On My own

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Becca's POV
"Look I'm sorry dude. I didn't know." I say trying to get out of a beating. I was currently in Derek's office and when you're in there it's never for a good reason. "Sorry isn't going to cut it kid. Now either get your ass back out there or you're out for good and I mean it this time kid." He says "Cmon you don't mean that bro. You took me in." I say "Yea because I was trying to impress Sabrina. If it wasn't for her I would have left you on the streets."  He says I was taken a back I've never seen this side of Derek before. He's always been like an older brother to me but now I don't even know who he is. "You know what fine. I don't fucking need you anyways. I don't need you or this place or anyone or anything! I'll be fine by myself" I say "So what are you saying?" He says "I'm saying that I'm done with you and this gang! So you can take this back and give it to the next kid on the street who you care nothing about." I say giving him the first thing he gave me when I got here which was a wristband with the gang sign on it. I then walked out only to be meet with Sabrina standing there at the door. "What happened? Did he hurt you?" She asks protectively. "No I-" I start but get interrupted by Derek. "Kicked out." I glared at him "is it true?" She asks "yea whatever protects your image right Derek?" I say I saw his eyes soften but I didn't care anymore instead I pushed past him and started packing a backpack. "I can't believe this." Sabrina says helping me pack. "I'm gonna miss you baby." She says wiping a tear. "Me too." I say As I hand her a stuffed bear to pack. She smiles "Remember when I gave you this?" She asks I smile and nod "it was when you first taking night shifts. I remember being so scared sleeping here alone. But you gave me this and said 'that as long as I had this bear that it was like having a little piece of you there with me. To protect me.'" I say smiling at the memory. "I'm still always going to have your back Becca" she says pausing "you wanna know why I never called you kid?" She asks I nod "because I never saw you as just some kid that we picked up off the street. To me you were like a sister and you always will be my little sister okay?" She says "Okay and sane goes to you. You were the only person who cared about me here and for that I am forever grateful." I say As I scanned the room looking for items that I may need I saw the ring I gave to Sabrina when I tried to propose. I chuckled "remember this?" I ask holding it up. "Oh my god yes. You took me out when you were 14 and you got down on one knee and gave this whole speech about how much you loved me. I felt so bad for saying no." She says taking the ring from me. "Keep it" I say "no I can't Becca-" she says "No I'm serious Sabrina." I say "I'll treasure it always." She says putting it on. "Well that's everything." I say taking one last look around. "Come here" she says opening her arms I imediantly accept her hug and it lasts for at least 20 minutes. "I'm going to miss you Sabrina" I say she kisses my forehead and says  "me too but keep in touch alright?" She says I nod "You can't get rid of me that easy." I say causing her to laugh. We pulled apart and I put my backpack on. I went downstairs and took one last look around before heading out. Before leaving I took one last look. It hadn't changed from the first time I set foot here. I took a deep breath and opened the door. "Goodbye Hell." I say As I step out into the outside world. Well looks like I'm on my own again. Or so I thought...
A/N: Hey guys so here's another update. So what do you think is going to happen? If you guys have any ideas or feedback I'd love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you guys.

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