A night at the Wilson's

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Becca's POV
Megan and I haven't spoken a word about the kiss since it happened all I knew was that I just wanted her to be mine. I stole a few glances here and there throughout the car ride to thier house. I assumed that she did the same because I caught her looking once. "Okay we're here." Jamie says We got out of the car and headed inside. "Alright let's go change into our PJ's!!!" Jake says excitedly. The boys went in one room and the girls in the other. "Alright Jamie and I bought these yesterday and we thought of you two!" Jess says  "This should be good" Megan says as they pull out Mikey and Minne t-shirts that looked like they were kissing eachother when put together and some grey sweats to go with them. Megan and I both looked at eachother and facepalmed. "Oh come on you guys would look cute in them!" Jamie says We looked at them with a really look. "Just put them on." Jess says handing us them. I got the Mikey one and Megan got the Minne one. "Looks like I'm the top in this relationship" I say winking at Megan. She playfully shoves me "Don't encourage them!" She says as I laugh. We changed into them and turned to see that Jess had a t-shirt that said I'm sweet she's wild we're dangerous and Jamie had the same thing only vice versa with Black sweats. "Awwww see you guys do look cute! Smile!" Jamie says as she takes a picture of us flipping the camera off. "That's so going on Instagram!" She says "Alright let's go see what the boys are wearing" Jess says we go downstairs to see Jake and Jeremy playing Mario Kart. Jake in a superman onsie and Jeremy in a batman onsie. "Of course you guys would" Jamie says "how could we resist!" Jake says I jump over the couch and watch them play. "I call playing champion." I say we played a couple of rounds until we got bored. "Well now what?" I ask "We  grab some of the junk food we bought from the store and watch a movie?" Jamie suggests "Yea I'm in!" Jess says "Us too!" Jake and Jeremy say at the same time. "Yea sure why not!" Megan says "Sounds like fun!" I say "Alright then it's settled We'll grab the snacks and you guys can pick the movie" Jess says Megan and I went over to thier collection of movies and she picked out one of the classics,The Lion King. "I love this movie!" I say "Really? Me too!" She says "Yea it was one of my favorites as a kid." I say "You still are a kid,Kid" she says as I roll my eyes. "Alright. Junk foods gonna be on the coffee table. Jake and Jeremy are already taking up one couch and we are going to take the other so it looks like you guys are taking the floor." Jamie says "That's fine by me. Makes me feel like I'm 5 again" I say pouring soda into a cup for myself. "Alright guys shh the movie's starting" Megan says. Throughout the movie there were many spontaneous breaking out into songs and reciting lines from the movies. We even did our best impressions of the hyenas when they say 'Mufasa'.  "Alright so who's up for a game of truth or dare?" Jeremy says since we were all still up. "I am!" We say at different times. "Alright I'll go first. Um babe truth or dare?" He says "Dare!" Jake shouts "Okay um I dare you too chug the root beer!" Jeremy says "Challenge accepted!" Jake says grabbing the bottle of root beer. We were all chanting 'chug' over and over and man the guy can drink. "Alright Bec truth or dare?" He asks "Dare!" I say not thinking "I dare you to kiss Megan" he says wriggling his eyebrows. Shit again well not that I would mind but I don't know how Megan would feel about it. So I just took the safe route and kissed her cheek. "Wuss!" Jamie says "He said to kiss Megan he didn't say where" I say "She's got you there."Megan says "Alright Megan Truth or Dare?" I ask "Truth" she says I faked coughed while saying wuss. She playfully punched me. "Alright do you have a crush on anyone?" I ask she blushes and says "Yes I do actually" she says "She blushed she's totally crushing on you Bec!" Jess says "You guys are obssessed!" I say As they all laugh.  We continue talking until we all decided to head to bed. Jake and Jeremy were taking Jake's room. Jamie and Jess unfortunately called Megan and Jamie's room so Megan and I were both forced to sleep on the couch. Luckily there was enough room for the both of us but since neither of us were tired we stayed up playing a game of 20 questions. "Okay you turn?" She says I bit my lip as I was thinking of a question to ask. I wanted to ask about the kiss but I couldn't think of way to bring it up. "Ummm alright I guess there's no easy way to ask so I'm just going to ask and you don't have to answer if you don't want to okay?" I say she nods I sighed "okay um when you kissed me tonight did you feel anything?" I ask she smiled "Bec I kissed because I wanted to. Of course I felt something. Now my question is did you feel something?" She asks I looked into her hazel eyes. "Yea you know the firework show at Disneyland?" I ask she nods "it felt like that only it was happening in my body if that makes any sense." I say "yea it completely does" she says "So what do we do now?" I ask "Can I try something?" She asks I nodded. She came close to me so that our lips were inches apart from eachother. I could literally feel her breathing. She then kissed me gently pushing me on the couch getting on top of me. I'll admit it was getting heated,but before she could do anything I pulled away. "I'm sorry" she says getting off of me. "No you didn't do anything." I say sitting up. "What happened then?" She asks I sighed. "It's just that every relationship I've ever been in. The second I admitted I liked them boom we were having sex. I just don't want this to be like the others. I want this one to be different." I explain she nods understanding "So what are we?" She asks "Well we can be something if you want us to?" I ask she nods smiling "I'd like that." I smile back at her. "Okay I want to do this right then." I say getting down on one knee. "Megan Wilson will you do me the honor of-" I begin but someone cut me off. "What the hell is going on down here?" I hear Jamie say. "Jamie it's not what it looks like I swear. I was just going to ask her out." I say "Wait you were going to ask her out wait everyone needs to be down here for this Mecca moment!!!" She says sprinting upstairs. Mecca was the ship name they came up with. Before we could protest everyone was downstairs looking at us. "Come on Bec grow a pair and ask her already!" Jess says "So much for being sweet" I mutter under my breath as Megan chuckles. "Come and ask her before she does it for you!" Jeremy says "Alright alright." I say I look at Megan again and she smiles and I smiled back. "Megan Wilson-" I start again but again I'm cut off. "Her middle name is Angel" I hear Jake say "I'm going to kill you Jake Evan Wilson!" Megan says glaring at him which made me chuckle. Also she looks hot when she's mad. "Okay Megan Angel Wilson. Will you go on a date with me next Saturday?" I ask "Of Course Rebecca Nicole Jauregui!" She says the only reason she knew my middle name was because she asked for it. "Yay!!!!! Now kiss her!" Jake says cheering "Whoa don't you think it's a little early for a first kiss?" Megan says even though we already had a first kiss. "Oh don't play dumb Megan! Jake and I saw you guys kiss when we won the game" Jeremy says "Wait you kissed her before you guys even dated!" Jamie says getting protective. "Hey in my defense she kissed me!" I say putting my hands in the air. I will admit I was a little scared of Jamie but you would be too if she told you how many times she beat a guys ass for dumping her little sister. "Come on we need this Mecca moment to be perfect!" Jeremy says I looked at Megan and she shrugged her shoulders. "Fuck it!" She says before she gently grabbing my face and kissing me. There were whistles heard through the room but our kiss didn't last very long. "Alright that's enough you two." Jamie says as we both pulled back. "Alright Jess,Jeremy take Megan upstairs while Jake and I talk to Becca." Jamie says. They both nodded as Jess and Jeremy both carried Megan upstairs. "Alright kid. You already know how many people's asses I've kicked for breaking my little sister's heart. I'm just giving you a fair warning. If you break her heart not only will I be tracking you down but so will Jake,Jeremy and Jess. We care about that little girl and if you think you're going to get away with breaking her heart then you've got another thing coming understand?" She says I nodded. "Don't worry I'm not planning on it. If anything she might be the one breaking mine. I always fuck up relationships one way or another." I say looking down. Jamie gently lifted my face up her face softened. "What do you mean Bec?" She says "Nothing. I shouldn't have said that." I say "Hey Bec, we get that you might not want to open up to us but when you're ready.  You can always and I mean always pull one of us aside and talk to us okay?" Jake says I nodded "Thanks guys" I say smiling "No problem." Jamie says "You can bring her down now!" Jake says as Jess and Jeremy walk down the stairs with Megan behind them. "Did they threaten you in anyway to make you want to cancel our date?" She asks worried. "Relax Meg nothing could make me want to cancel our first date" I say making her smile. "Well looks like the only person we have left to tell is Lauren" I say "You mean planet green eyes?" Jamie says I've already introduced them to the girls so they all got along pretty well. I nodded chuckling. "You guys are on your own for that one. Good luck"  Jess says. "Oh come on. Lauren's not that bad" I say they all give me a really look. "Yea you guys are right. You're screwed." I say to Megan "Me? You're as much as screwed as I am" she says "Yea but I'm her daughter she can't hurt me" I say "Yea but all she's going to do is give me a talk. If I ever break up with you then I'm screwed." She says "Yea same with me. Looks like we're getting married unless we want to get killed." I say jokingly causing all of us to burst out laughing. "Alright for real this time let's all head to bed and remember kids the floors are not soundproof." Jess says looking at both Megan and I. "Whoa whoa whoa. Why are you looking at us? We are the innocent ones." I say "Uh huh says the girl who lost her virginity at 13." Jamie says "it was a dare!" I defended "So if someone dared you to jump off the cliff would you do it?" She asks "Depends how highs the cliff?" I ask "Smartass!" Jake says "Thank you I take that as a compliment" I say "Hey will you guys shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" Megan says causing all of us to laugh. "Alright Goodnight!" Jamie says as they all head upstairs. "Finally peace and quiet. I hope you don't snore" she says "I don't at least not that I know of." I say causing her to laugh. "Goodnight Bec" she says "Goodnight Meg." I say smiling. I have a date and it's with the girl of my dreams. Way to go me. Wait holy shit I have a date and it's with my crush. What if I completely embarrass myself. Ugh! Way to go me. Millions of thoughts circled my heads as I fell asleep.
A/N: Hey guys so Megan and Becca are finally going on a date! What do you think the girls will think of this? Will they approve or will they think they are taking things way too fast. Let me know what you guys want to see. Well if you guyshave any ideas or feedback I'd love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you guys!

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