Homeruns and hometowns

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Becca's POV
It was the last quarter of the game. We were tied up with our rivals I was the last batter this was our last chance to win. I took one last swing before stepping up to the plate. "Good luck babe" Megan says "Thanks baby" I say flashing her a smile I stepped up to the plate and I heard the supportive cheers from the girls. "Come on Bec! You got this!" I hear Lauren say "Yea beat their asses kid!" I hear Dinah yell making me chuckle. I got into position as the catcher was talking to the ref. "Hey you a lefty?" She says "Yea" I say keeping it casual. "Easy out" she mutters under her breath. That got me pissed but I didn't let it show. "We'll see" I mutter. As the pitcher starts to wind up to throw the ball I didn't swing because it was a little to low. "Strike!" The umpire says what that was totally a ball "What! Are you blind!" Lauren shouts she's always been that mom that points out mistakes. I step out of the box and look at her as in to say 'I got this' she nods as I went back in. The pitcher throws the ball and it was a little too high. "Strike 2!" The ump says You've gotta be kidding me! "Come on kid wait for your pitch! It has to be perfect!" Jamie cheers "You got this kid! Lefty lucky right!" Jess cheers. "Alright Stacey one more. Easy out" I heard the catcher say oh that's it I'll show you The pitcher throws the ball for the last time. My last chance,It's go time. I swung my bat and hit the ball as hard as I could. As I saw the ball go all the way to left field I dropped my bat and started running I could hear cheers from my friends and family but they all really distant. All I was focused on was the bases. I passed first sprint pass second and third as I see someone get the ball from the Coner of my eye. Shit I gotta slide. I ran and slide to home and just before the catcher could tag me my foot touched the base. "Safe!" The umpire says well at least he did something right. "Not so easy of out huh?" I say to the catcher as she stands there speechless. Before I could get off the floor my team mates rushed over to me. Jess and Jamie lifted me up in the air so that I was sitting on their shoulders. "Becca! Becca! Becca!" They chanted as the crowd cheered. They handed me the game ball and I lifted it up like It was a trophy. They set me on and the girls rushed over to me pulling me into a hug. "You did great baby! I'm so proud of you!" Lauren says "Thanks Mom but I wouldn't have been able to do it without all your support and coaching" I say as she chuckles. "Nice job out there kid!" Jamie says "Yea you were amazing out there!" Jess says I smile "Thanks guys!" I say "Hey there's the star of the night" Megan says coming up to us. She pecked my lips and smiled "Nice job baby" she says "Thanks babe!" I say smiling back "Aww The Mecca ship sails!" Jake says as him and Jeremy come up to us. I rolled my eyes as i greeted them. "Hey guys so I know this is kinda last minute but the girls and I are taking a trip back to my hometown" I say "Really that's so cool!" Jeremy says "Yea and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come? I mean of course you guys need to ask your parents but other than that the girls are happy to have you guys join!" I say "That's sounds like the perfect way to spend the weekend! We'll be sure to ask and let you know!" Jamie says "Yea I'm pretty sure our moms would be cool with it though" Megan says "Yea and my parents would be totally fine with it too" Jess says "Same with me" Jeremy says "Bec we gotta go its getting late" I hear Ally say "Okay! Text me yea?" I say "Always!" They call as I grab my softball bag. I head to the van with the girls. "I'm starving!" I say as we all pile into the van. "I know the perfect cure to that!" Camila says "What?" I ask "PIZZA!!!!!!" she yells making us all laugh "Okay pizza it is." Lauren says as she pulls into a pizza place. We got a large pepperoni pizza,My favorite. "So Bec are your friends coming with us to the big apple tommorrow?" Ally asks "I don't know let me check if any of them have asked yet" I say taking out my phone to text them.
JJJJMB Group chat
Becca😇😈:Hey can you guys come to NY?
Jake💁🏻:Wilson kids can come!!!!
Becca😇😈: Awesome!!! Jess? Jerbear?
Jess😝:My parents are cool w/ it!
Jerbear🐻: Same w/ Mine
Becca😇😈: Sweet!! I'm looking forward to this trip! Can't wait to show you guys all my favorite spots!
Megan😍😍:I can't wait to see where you grew up babe!
Jamie💯: Yea also I know there's gangs in NY or at least where you grew up...is there any colors we should avoid wearing?
Becca😇😈: Oh don't worry about that. My gang was pretty chill and the rivals only attack when there's a gang war going on.
Megan😍😍: Are we going to meet your old friends?
Becca😇😈: I mean if you guys want to. I'm sure they'd be cool w/ it.
Jess😝: Wait so they aren't mad that you quit?
Becca😇😈: Nah I'm still pretty tight w/ some people over there. So I'm pretty sure I could introduce you guys
Jamie💯: Alright sounds cool! So wht are you up to lefty?
I look up to see that the pizza has arrived so I sent a quick reply back and started to dig in. "Oh My friends can come on our trip" I say "Awesome! The more the merrier!" Dinah says "So anything we should know about your hometown before we go?" Lauren asks "Yea be aware of pick pockets always keep your wallet in your front pocket same with your phone and anything else of value. Other than that you're all pretty much set" I say "Okay sounds good" Ally says "Yea when are we heading to the airport?" I ask "Like around 5 AM" Camila says "Damn I'm gonna need Starbucks" I say "Amen to that!" Mani says as we all laugh. We paid for the pizza and headed back home. "Alright well I think I'm going to bed since we have an early flight tomorrow" I say "Okay night baby girl" Lauren says kissing my head. I set an alarm for 5 AM and I sent a text to remind them to do the same then I fell into a deep sleep.
Really?!? I opened my eyes and saw that it was time to get up if I wanted to go to New York. I sat up and yawned while stretching. "Morning Bec you excited to head to New York?" I hear Camila say I nodded still not able to find my voice. She chuckles and sits at the edge of my bed. I knew that look she only looked like that when she was about to tell me something. "What's up Camz?" I ask her "hmm oh nothing just thinking" she says "About?" I ask "Well I've done a lot of thinking and...I think I have feelings for Lauren" she admits I let out a squeal "oh my god all the feels are happening right now!!!" I say "shhh you can't tell anyone about this" she says "I promise I won't but oh my god this is the best news ever!" I say smiling she chuckles "alright well get up we've got a plane to catch." She says I got my suitcase that I packed a few days ago and a backpack full of books to read on the flight. I grabbed a hoodie and just decided to go to the airport in sweats since I was planning to sleep on the flight. I saw that my friends were already here. "Hey guys" I say "Hey kid you excited to go?" Jess asks "Hell yea! This is going to be so much fun!" I say "Alright so let's get our things in the van and we'll set some ground rules on the way to the airport" Lauren says we all nodded and did as she said. We were pretty much packed like sardines in that van. I was sitting between Jamie and Megan. Ally was driving with Dinah in the passenger seat. And everyone else was in the back. "Alright rule number 1 All kids must stay with in our sight unless they tell one of the members of fifth harmony where they are going" Ally says "Rule number 2. No running off that will cause those to be deprived of their phones" Camila says "Rule number 3 Absolutely under any circumstances No sex! Between any couples" Lauren says causing all of to groan since we all were gonna share a room with our significant other. "But other than that we are pretty chill about everything else" Dinah says "Yea as long as no one disrespects Beyoncé" Mani says "Who would dare say one bad thing about queen bey" Jake says "You are officially my new favorite" Mani says as we all laugh. We made it to the airport just in time. We made through customs and security just fine but since we hadn't had breakfast yet we got some McDonald's breakfast. Then we headed to our gate. I had a window seat and Megan was right next to me with Lauren next to her. I put on my headphones and laid my head on the window as Megan turned on the tv and started watching the walking dead. Lauren had her head in a book so I basically slept through the whole safety speech that I had memorized. This was going to be one Amazing trip.
A/N: So what do you think is going to happen in New York? Will Becca go back to her old ways? Well hope you guys liked the chapter. Vote and comment love you guys

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