The Home Game

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Becca's POV
I kissed all the girls on the cheek as I was about to walk to school with the group. "Don't forget guys I'm going to the home game and I'm staying the night at the Wilson's" I say "Okay be safe! Love you" Lauren says "Love you too! Bye!" I say walking out the front door and meeting up with everyone. "Hey kid!" Everyone says "Hey! So everything set up for tonight?" I ask "Yup! You're going to have the best day of your life!" Jake says smiling. "So did the girls are letting you stay at our place right?" Megan asks "Yea and you're moms are out of town for the weekend right?" I ask "Yea so looks like everything is going according to plan." Jamie says We planned on having a party although it was just gonna be us. We were going to do some things that adults would never let us do. We all walked to school and got there with few minutes to spare. Since Megan and I were the only ones in an A period we said bye to everyone and walked to Spanish. "Wait so you're fluent in Spanish?  How?" Megan asks as Mr.Perez went on about accents and all that other stuff. "Let's just say I spent a year in Mexico while I was in the gang and well you sorta needed to pick it up." I say I explained to them that I was in a Gang since I trusted them enough to know they wouldn't spill the beans. "Wow that's so cool! Do You think you could tutor me sometime? I've got a D in this class and moms say that if I don't raise it by the end of the quarter then they're not gonna get me the new Call of Duty that's coming out and I really want it!!!" She says practically begging me to. Damn a girl who plays Video games,Loves music,and she's good looking. Can this girl get any better! I smiled thinking that this was the perfect opportunity to get to know her better. "Of course I'll tutor you! I'd love to" I say smiling she hugs me tight "Thank you so much! I owe you one!" She says as the bell rings. "Well I'll see you at lunch" she says hugging me goodbye. Jake usually meets me halfway to Math so I meet up with him next. "Oh hey girl you looking beautiful as always!" He says making me laugh. "You saw me this morning dork!" I say hugging him. "I know I just didn't say it then." He says laughing hugging me back. "Well you're looking fabulous today!" I say "Why thank you after you" he says opening the door for me. We went to sit in our seat as Ms. Collins started the lesson. "So you excited for the game tonight?" I ask him "Of course I love going to see my baby play. Plus during halftime while the cheerleaders get into position the football players go to seat on the benches so we always hug eachother and he wishes me good luck and kisses my cheek" he says "awwww you guys are so cute!" I say "Speaking of which how are you and Megan?" He asks raising his eyebrows.  I don't know even know how but somehow Jake found out about me having a crush on her and basically told everyone except Megan. "God are you guys going to ask me the same question. We're just friends!" I say chuckling. "Bullshit! I see the way you look at her I know you want to be more than friends. And yes until you make your move and become a cute little couple we are going to keep bugging you" he says I roll my eyes and laugh a bit too loud. "Becca would you repeat what I just said?" I hear Ms.Collins say "um something about solving inequalities?" I say "Exactly. Pay attention Ms. Jauregui." She says "yes Ma'am" I say a bit annoyed since I hate when people call me by my last name. It sounds so formal and unless we are having tea with the queen which I don't think Beyonce is in the building unless she's undercover in which case I need to get Mani here stat. "Bec you're spacing out again" Jake says "Hmm oh I'm sorry What'd you say?" I ask "I said class is over. Now pack your stuff. Jeremy will kill me if I get another detention for being tardy." He says. I laugh as I put my binder in my backpack. We hugged Goodbye and headed for Biology. I meet up with Jamie and we walked into class together. You're probably wondering why I keep walking with one of my friends around. Well its because that bitch who I found out her name is Ashley, still is out to beat me up. And well apparently they are pretty protective of me which I'm glad. Also they are my friends so if that bitch and her barbie squad wasn't after my ass then I would still walk with them.  As Mr.H went on about some biology shit that Jamie and I never pay attention to. We were discussing all the pranks we were going to pull on the others while they were asleep. "Okay so while they're sleeping I say we draw on thier faces. You getting Megan and Jeremy and I'll get Jess and Jake." Jamie says "Good idea I also say we should scare people randomly through out the night!" I say "Yes I knew I loved you for a reason kid!" She says "Jamie could you tell me what this is?" Mr.H says "That's animal DNA." She says "Correct. Just pay attention. We wouldn't want to repeat what happened last year." He says "Aw but Mr.H I love having you every year!" She whines "Then if you pass maybe you could have me again for Chemistry" he says "Nah too much work" she says making roll his eyes while I chuckle. "How'd you know that? I thought you didn't pay attention?" I ask "Well it just depends sometimes I feel like learning and sometimes I dont. It also depends on the teacher." She says The bell rings again for 3rd period. Jess usually waits for us since her 2nd period is close by. "Hi baby!" She says "Hey babe!" Jamie says as they kiss which usually lasts forever and a day. "Alright we get it. You're in love come on Jess I don't want to be late again" I say they both laugh and pull back. "Take care of this one babe! And you get to class!" Jamie says "Yes momma" I say As they both laugh. They have kinda turned into my school moms. Sorta like Jake and Jeremy are like my school dads. Since the two couples are older than Megan they usually look out for us. Which Megan and I appreciate but it does get annoying sometimes. Since we were assigned to do an Essay about ourselves last night we were supposed to reading them to eachother and telling eachother how to improve our writing skills. But let's be real here no one ever does that so we basically had a free period. Since Jess was the one in charge of the money we were going to use at the game and for the snacks for later. I gave her the 20 bucks that Lauren gave me. And the 5 bucks that I convinced the other girls to give me so it was really 40. What can I say I'm good when it comes to convincing people. Plus me being cute to them helped. "So what do you guys usually do at sleep overs?" I ask since the closest I ever had to one was basically when Sabrina and I slept in another girls room got wasted,Fucked and passed out. I woke up with a huge hangover but it was totally worth it. "Well usually we go to the nearest store to get junk food and soda then we pretty much watch Disney movies since they pretty much have every Disney movie that's ever existed. Then if we all are still awake we play  a little truth or dare" She explains."Oh my god that game brings back so many memories." I say smiling "oh yea? What kind?" She asks "Both good and bad. It's actually how I lost my virginity." I say "oh I gotta hear this" she says I laugh and tell her many stories. I was just about to tell her about how I was dared to drink Everytime someone cussed which if you're in a Gang or any group of teenagers for that matter you know that's a shit ton of times when the bell rang. We meet up with the others at the football field. We pretty much just joked and acted like a bunch of idiots. I love having friends who can make you laugh until your side hurts. They are my favorite kind of people. Photography and Choir were pretty chill all that was left now all that was left was Softball. "Alright girls today's going to be a pretty easy day. Just a couple of field drills and batting practice and that's it how's that sound?" Jamie says. Jamie for the most part was in control for the practices. The coach basically stood off to the side. Megan told me it was because the coach was bad at doing his job and Jamie went off on him one day and he basically said "Well if you think it's so easy why don't you do it?" And she did from that day forward she was in charge. All the coach did was take attendence and watch to make sure we're not dead. "What cha you thinking about?"  Megan says catching up to as we ran our laps. I shrugged my shoulders. "Just life I guess what about you?" I ask "I'm thinking about how my sister is going to fall any minute she's such a clutz" She says just as she said that Jamie fell straight on her ass. We both stopped and laughed as we saw Jess pick her up. I turned to look at Megan and her blonde hair was glistening and turning into more of a golden color as the sun set. I watched her eyes as they light up as she laugh. Soon she realized I was staring and we were just staring into eachother eyes for a good minute. "Hey girls. To the diamond now!" We heard Jamie yell. I smiled "Race ya there!" I say As I got a head start "Hey cheater! Get back here Jauregui!" She yells running after me but it was too late I was already halfway to the diamond. "In your dreams Wilson!" I say As I beat her to the diamond. "I won!" I say "Yea because you cheated" she says I roll my eyes "Whatever helps you sleep at night" I say she playfully punches me as we head towards the others. "Alright girls that's enough for today. Let's head to the lockers" Jamie says. After we were all dressed in our regular clothes. We met up with Jake and Jeremy and headed to the Wilson house hold. "Looks like our parents are already out of the house. So let's get ready for the game. Megan,Becca you're riding with Jamie and Jess since we both need to be there early. So we'll see you guys out there" Jake says " Wait you're leaving us with them?" Megan says "You can't be serious!" I say "Sorry guys but hey it won't be that bad" Jeremy says getting his helmet.  As they left us alone. We turned to see that Jess and Jamie have already taken the couch as their make out spot. "Watch this!" Megan says "Alright if you guys are going to fuck can you guys please keep it down. Becca and I are going to be upstairs having sex" my eyes widen as those words come out of her mouth. When she started to chuckling I knew that she was joking. Phew. "They literally get really deep when they make out. You can basically say anything and they won't react." She says laughing as I join her. "Come on I'll show you my room." She says as we head upstairs. Her room was simple. Plain with a couple of posters on the walls. A set of bunk beds since she shares the room with Jamie. A bookshelf filled with books a flat screen TV,a dresser, a Guitar and many other things. "Nice room!" I say "Thanks most of the stuff is Jamie's but we share a lot." She says I nodded "So do you want to start on that Spanish homework." She asks "Sure!" I say. Every once in a while she'd ask me to say something in Spanish which I did. I even taught her a couple of bad words. "Guys we're leaving in 10 minutes get ready!" We heard Jamie yell from downstairs. "By the way I heard what you said earlier Megan and If I find out you guys lost your virginity today. You're both dead!" She says. "Too late I already lost mine a long time ago and Jess can tell you all about it" I say smirking. I brought some clothes over so I could change over here. My outfit was simple. Our schools football jersey that had the number 9 on it with Jauregui on the back. We each got one yesterday so that we could match. Skinny jeans and black converse. "Do you guys have a bathroom I could change in?" I say "Nonsense we're both girls we'll just turn around." She says "Okay promise me you won't look?" I ask "as long you don't I won't." She says "okay" I say. We both turned so our backs were facing eachother. I stripped down and put on my outfit. We helped eachother paint our faces. "Almost done" Megan says as she puts on the finishing touches. I didn't mind though the more I could look into those gorgeous hazel eyes that I could stare at for days. "Alright done! Go take a look!" She says pulling me out of my trance. I get up off her bed and look at the masterpiece she did on my face. "It's beautiful" I say admiring it. She stands behind me and smiles. "Almost as beautiful as you." She whispers. I turned to look at her as she tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. We both just started at eachother in silence. I swear at that moment I could have kissed her but I thought better to wait. I can't just go around kissing every girl I meet. I did that back in the gang and that got me no where. So I resisted the urge to. But I just couldn't stop staring at her soft pink lips. A second longer and I swear I would have kissed her but then we heard. "Hey losers get your asses down here!" We heard Jess say we both smiled at eachother. "We should go." She say I nodded. We both went downstairs where Jamie and Jess were waiting by the door. "What took you guys so long?" Jamie says "Ask this one she just had to get my face perfect" I say "Hey its your first home game so you have to look the part." Megan says as the young couple in front of us just laughed. "Aww you guys are having your first fight. So cute!" Jamie says We both rolled our eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you we're just friends" Megan says as we got in Jamie's old blue pickup truck. "For now" Jess says wriggling her eyebrows. "Look if something does happen between us then great but until that happens will you guys stop." Megan says but the more they teased us about the more Megan blushed. I could feel my cheeks heating up too. We soon made it to the school and headed to the field we had made it just in time. We bought nachos along with some Hot chocolate to keep us warm. We were playing a good game. So far we were all tied up and it was the last few minutes of the game. All of us were on the edge of our seats. Jeremy was number 23 it was his lucky number for some strange reason. As the guy passed the ball to number 19 he passes it to Jeremy and he scores a touchdown. "We won!" Megan says as we both stood up cheering. Megan hugged me and I hugged her back. We both slowly pulled back but we both stared into eachothers eyes. My eyes travel from hers to her lips. God I wanted to kiss her so bad. Before I knew it she started to lean in and I turned my head slightly until our lips met. It honestly felt like the whole firework show that happens at Disneyland was happening in me. Our lips moved in sync as the world slowed down. The cheers from our peers were so distant that it felt like we were the only two people there. We both pulled back gasping for air. "Wow" I say speechless. "Yea" she says. We just looked at eachother then we looked around and noticed that no one saw us. We just continued to cheer as Jeremy was carried on the shoulders of his fellow teammates. In that moment I knew that I would remember this night for the rest of my life. Not just as the night we won our first home game but as the night I kissed Megan Wilson for the first time. As the night our two souls became one.
A/N: Awwwwww so Megan and Becca kissed!!! Aren't they so cute? Anyway what does this mean for them now? If you guys have any ideas or feedback I'd love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you guys

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