron to come over.
He went home to change, so he should be here any minute.

Eventually, he arrives. "Hey Aaron."

"Hey there."

"How's things?"

"Things are good. For you?"

I sigh, "Okay I guess."

"Need a hug?"

"That would be really nice."

He pulls me into a hug, "You look beautiful today by the way."

"No I don't."

"I think you do."

"Yeah? And why is that?"

"Why do I think you're beautiful? Because of your eyes, and your smile, and your hair tucked behind yours ears like that. You're just beautiful in general. The very definition."

I smile a bit and walk to the kitchen to get water, "You're funny you know."

"I'm not joking you know," he smiles goofily.

"Mmhm. Sure." I roll my eyes.

"You can be kinda frustrating," he teases.

"I am very aware of this," I walk over to the couch and lay on it. He had come with me to the kitchen.

He follows me back to the living room, "But not in a bad way."

"So I'm frustrating in a good way?" I laugh and sit up and move my feet so Aaron can sit down.

He sits and rests his elbows on my knees, "Yes. Because you can't make anything in a bad way. For you it seems impossible."

I laugh and shake my head, "Now you my friend, are crazy."


"I think you are."

"So are you though," he grins.

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah. I see the crazy in your eyes," he leans forward and 'boops' my nose, "You're crazier than me I bet."

"You're weird," I take Luke's penguin and shove it in his face.

"Oh no! I've been attacked!" He laughs, "I thought we were friends, Mayflower!"

"Mayflower?" I laugh.

"Uh huh, because you're small, sweet, strong and beautiful. And it goes with your name."

"Okay. Two of those things are true. That I'm small and that it goes with my name. But I am not sweet, strong or beautiful." I wrap my arms and legs around the penguin.

"I strongly disagree with you."


He takes the penguin from me, "Hey. You're amazing. Everyone thinks so. Why can't you?"

"Can I have my penguin back?"

"Yeah. Sure." He slowly hands the penguin back to me.

"Thanks." I take the penguin back and wrap my arms and legs around him again. I nuzzle my nose into its neck.

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