Last Day of Tour

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Becca's POV
These past few months have been amazing!!! I've gotten to know more about the girls and now I really do feel a part of the Fifth Harmony family. Sadly though like all good things the tour has come to an end and today is the last day of tour. The girls are performing in LA a place I've never been before. But then again I haven't been to any of the places we hit on tour. Everyday called for a new adventure and today's started right now. I was up early to make sure I could wake up the girls but I couldn't wake up before Ally unfortunately so I helped her make breakfast. I was now in the bunk section about to wake up the girls starting with Lauren. I climb into our bunk that we shared and sat on her stomach. "Lolo wake up its the last day of tour" I say squishing her cheeks together. "I'm not a bottom kid get off of me" she says jokingly "oh yea I forgot you're a top. But the only person you'll be topping is-" I start to say but she open those green eyes of hers and glares at me. "Say it and you're grounded for the rest of your life" she threatens. "Okay calm down planet green eyes. I won't say it. Just get up loser" I say laughing as I get out of the bunk. But before I left I opened the curtain and said "Camila is the only person you'll be topping #Camren" I quickly closed the curtain and jumped into Camila's bunk. "Mila Mila wake up Lauren's gonna kill me" I say As Camila opened her eyes and rubbed the sleepyness out them she looked at me and smiled. "You said another Camren joke didn't you?" She says "Hey the only reason you guys are defensive of it is because you guys know it's true" I say smirking at her she rolls her eyes and pulls me into one of her famous koala hugs. "You know I love you right?" She says "Yea I know Cam what's up?" I ask cause usually when she says that to me she wants to tell me something. She smiles and looks at me "I'm just so thankful I got to spend these past few months with you and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us" she says I smile and hug her. "I love you too Camz" I say smiling "Well I gotta go wake up the others but I'll join you guys for breakfast soon." I say she nods as we both get out her bunk. Her first since I knew Lauren wouldn't hurt her. "You got lucky this time kid" Lauren says glaring at me "aren't I always lucky" I say smirking in victory. "Don't push your luck" she says I just laugh while shaking my head. Normani was next this was easy. "OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU'RE BEYONCÉ!!!" I yelled right next to her bunk. She jumped up hitting her head on the junk and jumping out. "I'M COMING FOR YOU BEY!!!" She yells as she starts looking around then glares at me. "You!" She says pointing at me "me?" I say looking around "Well played but I'm getting you back" she says "you always say that" I say chuckling as she goes to the front to join the others. I saved the beast for last. See what I did there. None other than Dinah Jane. Oh boy this should be fun. I grabbed my water gun that I kept stashed in the back for this specific reason and climbed up so that I could open the curtains to her bunk which I did and sure enough she was out cold. I smirked. Her and i have been in a prank war for the past month ever since she woke me up with an unwilling ice bucket challenge which let me tell ya first thing in the morning is not fun at all. As I aimed my gun to her bunk she moved which caused me to freeze. Once I knew she was asleep for sure I aimed and fired. She screamed and shot up bumping her head on the bunk on top of hers. She turned to me and glared I just shot her a smile and yelled "PAYBACKS A BITCH MOTHER FUCKER!!!" I then jumped down and ran to the front of the bus and hid behind Camila. "What'd you do this time?" She asks "I may or may not have sprayed her with a water gun and now she's out to kill me." I say "Yea well she has to get in line cause I call first shots" Lauren says jokingly I rolled my eyes at her and sat in between her and Camila. "Alright eat up we've got an interview in an hour" Lauren says as she starts eating her cereal. "Wait I thought you guys had Soundcheck?" I ask "No you misunderstood. You and Lauren have an interview the rest of us Soundcheck." Ally explains "Alright where's the kid. I'm gonna kill her." Dinah says now all dry and looking pissed. "She's right here and she has an interview that she needs to be alive for" Ally says I shot her an innocent smile. "You got lucky this time kid. But I'm so getting you back for this. Well played though looks like the kid has learned from the master." Dinah says I rolled my eyes and laughed as I finished my breakfast. "Alright go get dressed and met me outside in 10 minutes" Lauren says "Ma'am yes Ma'am" I say sarcasticly saluting her as I went into my suitcase to look for an outfit. When I was ready I went out to meet Lauren as we were walking to the radio station we started talking about random things. "So what happens after the tour?" I ask "Well we go back to LA and relax and maybe enroll you in school." She says "ughhhhh just when I thought I was out for good I'm back in again." I say "Sorry Babe but you need to finish your school. At least high school." She says "Alright I'll give it a shot but don't expect me to be a honer roll student." I say "Don't worry I won't put too much pressure on you just try to get passing grades. Cs are okay but if you get a D or an F you're dead!" She warns I smirk "What if I get the D" I say "You do that and you will wish you were dead" She says "Okay calm down I'm only interested in the V anyway" I say not reliazing what I said. "Wait so you're Gay?" She asks "Um yea..." I say blushing and looking down. "Hey babe it's okay I will totally 110 percent support your love life no matter who you love I will always love you okay?" She says I look up at her and smile and hug her "Thanks Lo." I say she hugs back and smiles "You're welcome babe! Besides I kinda already knew. You were the one that hit on me remember?" She says winking at me. "Oh my god please don't remind me. It's disgusting the first thought that came into my mind when I saw you" I say laughing she laughs along with me as she asks "What was it?" "I'm not telling you cause you will be crept out" I say "no I won't come on please!" She begs "Alright fine it was and I quote 'Damn that girl is hot! I wanna fuck her so badly' or something along those lines" I say chuckling she bursts out laughing "oh my god!! Well thank you I think" she says after she's done laughing. We arrived at the place where we were doing the interview. We met the interviewer,Ryan Secrest, and I guess this is gonna be on the radio so I was pretty excited. "Alright well that's was Fifth Harmony's newest single Worth It. Speaking of Fifth harmony today we have Lauren Jauregui of Fifth harmony and Becca Jauregui!" He announces. Huh never heard my full name like that before and it has a pretty cool ring to it. "So Lauren did you adopt Becca or how did you two meet?" He asks we decided we would keep the whole Me being in a Gang thing a secret. "Well yea I kinda did. You see Dinah and I were just wandering on the streets of New York when we saw Becca singing on the corner. Immediately I knew I wanted her to be a part of my life so I invited her on the tour and at first the girls weren't on board but then she kinda grew on them so I signed the paperwork and stuff so now she's all mine!" Lauren explains smiling at me. "Now Becca what were you thinking after she said you know 'Can I adopt you?" He asks. "Well the first thought that definetly ran through my mind was like 'why me?' Like why out of all the kids they could adopt 'why did they choose the Badass Rebellious teenager'" I say "wait I adopted a Badass rebellious kid? Where is she?" Lauren jokes I roll my eyes "haha very funny" I say "oh come on do you really consider yourself a 'badass rebellious teenager' I mean come on with these cute chubby cheeks and that smile and those dimples ugh I just want to eat you up" she says "Okay Lauren you done fangirling over me now?" I say causing everyone to laugh. "Alright so how's the tour going or I should say how was it cause today is the last day?" Ryan says "Well it was really fun! I mean I got to do something that I love doing every night with four of my best friends and of course with this one watching every night making funny faces or dancing crazy side stage to make me smile and laugh. It was really fun" Lauren answers "Cool cool! What about you Becca how was tour for you?" He asks "It was definitely a different experience than you know any other teenager out there could experience but it was pretty fun hanging out with these five crazy dorks every day." I say smiling "Awww cool!" He says "Yea and just to make things clear I'm not making fun of them. They are dorks once you get to know them. Harmonizers please don't kill me. I love you guys so please love me back!" I say laughing. "Well Lauren it looks like you've got a pretty good kid on your hands" Ryan says "Yea I think so too" Lauren says smiling and ruffling my hair. "Okay well anything else you guys want to say to the fans listening." He says "Yea um I love you guys. You guys are all amazing and I hope you guys have a great day whether you're coming to the show or not. And yea Becca?" Lauren says "Um I just really want to say Thank you guys for accepting me into the Fifth Harmony family. You guys are all so incredible and I love you all so much!!" I say smiling "Alright here's some Ed Sheeran for you guys!" He says playing Photograph. As we left we said Goodbye to Ryan and went to the venue. I went backstage to meet some of the girls family which they all are so sweet and so awesome. I haven't met Lauren's family yet so I think I'm meeting them for the holidays. I went to watch the show side stage and I saw all the girls singing Miss moving on. I smiled I couldn't believe this was the last show. This tour has been so much fun and I didn't want it to end. Although I knew this was only the start of my new life for some reason I had tears in my eyes. As the girls finished thier second to last song of the night they all waved me on stage. I shook my head but Lauren came over and dragged me in the middle of all of them. "So as you all know this is Becca and we would like to dedicate this one to her! We love you Becca!" Ally says I somehow managed to steal one of the girls mic and held it up to my mouth to say "I love you guys too I'm going to cry" I say As a tear went down my face. I heard awwws as the girls pulled me into a hug. As Brave,Honest and Beautiful started to play. The girls sang while I just danced and basically ran around stage. It was just amazing being up there with the girls and being able to have this opportunity to do things like this with the people I love. I just couldn't believe it. And this my friends is only the beginning of another new adventure.
A/N:Hey guys so here's another chapter so yea this one is a pretty cute chapter but I have a bunch of ideas in my head about the next few chapters so keep an eye out for those anyways I'd you guys have any ideas or feedback I'd love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you guys.

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