What to tell the fans

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Becca's POV
I woke up the next morning in the same position I was the night before. In the back room with Lauren's arms wrapped around me protectively. I rested my head on her chest and just took in the moment. I buried my head in her neck and took a deep breath and smiled. For some  reason I felt like this is where I belonged I felt safe here. Unlike in the gang where I was in constant danger. "Morning sleepy head." I heard a husky voice say. I looked up to see her green eyes looking down into my blue ones. I smiled "morning" I say smiling  "awww your morning voice is cute" she says "um no its not if you haven't noticed I am anything but cute" I say she giggled "still keeping up that badass act are we kid?" She says "it's not an act it's who I am. And if you don't like then you can dump me on the streets just like everyone else" I say sitting up she sat up with me so that I had to look up at her. God I hate being short. "Well I'm not like everyone else kid. And neither are the other girls. And you'll just have to get used to that" she says I rolled my eyes and got up to head to head to Lauren's bunk to grab some clothes out of my backpack. I went into the bathroom to change into a graphic tee,a pair of black skinny jeans,and some white converse. I went out into the front room where I saw Ally putting some pancakes on a plate and setting them down. "Morning Becca" she say cheerfully I gave her a polite smile. "Morning thanks for the breakfast" I say sitting in the only empty chair with Lauren on my right and Camila on my left. "No problem sweetie but you should probably eat up we have a bust day today." She says I nodded and started stuffing pancakes in my face. What can I say I love pancakes especially since I didn't get to eat them much in the gang. "Damn you're eating those pancakes like you haven't eaten in days." Dinah says laughing I smile and swallowed my bite. "Well I love pancakes and I didn't get to eat them that often growing up" I say "Well you're still growing so as long as you're with us you get to eat all the pancakes you want" Camila says booping my nose. I smiled at her goofyness and looked around at the others just acting like themselves I think I could get used to this. "Um hey guys I don't mean to rain on our parade but what are we going to tell the Harmonizers?" Normani asks I looked up at her confused "The harmo-what?" I ask all of them  "it's what we call our fans since we are fifth Harmony they call themselves Harmonizers" Lauren explains "ohhhh well what are you guys going to tell them" I say shoving another piece of my pancakes into my mouth. "Well what do you want us to tell them?" Ally says I shrugged my shoulders "I dunno whatever you guys want to tell them I guess" I say "Well..we wanted to wait to ask you this but I think now's a good time" Ally says "Ask me what?" I say looking at Lauren "well Becca we all feel a very strong connection with you and we were kinda hoping if you wanted to become part of our family" Lauren asks I look around at all of them and they all had hopeful eyes. Damn these girls have only known me a day and they already love me. That's new...but was I really ready for a new family? Guess there's only one way to find that out. "Do you guys really mean that?" I ask looking around the room and they all nodded thier heads. "So what do you say kid? You wanna be apart the family?" Dinah asks I smile really big because for the first time in my life I'm being asked to become one of a family. You see the gang was never really united like a family. Just imagine being in a group with a bunch of people you've fucked and almost all of your exes and a bunch of other random people. Basically that's what It was but this was different. It's not like me to trust people so easily but with them it just feels natural. "Yes I would love to be a part of this family" I say As they all smile and give me a huge group hug. "Yay!!! So it's official you're officially a Hernandez/Jauregui/Cabello/Hanson/Hamilton." Camila says I look at her confused. "That's a long ass name" I sat causing everyone to laugh except for Ally who just glared at me. "First rule of being a part of the family anyone under the age of 18 can't swear" She says "What?!?! That's so unfair!!! I've been cussing since I was 12!" I say "Well looks like we'll have to stop that" Ally says I roll my eyes but then look at all of them. "So...who's going to be the one to fill out my adoption papers?" I ask "Well we all thought it should be Lauren since she met you first" Camila says "Okay then wait one sec" I say heading into the bus. I don't know why but I've always had my adoption papers that had my parents signature on them since they never cared for me. I went back into the front and handed Lauren a pen. "Okay now just sign here and I am officially yours" I say pointing to the spot she had to sign. "Wait! This needs to be documented!!!" Camila says "you're right! Here record this with my phone" Lauren says handing Camila her phone. "Okay go!" Camila says Lauren signs the papers and then shows the camera. "It's official! She's all mine! I mean ours!" Lauren says smiling and kissing my cheek while the others started cheering. Camila stopped the video and handed the phone back to Lauren. "What's your instagram name?" Lauren asks typing a caption "It's Becca9999" I say "Why the four nines?" Ally asks "Cause that's the day I was born. September 9th,1999" I answer "That's cool how you were born on a day where the numbers were all the same" Camila says "Yea it's why my lucky number is 9" I say "Cool and you should probably check you're instagram cause you're phone is probably blowing up" Lauren says as I feel my phone vibrate nonstop in my back pocket. I see that I instantly gained thousands of follows and see that Lauren posted the video on her instagram with the caption Welcome  to the family Becca!! Love you kid!! I smiled and liked it. "Damn guys my phone's blowing up" I say As Ally slaps my arm "owww Ally!! What was that for?" I say rubbing my arm "Because i said no swearing" she says scolding me. "Okay guess I'll have to work on that" I say As they all laugh. "Wait so are you like my mom now?" I ask Lauren "Well I am your legal Guardian now but you don't have to call me mom like I told your first day. We'll be the older sisters you never had" she says putting her arm around me. "Yea and you can come to any one of us for anything we'll be here for you" Ally adds "Yea I'll teach you how to pull pranks and I'll get you to ship Camren" Dinah says "Who?" I ask "Oh don't get her started" Lauren says rolling her eyes as the rest just laugh. "And I'll of course will give you some cool dance lessons and teach you all about Beyoncé" Normani says "Yea and if you want I can teach you how to bake and cook and all that other stuff" Ally says smiling "oh god we're telling her things that we are going to teach her. Uhhh I didn't prepare for this but I'm pretty good at the guitar so I can show you how to play that." Camila says I chuckle at her akwardness. "Thanks guys I would love that." I say smiling "Hey wait I didn't tell you what I'm going to teach you" Lauren says "okay Lauren what are you going to teach me" I say "She's gonna teach you how to be a Grammer queen" Dinah says laughing as we join her. "Okay but seriously what I'm going to teach you is...." She pauses for dramatic effect. "Ugh!! Come on just say it! The suspense is killing me!!" I say "You'll just have to stick around to see" she says "you'll just have to stick around to see" she says smiling I roll my eyes "Okay well we got a busy day today girls so let's get moving" Ally says. Boy I can already tell this is going to be one crazy adventure. I mean who would've thought I'd be adopted by a famous girl group. I sure as hell wouldn't I thought I would be in that gang until the day I died but I always felt like I was destined for something bigger. And being with these five girls just seems perfect. "Hey kid you coming or what?" Lauren says "Yea I'll be right there" I say grabbing my backpack from our bunk. I sigh looking around at my home for the next few months. I just hope I don't screw things up again.
A/N:So Becca is finally a part of the family. What do you guys think will happen on tour? I'm sorry it's been a while I've just been busy lately. But I promise I'll try to update as soon as I can. Well if you guys have ideas or feedback I'd love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you

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