A fucking waste of space

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Becca's POV
It was a regular morning with nothing out of the usual. Dinah poured some water on me to wake me up cause well I didn't want to go to school. "Sleep well last night?" Lauren asks kissing my head I smiled and nodded. "That's good" she says "hey um the gang is going to Taco Bell after school can I go?" I ask "Yea of course you can. Do you have enough money?" Ally asks "Yea saved up my allowance" I say "okay well you better go before you're late for school" Mila says I nod and grabbed my backpack from the ground. "I'll see you guys later love you" I say waving as I went out to meet with my friends. Except I noticed that Jamie wasn't with them. "Hey guys where's Jamie?" I ask "oh she woke up with a cold." Megan says "oh okay well we better head to hell" I say causing them all to laugh. "Hey so I hear it's almost your birthday?" Jake says "oh yea I almost forgot about that" I say "How can you forget? I say we throw you a huge birthday bash" Jess says "No guys really it's fine as long as the people I love are around me I'll be happy" I say looking at Megan directly and winking at her. "Okay but I hope you know we're still throwing you a party" Jeremy says I roll my eyes. "Yea I know Jer." I say chuckling. "Alright well come on babe we gotta head to Spanish" Megan says as we say bye to our friends. The school day was going pretty smoothly I hugged Jake Goodbye and headed to Biology alone. I will admit it was kinda a lonely trip without Jamie here telling me an embarrassing story about her siblings. "Look girls it's the bitch who wanted to challenge me on the first day." I heard a voice say I recognized the voice immediately. It was Ashley also know as the bitch who's still out to get me. "I think it's time we taught her a lesson" I heard her say I didn't want to pick a fight so I just kept walking but I heard footsteps behind me so I quickened my pace and made a turn. "Shit!" I muttered as I hit a dead end. "No where to run is there" she says coming closer. I dropped my backpack and got ready to fight. "That's cute but it's three against one sweetheart and you're going to loose." She says as she sends her Barbie minions to push me to the ground and pin me there. While she gets on top of me. "What are you going to do. Rape me?" I say sarcastically curse my smart ass mouth. "In your dreams. Bitch." She says winking at me. She then starts throwing punches at me while her minions start kicking me. I try to get up and fight back but they kept throwing me to the ground. As they beat me up they also yelled insults In my face. "Is that the best you got?" I say Shut the fuck up Becca. Ashley picks me up the ground roughy and pins me up against the wall. "You know the only reason fifth harmony adopted you was for the press. They don't love you. You're just holding them back. You're a fucking waste of space." She says punching me in the gut one last time then she dropped me just as the bell to go to 3rd period rang. I just layed there on the floor crying my eyes out. "Bec?" I hear someone say I flinch as they touched me. "Shhh Bec it's just me." The voice says I look up to see Jess. When she sees my face she looks like she's about to beat someone's ass. "Who did this to you?" She asks I shook my head as she pulled me into a hug. We stayed like that for a while until I calmed down. "Come on let's get out of here." She says grabbing my bag and carrying me. I just spaced out as she carried me to the nurses office. The nurse gave me some ice for my bruised cheek and some bandages for everything else. I had a busted up lip and my stomach ached. "Do you want to go home or stay at school?" The nurse asks me. "I think it's best if I go home" I say she nods and goes to call Lauren. "Look if the girls ask just tell them you fell down the stairs or something. If you tell them the truth they might pull you out of the school." Jess says I nod "but what if they try to beat me up again?" I ask "They won't. They've got five people to deal with if they try to get anywhere near you. Look kid we all care about you and we are gonna make sure those bitches know not to mess with you ever again. Okay?" She says I nodded "okay" I say smiling weakly. "Oh my god Becca what happened?" Lauren says gently grabbing my face. "She fell down the stairs. Luckily I was there to get her back up and bring her here." Jess explains "is that true?" Lauren says looking at me with those green eyes I simply nodded. "Thank you Jess for bringing her here." Lauren says "you're welcome. See you tomorrow kid" Jess says kissing my forehead. Lauren then checked me out of school and drove me home. I went straight up to my room to rest but I couldn't stop thinking about the last thing Ashley said to me. You're a fucking waste of space it reminded me of something someone said to me back in the gang.
I was 11 and it had been a year since Jen had died. We were mourning her that day when Jen's boyfriend Bryan came up to me with an angry look in his eye. "This is all your fault she's gone. If it weren't for you she would still be here." He says "Look I'm sorry okay. I blame myself every fucking day for the past year Man" I say "and you should because of you we have an odd number in the gang there's talk about a sacrifice." He says there was this tradition in our gang that we couldn't have an odd number in the gang. "Well there's no need for it now." He says pulling out a knife. For a second I thought he was gonna kill me. "Look there's no need for this man" Derek says "oh yes there is. I just want to say one last thing to the kid." Bryan says he backs me up to a wall with the knife still in his hand. "It's all your fault she's dead I hope you know that. You're a fucking waste of space and that's all you'll ever be" he says as he holds the knife up to his throat and kills himself. I stood there horrified because I knew that two people died because of me. I ran straight for my room and grabbed something sharp. I was going to kill myself if Sabrina hadn't been there to stop me.
End of Flashback
I let the tears stream down my face as that flashback replayed in my mind. I got out of bed wincing at the pain in my lower back. I got up and went to the bathroom. I got the one thing I hid from the girls. The one thing I thought I was never going to loose in my lifetime. The blade I fiddled with it for a while until I closed the door and sat on the floor. I felt so numb I just needed to feel something.
Lauren's POV
I knew that Becca was lying to me. I could tell when something was up. Plus there was no way that she could have gotten that hurt just from falling down a couple of stairs. The girls went out to get something to eat so I decided I would be the responsible one and take care of Becca. I swear if someone hurt her in that school I'm going to beat the shit out of that person. I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone screaming. I jumped to my feet and ran upstairs to see that the bathroom light was on. I walked in to see a sight I thought I would never have to see. I saw Becca on the floor with a bloody wrist and a blade in her hand. "Oh my god baby" I say dropping to my knees. I got the first aid kit from under the bathroom sink and started to clean up her wounds. "I'm sorry I'm just a waste of space I deserve this." She says crying "no you don't baby girl." I say kissing her head. "Becca you're worth so much more than this. I love you more than anything else in the world. No amount of money could make me more happier than one day with you baby. You are the most precious thing in this world to me and if you were to kill yourself I don't know what I would do without out you. I love you Becca." I say and I meant every word I said. "I love you too mom." She says as I finish bandaging her cuts. I looked up at her shocked that was the first time she actually called me mom. I picked her up and carried her to her room. I decided to stay with her for a while. "Lo?" She says "hmm" I hum in response "Can you sing?" She asks "of course babe" I say kissing her forehead. I decided to sing A team by Ed Sheeran since I know that's one of her favorites.
White lips,pale face breathing in snowflakes burnt lungs sour taste. Lights gone day's end struggling to pay rent long nights strange men and they say she's in the class A team stuck in her daydream been this since 18 but lately her face seems slowly sinking wasting crumbling like pastries and they scream the worst things in life come free to us cause we're all under the upper hand and go mad for a couple grams it's too cold outside for angels to fly.
I smiled as she struggled to stay awake and snuggled into to me.
Ripped gloves raincoat try to swim stay afloat dry house wet clothes. Loose change bank notes weary eyed dry throat call girl no phone.
I sang the chorus just as the girls had arrived. I signoled for them to keep quiet and they all nodded. Dinah of course pulled out her phone to snapchat it probably. As I sang the last few notes Becca fell asleep. The girls took that as a cue to leave so I decided I would just sleep. I'll figure out why she did what she did when we wake up. Right now I just wanted to live in the moment with my beautiful daughter. "I love you baby so much" I whisper kissing her head. Then I slowly joined her in dreamland.
A/N: So there you guys go another chapter. Hope you guys liked it. Well see you guys later oh yea and Comment,Vote and all of that other stuff Kay well love you

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