Copy Cat

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Becca's POV
It's been two weeks since the trial and I'm still in a fragil state but I'm well enough to go back to school. Lauren has been teaching me to play piano so the other day we put the letters of the notes on the piano keys with some tape and a sharpie. I was currently practicing and decided to take a video and putting it on my snapchat story. So I did a quick video of me playing Nightingale by Demi Lovato. I posted it with the caption. Damn Becca...Back at it again w/ the 🎹🎹🎹
Then I went back to playing after a few minutes I checked my snapchat. I saw that a few people had seen it then I checked my friends stories until I came across my mutual friends snapchat story that said Damn girl back at it again with copying me 🙄👿
I was confused at first but then I realized it was directed at me. The girls name is Anna and she had posted a video of her playing "Hey Jude" on the piano and her piano also had the notes on the keys. But the notes on my keys had been there way before she had posted that. So I decided to message her privately.
Hey um so I just saw your snap and I wasn't copying you the notes on the keys had been there way before you had posted that video and I just started to learn to play piano so yea...
After I had sent that message I started overthinking and somehow convinced myself that I was a copy cat. I need to talk to someone That's when I went to Camila's room since I knew that Lauren would beat the crap out of Anna if she knew what she had done. "Hey Bec! What's up?" She asks putting her laptop aside. I went to sit next to her. "Um a lot actually. This girl sorta kinda said I was copying her." I say then I showed her the videos and she stopped me there. "Don't pay any attention to her sweetie. Don't even message her because that will only cause more trouble." She says "Okay thanks for the help" I say forcing a smile "No problem anytime" she says giving me a hug. I went back to my room and listened to music when I realized that wasn't working I decided to message one of my friends. Let's see. I went through my contacts until a name popped up on my screen.
Jamie💯: Hey kid just saw your snapchat I didn't know you could play piano!
Becca😇😈: Yea I do but I'm just starting to learn. Hey you know Anna from Choir right?
Jamie💯: The attention seeking bitch yea I know her...😒😒😒
Becca😇😈: Okay well she just accused me of copying her.
And so I did and after that her response was this.
Jamie💯: She's just an attention seeker babe don't let it get to you. Have you seen her in choir? She's literally so thirsty for attention.If you let it affect you then she wins.
Becca😇😈: I know but I can't stop thinking about it. Its been run through my head nonstop.
Jamie💯:Just calm down Becca you are strong girl you can get through this.
Just as I was about to type a message back Lauren appeared in the doorway and I locked my phone immediately. "Lights out babe time to get some shut eye" she says I nodded as I texted Jamie a quick Goodnight and she told me we were going to talk tomorrow. "Goodnight Babygirl I love you" Lauren says kissing my head. "I love you too" I say as I turned off the light and she closed the door. Alone. In the dark. Gives you time to think. Sometimes your mind takes a dark turn and you end up crying yourself to sleep.
The next day
"Have a good day at school I love you!" Lauren says as soon as I was out the door. "Love you too" I called back. As I met up with my friends they all looked at me pretty worried. I guess Jamie must've told what happened. "You okay Bec?" Jeremy says I put on my best fake smile. "Yea I'll be fine. Haters gonna hate right?" I say Everyone seemed to believe that except for Jake and Jamie. "Alright well time for Spanish babe" Megan says "Okay see you guys later!" I say as Megan and I walked to Spanish. The day went on as regularly except Jamie and Jake were keeping a close eye on me. It was now 5th period and honestly never thought I'd say this but I can't wait till 6th period. Anna and her crew have been acting out as usual making Voldemort (Our code name for Ms.Parker) even more of a bitch then she usually is. "Nice job Altos" she says calling out the sopranos when some of us are actually trying. "Alright Jamie you're got the recording right?" She asks and Jamie nods as she sends the Altos to the back room and the boys outside to work on their own. I was sorta staring off into space that I didn't notice that Voldemort had stepped out to check on the Altos. "Becca are you okay?" One of my friends from Anna's group asked me. I shook my head she then put her hand on my shoulder and asked what was wrong. "Ask Anna" was all that came out of my mouth. She then went to talk to Anna. Anna looked me straight in the eyes and said "I don't give a fuck!" My blood boiled as she said that I swear I would've started throwing punches but I still had some sense. "Oh yeah Anna Well Fuck you! You attention seeking Bitch!" I yelled as I ran in the back room with the Altos and basically cried into Jamie's shoulder. I knew exactly what was going on I was having an anxiety attack. This often happened when I think about things too much and when things just get into my head or when I'm around the person who caused me this much pain. "Shhhh it's going to be okay" Jamie says then Voldemort came in and I slid down the wall and Jess and Jamie both stood in front of me so I was hidden. I was holding Jamie's hand the whole time. Then once the bell was about to ring Jamie helped me up and said that she was canceling practice today. We went out to the picnic tables and sat at our usual spot. "Tell us what's going on babe we're here for you" Megan says holding my other hand. "The whole thing with Anna has just been in my head basically since it happened. And no matter how hard I try it's still there. On top of that I have to do this stupid thing for Ms.Woods for the Great Gatsby and then a whole page Essay about the 1950s for photography. Then I have to do the whole Biology project over again because my stupid group wouldn't do anything productive and we basically got a D for that." I say choking on my sobs. I then countinued to cry into Megan's shoulder. "Hey look kid I know there's a lot on your plate so I'm willing to help you with that project" Jamie says putting her hand on my shoulder "Really?" I ask "Yea and you know I could help you with that thing we have to do in English" Jess says "And I'm sure Jeremy wouldn't mind helping us both with that essay" Megan says "Yea and you know what to get your mind off of that bitch let's all go to Taco Bell and eat something cause I'm starving" Jake says I smiled and hugged each of them and thanked them for being such great friends. We all walked to Taco Bell and pulled out some cash. I had about Ten bucks but they insisted that they pay. I thanked them again and Jamie and Jake stayed behind and sat with me while the rest went to order. "Hey listen Kid don't let Anna get into your head. She isn't worth those tears. If anything make her wonder how you're still smiling" Jamie says "Thanks Jamie" I say smiling at how much they cared about me. "Yea and smile more girl it's your best makeup" Jake says which made me smile even more. When the others returned they introduced me to My Digital Escape. Which I fell in love with all of them. I especially thought Shannon and Alex were pretty hot which earned me a glare from Megan. We just sat around eating tacos and watched their videos while laughing our heads off until they kicked us out. We then all went home and I thanked them again for the millionth time for this amazing day. I walked through the front door with the biggest smile on my face. "Good Day?" Lauren asked "More like the worst day turned to the best" I say she looked at me confused but I shook my head as if to say "Don't worry about it" "Okay well dinner is in 15" she says "Okay" I say going up the stairs to watch some more MDE videos. I then got a text from the group chat.
JJJJMB Group Chat
Jess😝: Hey kid we've got an extra ticket for the MDE tour you wanna come?
Becca😇😈:Are you kidding of course I want to go!!!!
Jamie💯: Great and it's the VIP tickets so we'll be able to meet them and everything!!!
Becca😇😈:Hell yeah! I can't wait to confess my love to Alex and Shannon!
Megan😍: What was that babe?
Becca😇😈:Oh hey baby didn't know you were there.
Megan😍: Yea okay sure so that means I can kiss Jordan right?😏
Becca😇😈:Whatever makes your heart happy babe☺️!
Megan😍:Yay you're the best girlfriend ever!
Jamie💯:I think I'm going to puke if this gets any cuter
Becca😇😈:Hey you're the captain of our ship!
Becca😇😈:Right sorry Jess!
Jake💁🏻:Alright but I'm seriously so excited for this its going to be so much fun!
I smiled at my dork of friends. But they're my dorks so it's cool. I'm so lucky to have them. They pick me up when I'm down and always there for me when I need them. And I'd do the same for any of them. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
A/N:Hey Guys so this was based off of the past few days. Let's just say it's been a pretty tough week for me. But it's a good thing my friends were there for me😊! So shoutout to them! Also if you guys don't know who My Digital Escape is go search them up on YouTube they are amazing people who have made me feel ten times better! And they were able to make me smile! Okay well remember to Vote and Comment I love you guys❤️

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