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Becca's POV
I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair one last time. I made that everything was decent. "Are you sure you don't want to wear a dress?" Mom asks from behind me. I roll my eyes at her. "Mom for the millionth time. Yes I'm sure like I said they make me uncomfortable. And plus isn't this supposed to be the best night of my life?" I ask she walks into my room chuckling as she puts a stray hair behind my ear. "That's Senior year babe. And as long as you're happy then I'm happy." She says sighing "I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. Seems like just yesterday you were going into your first day of Freshman year and now you're going to prom." I roll my eyes here she goes again with all of the mushy stuff. "Mom! Enough with the mushy stuff save that for when I actually graduate." I say "Alright,Selfie?" She asks hopeful. I just nod my head chuckling. I smile for the picture while she kisses my cheek.
@LaurenJauregui: Can't believe this one's going to her first Prom. Stop growing up Babygirl!
I smile at the caption and liked the post. "Becca! Your friends are here!" I hear Dinah yell from downstairs. "We better go" Mom says I nod "Oh almost forgot." I say getting Megan's corsage. "She's gonna love it!" Mom says smiling at me while I smile back. I walk downstairs to see Jess Jamie standing there in gorgeous gowns with Jeremy and Jake beside them is suits. "Damn Bec! You look smoking hot!" Jamie says I smile and shake my head at her. "As do you all of you. Where's Megan?" I ask "Right behind you babe." I hear her voice say. I turn around and see her and it's like the world stopped for a moment and all I saw was her. "Wow!" I say "You look Beautiful baby." She was wear a red dress that made her Hazel eyes pop.  Her blonde hair was down and curled and she had like this cute little tiara thing that made her look like a princess. "Thanks Prince Charming!" She says "Every Prince needs their princess." I say kissing her. "Alright enough of the cute stuff. Time for awkward prom pictures." Dinah says we all groan. "I didn't sign up for this." Jamie says wrapping her arms around Jess' waist while Lauren takes the picture. "Well it's either this or Becca doesn't go to prom." Lauren says "I'm doing this for you kid." She says as I laugh. Once the Awkward Prom Picture Photo shoot is done we say our goodbyes and then get into the van. "Dude tonight is going to be so much fun!" Jess says "Yeah! But whatever you do guys stay away from the middle. Everyone grinds on you there." Jake says "Good to know." I say as they laugh. Once we got there we immediately knew where to go since we could hear the music blasting from the parking lot! "Dude the gym is lit!" I say "Babe is that you?" Megan says as I rolled my eyes at her. We danced like complete idiots and got super hyper. "Alright Alright Alright! Time to announce The Prom King and Prom Queen. Or Kings and Queens." The MC says "And the winners are." "The suspense is killing me!" Jeremy says sarcastically. Mostly because we know the Prom King and Queen are gonna be some rich popular kids. "Jake Wilson and Jeremy Martinez!" The MC yells "Holy shit!" We all yell as they run up on stage and get their crowns. "LONG LIVE THE KINGS!" Jamie,Jess,Megan and I yell being the supportive friends that we are. Jake and Jeremy kiss and then they head to the dance floor for the slow dance of the night. "May I have this dance?" I say turning to Megan. "You may." She says giggling. She wraps her arms around my neck while I wrap mine around her waist bringing her closer to me. "God I'll never get tired of looking into your eyes." I say "I know same here babe. You know I knew we had a connection the first day I meet you. I could just feel it." She says I nod "Same here. Megan I think I'm in love with you. I've been with many other people in my short life but I think you're the one for me." I say "I couldn't agree more baby and I'm so glad I got to go to Prom with you. I wouldn't want to spend this night with anyone else except you." She says as I smile and go to kiss her. Then all of a sudden we hear a siren and that signals us that we are having a lockdown. Everyone starts panicking. "We have to find the others." Megan shouts I nodded grabbing her hand we all met up with the others and then we quickly get into a class which I think is stupid. Why shove us into a classroom when we could've all stayed in the gym. I feel my phone buzz and see it's from the group chat. I quickly put my phone on silent and turn the brightness down.
JJJJMB Group Chat
Jake💁:Well this just took a dark turn
Jeremy🐻:Definitely a night I'll never forget.
Jamie💯:How can you guys be so calm right now when there's a man with a gun out there?!
Megan😍😍:Jamie's right guys. Now put your phones away before we're killed!
Just then we heard the loud speaker go off. "GIVE ME BECCA AND NO ONE GETS HURT!" We all froze and I saw that my friends all looked at me. Shit I thought. "I'm going." I whisper "What are you crazy?!" Jamie whispers "I'm not going to let others die because of me." I whisper back. A few minutes of arguing and the loudspeaker goes off again. "Becca I know you're there. Maybe you need a little motivation. I've got someone who wants to say hi." The voice says we hear some shuffling. "Becca please!" Lauren. "Mom!" I say while I get on my feet. I rush at the door but before I can open it. Jamie tackles me. "Like hell im gonna let you go." She says pining me to the ground. "You have one hour Becca and every hour that passes then that's another one of your friends dead." The voice says. "I'm going! Get off me Jamie." I say "No you're not going alone. I'm coming with you." She says "No Jamie you're not. I'm not going to let you put you're life in danger." I say struggling to get out of her grip. "Well I'm not going to let you do that either. So it's either we go out there together or we don't go at all." She says I sigh in defeat. "Fine. But if this goes south then I want you all to know that this year has been the best year of my life. You guys have made me happier than I've ever been in years. Each day that I got to spend with all of you was a blessing. Megan my love. I love you so much and I want you to know that if anything happens to me. Then-" she cuts me off and kneeles in front of me. "Stop. You're not going to die. You hear me? Rebecca Nicole Jauregui you are going to live a long life understand? You are going to make it through this and I will see you again. But before you go i want to ask you something." She says I look into her eyes and she smiles pulling out a ring. "Will you promise to spend the rest of your life with me?" She asks I smile as tears fill my eyes I nod "Yes." I say as she slides the ring on my finger. We lean in for a kiss as tears start streaming down our faces. I wipe away tears from her face when we pull back. "I will see you again." I say she nods "I love you Becca." She says "I love you too Megan." I say I hug my friends as I wait for Jamie to finish saying goodbye to Jess I can only think of all the bad scenarios. What if I get shot? What if Jamie gets shot? What if one of the girls got shot? I'd never be able to live with myself if someone I loved died trying to protect me. "Alright kid let's go kick some ass." Jamie says as we head out into the empty halls. It had the eerie feeling now that it was basically dark and quiet. As we reached the office I hesitated mostly because i didn't want to see what horrors lied ahead. "You okay kid?" Jamie asks I nodded "Yea I'm fine." I say "You don't always have to be the hero you know. We could call the police." She says "Yea and then What wait for them to show up? Jamie every minute that we wait is another minute closer they are to killing someone that I love. And I'm not going to let that happen." I say clenching my fists "Okay then take a deep breath and open that door." Jamie's says I nodded and took a deep breath and opened the door. I looked around and saw the people I loved tied up with guns pointed at their heads. They looked terrified. "Hello Rebecca." I heard someone say I look over to see someone I've only seen in pictures. It was the Rival's leader. She always wore a mask to hide her identity. I wonder what she wanted with me. As far as I knew there was no Gang war back in New York. "What the hell do you want?!" I ask through clenched teeth. She chuckles "What do I want?" She says as she removes her mask and my eyes widen. Then suddenly I'm met with the face that left me on the streets to die. "I want my daughter back."
A/N: Damn!!!!! Shit is about to go down. Too bad you guys are going to have to wait until the next chapter to find out what happens. Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I just didn't have any ideas for this story. But now I do. So I'm back! Oh and I also have a new story up. It's called For a Badass,You're Cute. And it's a Lauren fanfic so check it out! See ya soon!

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