One Last Battle

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Becca's POV
I stood there frozen as my blood boiled. The woman who dared to call herself my mother was standing right before me. "I'm not your daughter! You lost the privilege to call me that the second you left on that street!" I say clenching my fists "That was a mistake I should have never made and I'm sorry. Babygirl please forgive me." She says coming closer to me. I took a step back. "Don't you dare call me that! There's only one person who can call me that and she's been more of a mother to me than you ever will be." I say "Oh who this Bitch!" She says pointing her gun at Lauren's head. "Let them go. This is between you and me and no one else." I say "No I don't think I will." She says as I take a step closer "Ah ah ah one more step and I'll blow her brains out." She says loading the gun. I glare at her as she smiles "Good girl" she says "Now you have two choices here. One you pack up your things and come back to New York with me or Two you refuse and I kill everyone you know and love and I'll make sure they all die a slow painful death. It's choice Rebecca." She says my heart was beating so fast. I looked at all the girls faces. They all looked so scared. I felt guilt I brought this upon them. If It wasn't for me none of this would've happened. I sighed "Alright fine you win." I say holding up my hands and dropping them to my sides. She smiles "Good. Boys tie her up." She commands her men. "Not so fast." I hear a voice say from above. I look up and see Sabrina she jumps down and knocks the gun right out of my mother's hands. "You want the kid you're going to have to fight for her." She says getting ready for a fight. "With pleasure." My mother says as they start fighting other people from the gang start fighting my mother's men. Jamie and I start untying the girls and once Lauren is let loose she hugs me tightly. "Mom I need you to listen to me." I say "Okay" She says "I need you to get the girls and Jamie out of here. Get all of my friends to safety. I'll meet you guys at the parking lot." I say "No I'm not leaving without you." She says "I'll be fine mom. You're forgetting that I was once in a gang myself." I say "Okay but stay alive i love you." She says "I love you too mom. I'll see you soon." I say as we hug again and as promised she get the girls and Jamie to safety. I feel someone grab me and put a gun to my head. "Stop! Drop your weapons!" I hear my mother yell. They all stop and drop their guns. "If any of make any moves to stop me from taking my daughter back then I will kill you." She says we are just about to exit the room when Sabrina gives me a secret sign. That's the sign she uses when she's placed something in my pocket. I quickly feel my pockets and pull out a pistol. I'm going to have to do it. I'm going to have to be the one to kill my mom.

"She's gotta learn how to kill if she's gonna be in the gang." Derek says "Not right now Derek not while she's still a kid." Sabrina says "She's 11 now Sabrina she can handle it." He says "Becca!" He calls for me I go downstairs and see he has a gun in his hands. "Yea Derek?" I ask kinda scared "Hey kid cmere I wanna show you how to use this." He says drunk off his ass. I went over to him as he lead me to the backyard. He looked around and then saw a bird up in its nest. "See that bird up there?" He says I nodded "I want you to shoot it." He says smiling "I can't" I say "Sure you can." He says going behind me. He grabs my arms and helps well more like forces me to aim the gun at the bird. "Now pull the trigger." He says I shook my head "Pull It you little bitch!" He yells "Derek that's enough!" Sabrina yells "No she has to kill it." He yells at her. "Look it's easy kid." He says wrapping his hand around mine and forcing me to put my finger on the trigger. "Bye bye birdie." He says as he forces me to pull the trigger. The bullet hit the bird the bird let out a screech and then hit the ground. "There see that wasn't that hard." He says as I'm horrified. I just shot an innocent creature. I dropped to my knees and started sobbing uncontrollably. "You see what you did." Sabrina says as she runs over to me. "She'll be fine." He says as he goes back inside.
Truth is I wasn't fine. I had nightmares for weeks. Guns and I never had a good relationship. But I knew if there was ever a time to kill someone it would be right now. "No!" I say getting out of my mother's grip as I pointed the pistol at her. She laughs "And just what are you planning to do with that." She spat "Drop the gun." I say "Oh please!" She says I loaded the gun "Drop. The. Gun." I say more intimidating. She drops it "There." She says "Kick It over to me." I say she does as I say and I quickly pick it up and grab it. I threw it across the room and kept the pistol on her. "Rebecca we both know you're not gonna kill me. Just hand over the gun and this can be all over." She says "No. I'll give you two choices. One. You get the hell out of here and never ever come back into my life or Two. I kill you right now and this whole fucking thing will be over." I say never once showing fear in my voice. "If that's what you want. Let's go boys. I'm not needed here anymore." She says as she and the rest of the rivals go out to the front of the school where the cops are waiting. My so called mother is arrested and so are the other members of her gang. Then my eyes search frantically for my friends and Family. "Becca" I hear my voice called and I look to see the love of my life. "Megan" I breathe out as she runs towards me. I catch her and kiss her with so much passion. I didn't realize I was crying until she pulled back and wiped away my tears. "See I told you I'd see you again" she says as I chuckle and kiss her again. I set her back down on the floor not letting her go. "Where are the girls and our group." I say worried "They're all fine. I promise a little shaken up but fine." She says as I let out a sigh in relief. "Hey Bec." I hear a voice say behind me. It's Sabrina. "Listen kid about what happened." She starts "No Sabrina it's okay. I owe you one. You saved me and my family. Any mistakes you made before that it doesn't matter. Even if you did force me into having sex with you. I know that wasn't you. You were drunk and we all make mistakes. It's okay." I say she sighs "So can I have a hug?" She asks hopeful "Of course." I say hugging her. "I love you Becca" she says "I love you too Sabrina. Always?" I say "Always." She replies I smile as I hear another voice calling my name and it was Lauren's "Mom!" I yell back as I run into her arms sobbing. "Shhhh it's okay you're safe now. She can't hurt us anymore. You're safe." She says soothing me. "I love you so much." I say "I love you too babygirl." She says I hugged the rest of the girls and my friends. "Jamie. Thanks for not letting me go out there on my own." I say "Hey someone's gotta make sure you don't get yourself killed." She says making me laugh. As the cops left we all took a breather. "Hey bec so the gang is no longer going to be a gang. Instead we are going to turn that place into a home for kids who got left on the streets. A safe place for kids who don't have anywhere else to go." Sabrina says I smile "That's great to hear Sabby." I say calling her by the nickname I gave her when I was a little kid. Jeremy stands up "Well as Prom king I say that the night is still young so let's get our asses back in that gym and dance like there's no tomorrow!" He yells. We all cheer and soon we were all back dancing around like a bunch of dorks as if nothing had happened. The girls and the other members of the old gang even joined in on the action. One things for sure though this is one night none of us will ever forget. The night we almost got killed and the night of the last battle.
A/N: Hey guys so sorry for not updating in so long. I've been busy with school. You guys know how that goes but anyway I hope you guys liked this chapter. Until next time guys!

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