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Becca's POV
I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing one of my mom's band t-shirts and some ripped jeans along with my favorite pair of converse. "Becca are you almost ready?" Mom asks from downstairs. "Yeah, I'll be down in a second mom." I respond as I walk out of my room. Today was Jake and Jeremy's graduation day. They were both off to UCLA to study Theater since they both wanted to be screenwriters. "Hey cheer up Bec. This isn't goodbye think of it as a see you later." Camila says as we were now all in the van on our way to the graduation ceremony. "I know I'm just going to miss them so much. They're the older brothers I never got." I explain as the brunette nodded understanding. I felt her squeeze my shoulder attempting to comfort me but there was just this dark cloud hanging above my head. We grabbed some seats next to the Wilsons I was seat between Megan and Jamie. "I can't believe my brother is actually graduating." Megan says to me as I smiled and nodded. "I can't wait til it's us up there. Getting our one way ticket out of this hellhole." I say as she chuckles. "It goes faster than you think it does kid. One minute you're taking an embarrassing picture for your freshman year photo and the next you're going into your senior year." Jamie says ruffling my hair. "Oh yeah I almost forgot that you and Jess are Seniors next year." I say as Jess smiles looking over at me. "Yeah and you two will finally be upperclassmen." She says we all quiet down as we hear the music start up. "I'd like to introduce our Valedictorian, Jeremy Martinez." The principal says as we all cheered for him. "Hello Friends, Family and fellow graduates." Jeremy starts as he continues on with his speech about growing up and enjoying his high school experience. "Most importantly I'd like to thank my boyfriend Jake Wilson. Without him I don't think I'd be up on this stage speaking to all of you. When I met him I was going through a pretty tough time in my life. My parents had just finalized their divorce and my mother was getting remarried to a guy that I didn't particularly like at the time. But ever since I met Jake he's been my ray of sunshine and I don't want to know what life is like without him." Jeremy says explaining why Jake was such a crucial part in his life. "Prepare to pay up, Wilson." I say to my girlfriend remembering the bet we had made in Taco Bell all those months ago. "So before we embark on this epic journey I want to ask him something. Babe get up here." He says as Jake walks on stage probably already tearing up. "These past two years with you have been the happiest two years of my life and I want to spend many more years with. I want to spend my life with you. Jacob Jackson Wilson, Will you marry me?" Jeremy says as he was on one knee as Jake nodded his head rapidly his fiancé put a ring on his finger and kissed him. I looked around to see that the girls were crying and everyone else was cheering. As the graduation ceremony continued we cheered for the two boys as we saw them get their diplomas and walk across that stage. "That's gonna be us one day baby." Megan whispers to me as I nodded smiling. When the ceremony ended we all went back to the fifth harmony residence where we decided to throw a graduation party for Jake and Jeremy. "Alright could I have everyone's attention please?" I ask as I had gathered everyone in the living room so that I could do the toast. "First of all, I'd like congratulate Jake and Jeremy for graduating. You guys made it out alive and that's the most important part." I say beginning the toast as laughter is heard throughout the room. "This one was a big one for me since it's the year that I finally found my place in the world. I have a family something I never thought I would have." I say smiling at the five girls who rescued me from the streets. "I have friends who I know will be there for me no matter where they are or what school they do to." I look over at my group of friends who were smiling at me. "I have an amazing girlfriend who I love more than anything else in this world." I see Megan had tears in her beautiful hazel eyes. "But most of all I finally know what it's like to have a place to call home and a place to feel safe. I no longer have to worry about surviving. I can now focus on living." I say smiling as I hear people start to clap. "But wait there's more." I say like those people on those stupid infomercials. They all laughed but held their attention on me waiting for me to speak. "For my photography final this year I had to present a slideshow of my sophomore year and I know this is really cheesy but they say a pictures worth a thousand words well if I have one for all 365 days then you can do the math on how many words these pictures say." I finish as I began to play the slideshow of my year since I had my laptop hooked up to the giant flatscreen on the wall everyone could see the pictures. Every single picture I took with the girls on tour was on there. The day where I almost hit Demi with a baseball bat was on there. My first home game. My First homer. Our weekend in the woods which we had to explain to the Wilson parents and the girls later. Visiting the gang, the party we experienced in New York, Prom. Every single moment leading up to this day was on there. It ended with a picture of the girls, my friends and I with the word "Family" below it. When the slideshow ended I was attacked with hugs and kisses from the girls and many more hugs from my friends and of course a kiss from my girlfriend. As the night was ending everyone was going their separate ways. "Jamie, Jess,  you two better take care of these two while we're away." Jeremy says sternly as we all laughed. "We'll make sure they don't get into any trouble but you'll be in the same city so we'll call you if they do." Jamie says ruffling both Megan's and I's hair as we both groaned knowing it was messed up now. "And make sure the Mecca ship sails until marriage." Jake says as my girlfriend and I rolled our eyes at him. We hugged goodbye and I shed a few tears. I know the boys were only going to be about 30 minutes away but it wasn't going to be the same without them. The Wilsons had left and now Lauren and I were the only two people awake. We were cuddling on the couch watching some scary movie that I wasn't really paying attention to. "Hey Mom." I say grabbing her attention. "Hey Kid." She says mimicking me as I chuckle. "I'm glad I stole your purse that day in New York. Otherwise I wouldn't be here." I say smiling as she kisses my forehead and holds me tight. "Me too baby girl. I love you Rebecca Nicole Jauregui." She whispers as I smile breathing in her scent. "I love you too, Mom." And that my friends is how I became a Jauregui.
A/N: Hey guys so it's been a while huh? Well I'm gonna be honest with you I lost interest in this book as you probably have noticed but I'm back and I hate to say this but Hey Kid is officially finished. But Becca's story doesn't end here. There will be a Sequel and it's going to be called Not a Kid Anymore. So look out for that! Alright see you guys in the next book and Thank you for sticking around this long waiting for me to finish this book. It seriously means so much to me if this is still in your library.

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