Thats what friends are for

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Becca's POV
It's been a couple days since the whole Ashley incident and I have somehow convinced the girls to let me keep going to public school and they agreed since they knew I had a good set of friends to back me up. "So kid you alright?" Jess asks "yea I'm okay a little bruised but I should be fine" I say "I swear if I ever get the chance I'm going to beat the shit out of her" Jamie says as we were all walking to hell "You'd have to get in line Jamie because I'm the first person to throw a punch at her. No one messes with my girlfriend." Megan says kissing my cheek. "I swear if that ever happens again the whole football team will be on her ass" Jeremy says "Yea and she's kicked off the cheerleading team for good" Jake says I smile at my friends being all protective of me. "Thanks guys I really appreciate you guys backing me up" I say "Of course babe always" Jess says "hey who said you could call her 'babe'" Megan says "I call everyone 'babe' babe" Jess answers the young sophomore chuckling. "Alright whatever we gotta head to Spanish come on babe!" Megan says as she took my hand and I yelled a bye to the rest of them. The classes went by pretty quickly before i knew it Jamie and I were walking to Biology. "Hey kid mind if we take a detour I need to talk to you" she says "um okay sure" I say and so we went to the bathroom where she picked me up and sat me on a sink. "What is it with people and picking me up?" I say "Sorry you're just so small and easy to pick up how can I resist?" She says making me chuckle. "Okay I am pretty cute but what's up?" I say looking into her chocolate brown eyes. "Bec you should know. The sky!" She says causing me to roll my eyes "no but seriously?" I say "I can't help but feel it's my fault that you got beat up. If I was there I would have kicked that little bitches ass and she knows I would. So she was probably waiting for me to be absent so she could beat you up." She says "It's not your fault Jamie and besides I could've taken her if it was just me and her. She's nothing without her little squad of sluts." I say causing her to chuckle. "Look kid I love you you're like my little sister now. And I promise if anyone tries to lay a finger on you or says something to make you feel worthless I will beat the living shit out of them. I'll make them wish they were dead." She says "okay now you're starting to scare me" I say causing her to chuckle. "I mean it kid if someone hurts you. You come tell me and I'll handle it for you. I've got your back." She says making me smile. "Thanks Jamie. You're like the big sister I never had." I say smiling "You're welcome Bec! That's what friends are for! Anyway we better head to class before Mr.H kicks both of our asses." She says making us laugh. We've been late to his class so many times that he just started marking us Present knowing we were here. We always screw around in that class anyway. The rest of the day went by pretty fast. We were now all in the locker rooms changing out of our uniforms. "Alright good work out there ladies don't forget we've got a game on the tenth also a day after our very own Becca Jauregui's birthday she'll be 17 right kid?" She asks "Yea" I say "So be sure to wish her a late happy birthday! You'll make us proud right lefty?" Jess says "You bet! I'm planning on hitting as many homers as I can!" I say "That's what we like to hear!" Jamie says "That reminds me I've got something special planned for your birthday" Megan says as I finished changing. She sat on my lap and kissed me while biting my lip as we pulled back. "You'll just have to find out Jauregui" she says smirking god that smirk drove me crazy!! "Hey Meg would you stop turning the kid on! You're torturing the poor girl" Jamie says "I already know what her birthday present from Megan is" The pitcher says winking at me "No it's not that we both agreed we would wait a while until we were both ready." I say "Yea but we all know it's driving you both insane just waiting. I mean you haven't kept your hands off eachother for the past week" The shortstop says I rolled my eyes as I kissed Megan again. "Alright enough with the make out session we gotta start heading to Taco Bell if we want to beat the chaos that is hungry teenagers." Jamie says as we both pull back. We went out to meet Jeremy and Jake and we walked to Taco Bell. We got the 12 tacos deal since we were all pretty hungry. I mean lets be honest here 6 teenagers meant there would be two for everyone plus we got the slurpies that they had there. I forgot what they're called there. "Excuse me?" Jeremy says standing up grabbing our attention. "I'd like to make a toast to our new friend Becca welcome to the group kid you are an official member now" he says "wait so can I call you Jerbear now?" I ask he flashes me a smile and says "sure go for it. But I'd also like to make a toast to friends in general after all without you guys I don't think I would have found my true love." He says "bet you ten bucks he proposes at the last football game he plays in high school" Megan says to me "bet you 20 he proposes at graduation" I say "you're on Jauregui" she says extending her hand "bring it Wilson" I say shaking her hand. "Anyway that's it so.." Jeremy says looking at us we raise our slurpies up as they all yell "Fuck school! Let's ditch together!" I look at them all with a confused look. "It's a tradition" Jamie says "Ooooohhh okay" I say we all laughed and joked around as we screwed around. We eventually got kicked out since we apparently 'too rowdy' but that's okay since we all were about to leave anyway. "So kid we'll see you tomorrow right?" Jake says "Always!" I say smiling as I peck Megan on the cheek and give the rest of my friends hugs and fist bumps. I walked the rest of the way home alone where I was greeted with five cheerful greetings from the girls. I hugged them all and then told them I was going to do my homework but really I just blasted music and rocked out while talking to my friends in our group chat. You know cause what are friends for right? To distract you from doing homework,Having your back and picking you back when you've fallen off again. Those are the best type of friends in my opinion.
A/N:Hey guys so double update!!! Surprise!!!!! Kay well hope you liked this chapter. Vote,Comment or you know do both. Okay well love you guys

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