Reuniting with my dad

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Becca's POV
As the school week went by I couldn't help but think more and more about my dad. I wanted to see him again just one last time. I wanted him to know that I was okay. I wanted to hug him again. I wanted to know that he was okay. I wanted I don't know I just wanted him. "Becca will you please pay attention?" Ms.Parker says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hey look the bitch does know you're name" Megan says to me I just looked at my music and tried to figure out where we were. "You alright babe? You seem kinda out of it." She says "Yea I'm fine don't worry" I say that's the lie that I've been telling everyone for the past week. Even though I was hurting inside I didn't want to bother anyone else with my problems. As 5th period went on I was starting to dred 6th even more. Mostly because it was a conditioning day and believe me when I say that Jamie goes hard on us. "Ms.Parker we have 5 minutes" Jess says one of us always has to tell her or interupt her because otherwise she'd make us late to our next class. "Right alright I'll see you tomorrow" she says with that fake ass smile. Ugh just made me want to punch her and wipe that smile right off her face. As Megan,Jess and Jamie walked towards the locker room they were discussing our next game. "If we win this next game guys we're off to the state championship." Jamie says "Yea and you're our secret weapon kid" Jess says looking at me I rolled my eyes. "Yea sure. Me your secret weapon have you seen Martinez she can hit that ball out of the park" I say referring to our first baseman. "Yea but you've got the charisma babe" Megan says "Yea well charisma isn't gonna get to the championship" I say as we head into the locker room. We got into our practice clothes then went out to the field. The "Coach" took roll then Jamie made do batting practice. "Alright lefty your turn!" She says as I put on my helmet. I took a couple practice swings before she started pitching to me. I swung some pretty good ones. Some would have gotten me enough time to get third. "Cmon Bec is that the best you got?" She says No I can do better
I started swinging harder and harder. "Alright you're good. Go take a lap." She says "Seriously?" I say she nods I threw my bat down and took off my helmet. Then ran towards the track I took my lap and Jamie made a sign for me to take another and another and another. My anger was starting to rise. Not at Jamie. At my biological mom maybe because she's the one who left me. At myself mostly for not being good enough for her. Maybe I didn't deserve to be alive. Maybe I didn't deserve the friends that I had. Maybe I didn't deserve Megan. Maybe I didn't deserve the girls. Maybe I was the mistake that my parents had made when they were young. Maybe I wasn't even supposed to be here right now. As I finished another lap I noticed that I was the only one out here besides Jamie waiting for me. "How many more do you want?!?!" I asked my anger getting the best of me. "Bec come here" She says softly "no I know exactly why you made me do this! It's because I'm not good enough to go to championship huh? You're kicking me off the team! I was never good enough I guess then! Not for you! Not for Megan or Jess or Jeremy or Jake. Not for the girls. Not for gang. Not even my own god damn mother wanted me! My dad maybe but for all I know he could be dead!" I yelled as hot tears fell from my face as I said that. Before Jamie could say anything I started running again. No I was sprinting. I heard footsteps behind me I tried to pick my pace but I was too tired and she was faster. She soon caught me and wrapped me up into a hug. I struggled to get out of her grip but it was no use she was stronger than me so I just let myself break down. "Shhhh Bec it's okay" Jamie says while she rubbed my back while trying to calm me down. "Hey you listen to me. The only reason I sent you to do all these laps was because I could tell something was bugging you and I thought it'd help you blow off some steam but it looks like it actually did the opposite. Bec you are good enough to be on this team. You are more than worthy to be our friend and Megan's girl and you are so loved by the girls and you know they wouldn't trade you for the world. Screw the gang and your mom it's their fucking loss you want to know why? They missed the opportunity to have an amazing person like you in their life." She says reassuring me. We were now sitting on the grass facing each other . "Now tell me what's bugging you Becca?" She says I sighed "I guess what's bugging me is that I never got to say Goodbye to my dad. My mom and I were never close because I was always Daddy's girl. He just got me in ways that she never could. I guess that's why she left me on the streets. I just want to see him one last time. To show him that I was okay and to know that he's okay too." I say "Damn kid well I don't know what to tell ya kid." She says "It's okay I didn't expect you to say anything." I say "Hey do you by any chance know his name?" She asks "Yea it's Shane Jones" I say "Maybe we could look him up on Facebook or something and find out where he lives and get you there somehow?" She suggests "Like the girls would allow that" I say "They would if they knew how badly you were hurting about it. That's why you've been so down lately right?" She asks I nodded "Well I'm sure they've noticed it and I'll bet they'd do anything to see that smile of yours again" She says "You're serious about this?" I say "Anything for you Bec" she says smiling. Jamie was sorta like an older sister figure to me. When I was having a rough day she knew how to make it better. It's one of the things I liked about her. "Alright well come on kid the others are waiting" she says we went to go dress out and met up with the others. Jamie explained to them why I was so down lately and they all agreed to going to my house and convincing the girls into doing this. "Thanks for doing this guys." I say "Of course Bec you know we got your back" Jess says "And even if they do say no we'll do it anyway. Getting into trouble for this totally worth it!" Jeremy says as we all laugh bursting out into song. As we entered my home I called the girls to come down to the living room. "What's up baby?" Lauren says kissing my head as she goes and sits next to Camila joining the rest of the girls. My friends and I were on one of the couches while the girls were on the other. "Well you guys know how I've been soon down lately?" I ask they all nodded cautiously. "Well it's because I'm missing someone who was very important to me. This person was in my life before I was in the gang. Back when things were so innocent and simple" I say dropping many hints "I know I haven't talked about this much with you guys but my mom was the one who dropped me off on the side of the road not my dad. They fought over giving me up many times before. My dad was always against it. He said that he didn't want to just hand me off to some stranger. He wanted to raise me himself. But one day when my mom was supposed to leave me at school she drove me to the other side of town and dropped me off at some random street while I was asleep. I woke up so confused,lost and scared and I didn't know what to do" I explained "What I'm basically asking you is if you'd give us permission to find my dad and let me see him again one last time. Just so he could know that I turned out okay and to know that he's okay" I say I looked up to see that Ally had tears streaming down her face and most of the other girls were on the brink of tears as well. "Oh my gosh Becca we had no idea" Ally says coming over to hug me. "I don't know about anyone else but you have my blessing" Dinah says wiping her eyes "And Mine" Mani says "I agree" Ally says "Same here anything to see your smile Babe" Mila says "Mom?" I say looking straight at Lauren "I agree but on one condition I get to come. If he's an asshole I want to make I'm the one to kick his ass" she says I smiled "Thanks Lo but I don't think there will be any ass beating" I say "Just in case" she says I nodded "Alright so it's official Mission Get Becca and her Dad Reunited is in progress beginning now!" Jake says as we all laugh. I went upstairs to grab my laptop and came back as everyone gathered around me. I went onto to Google and just typed his name in. The first that popped up was a FaceBook account. "So it looks he's still alive" Jamie says smirking at me I rolled my eyes at her as I countinued to look through his profile. He hadn't changed a bit since I was little except he had a beard now. "Okay so it looks like he lives in the Bay Area looks like San Jose actually" I say "Perfect that's not far from here. Why don't you send him a message?" Lauren says I sighed "Okay here goes first time talking to my Dad in years. 12 to be exact.
Becca Jauregui:
Uh hey Dad I'm not sure if you remember me but I'm your Daughter. Becca? Hope that rings a bell anyway I'd really like to me up with you. You know just to catch up?
"And send" I say pressing enter "Now what?" Dinah asks "Now we wait" Jeremy says "Movie anyone?" Mani suggests "I'll get the snacks" Ally says Mani and Dinah put in one of their Beyoncé movies. I wasn't really paying attention since I had seen it before. My eyes kept looking at my laptop. Every few minutes or so I'd refresh the page. "Would you give it a rest Bec?" Jess says "one more time" I say as I pressed the refresh button again and I saw a new message. "Holy shit guys pause the freaking movie!" I yelled they paused it and gave their full attention to me as I read the message aloud.
Shane Jones:
Becca of course I remember you how can I forget. I'm very sorry on my part about what your mother had done. Of course I would love to meet up with up. Not a day has passed by that I haven't thought about you Princess. How's Friday sound?
"Say yes babe!" Megan says "That's perfect it doesn't clash with the game" Jamie says "Lauren does Friday work for you?" I ask "Sounds perfect babygirl" she says smiling I smiled back at her as I sent him a message back.
Becca Jauregui:
See you Friday Dad
He then sent me his address and phone number. I couldn't wait til Friday. We watched movies for the rest of the night. The whole time I could not stop smiling.
A/N: Hey guys so here's another chapter for you! So we learned a little bit more about Becca in this chapter. And she's going to meet up with her dad. How will they react seeing eachother for the first time in 12 years. Alright well Vote and comment love you guys!

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