You're my mom

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Becca POV
I woke up an hour later and my arm still hurt like hell. I looked up to see Lauren still sleeping. I smiled and snuggled into her. I was grateful that she was there to save me today. I don't know where I would be without her. "Bec you awake?" I hear her raspy sleepy voice say "maybe" I say causing her to chuckle and wrap her arms around me causing me to look up into her green eyes. "How are you feeling?" She asks "Better a little sore" I say she looks down at my bandaged arm and without her even asking I answered the question she was asking. "I did it because in that moment I felt so numb that I just had to feel something. I lied to you when I said I fell down the stairs the truth is this bitch named Ashley and her possy beat me up on my way to biology" I explain "I knew I'm going to beat the shut out of her." She says "No need. I'm pretty sure Jamie's pretty pissed so she'll do it for you" I say slightly chuckling. "You know that was the first time you called me mom" she says smiling. "I know and it's because you deserve that title. I never really had a real mom the one that was given to me decided to leave me on the streets. When I was younger I always used to wonder what she looked like,or the sound of her voice or if I looked like her. Now I don't have to because now I have one. To me a mom isn't someone who gave birth to you a mom is someone whose always going to be there to pick you up when you're on the ground. And that's exactly who you are to me. You're my mom and I love you." I say after that long rant I saw that there was tears in her eyes. She hugged me tightly so I buried my head in her neck. "I love you too baby girl so much. I'm always going to be here for you no matter what. You are the best daughter I could ever ask for. I love you Rebecca Nicole Jauregui" she says "wait who told you my middle name?" I ask "who do you think?" She says "I knew I couldn't trust Dinah with that information" I say as she laughs and kisses my forehead. "Cmon loser let's go grab some pizza from downstairs the girls are watching Disney movies without us" she says sitting up I fake a gasp. "How dare they?!?" I say "I know now come on" she says scooping me up like I was five again. "You know I have legs right?" I ask "I know but I just want to baby you since you are my baby" she teases "mom!" I groan as we reach the bottom of the stairs she sets me down. "Did I just hear the M word come from Becca's mouth?" Ally says happliy "why yes you did momma Ally" I say smiling "Yay! Girls she said it!" She yells as all the girls come to where we were and Camila was the first to pick me up and start kissing me. "Mila stop!" I say laughing as she plants wet kisses on my face. "Wait this calls for a selfie!" Dinah says as I jump on her back. She takes the selfie of all of us smiling. "Send me that picture?" Lauren asks "just sent to the group chat" she says yes we had a group chat. I saved the picture and put into the slide show app. Then we all went to the living room to watch some Disney movies. I was currently cuddling with Mom and Mila and Dinah were arguing over which movie we should watch.They finally agreed on Beauty and the Beast since the movie involved singing and stuff. "Psst Bec!" I hear Lauren say I look up and furrow my eyebrows at her. "What do you want for your birthday?" She asks oh yea I almost forgot my birthday was coming up. "Guys you don't have to get me anything. Really as long as you guys are there I'll be happy" I say "way to make things more complicated for us" Dinah says I roll my eyes "I'm serious you guys don't have to get me anything." I say "Well too bad because we are going to spoil you rotten." Mila says "Okay whatever you say" I say just as a popcorn hits me in the face. I look at Dinah and glare at her. "It slipped I swear!" She says "Oh right like this also slipped" I say throwing a handful of popcorn at her. "Ally the kid threw popcorn at me!" She says "you started it!" I say like I was five "did not!" She says back "did too!" I say this continues until Ally interrupts "Alright that's enough now shush the movie starting" she scolds us Dinah sticks out her tounge at me while I do it back to her. "I swear your turning 6 in a couple of days" Lauren says I roll my eyes and turn my attention to the screen. I somehow feel asleep again when the utensils started singing "Be our Guest" i must've been really tired. I'm glad that I have the fifth harmony girls to pick me up on my worst days. I'm so lucky to have them.
A/N: Hey guys sorry for the crappy chapter I promise the next one will be better. I just had to upload this one as kinda a filler for the next chapter. So yea Imma shut up now so Vote and Comment I love you guys

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