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Becca's POV
We had everything planned out for the protest. We decided not to have any chants or anything like that. It would be a silent protest. We would sit outside of the C Building and have a reason to fire Ms.Parker on our hands and under it would be the hashtag #FireParker. My reason was going to be that she uses favoritism as a grading system. I have a C in choir just because I can't read music. I've gone to every single concert and I've never missed a day of school and I ask her how I raise my grade and she tells me to learn how to read music maybe then I'll consider raising your grade. Bitch why don't you go back to school and educate yourself more and then maybe I'll consider you as a choir teacher. "Hey Becca you ready for protest?" Jake asks me "Oh definitely!" I say getting into the van. We decided just in case they threatened to call our parents we would need an escape so we all agreed if worse comes to worse we are running to the van and going to Demi's place. She loves me so she can't be mad at me especially if I'm standing up for something I believe in. As soon as we got to school we heard the bell ring and so the six of us sat down in front of the C building. We made it so people would pass us on the way to class. Soon more choir kids were joining us. "Hey get to class now!" One of the campus supervisors yelled. No movement. "Get to class or I'll have to get the dean out here." He says. None of us moved an inch. He took out his waki taki and called for backup. That didn't stop more and more choir students from joining us. By the time the Dean came out here it was already close to 3rd period. Voldemort had arrived and she was pissed. "None of them will speak to you. They will just hold up their hand that has a reason for firing me with the hashtag #FireParker" Voldemort says "Alright stand up if you're the one who started this." The principle says the gang and I looked at each other and nodded. So we all stood up. "Alright all of you my office." He says "Wait no it was me." A random kid says "No I did it!" Another kid says "Nope they are all lying to save my ass it was me" I smiled they were pulling a Sparta. "They're pulling a Sparta." The Dean says "You can't expel us all can you?"  Jake asks "Alright why do you guys want her fired so badly?" The principal says. "And I'm going to pick you Jauregui why should I fire her?" I knew he was going to pick on me. "Should that even be a question? You wanna know why you should fire her because when I walked into that choir room the first day it didn't feel like choir. I didn't feel safe being myself in that room and I still don't. I don't feel loved or acknowledged or anything. It just feels like I'm in there because I have to be. If I could transfer out of that class I would in a heartbeat. The songs she picks are annoying as fuck and I can't relate to a single one. She picks songs meant for 2nd graders for high schoolers. She is disrespectful and rude and the second you send an administrator in there she's a complete angel. She treats us as if we were majoring in music when we are not! Choir is meant to be fun! It's meant to be a safe space where people can be as weird as they want to without being judged and right now choir is the exact opposite of that." I finish my rant and everyone's jaws were on the floor. "Ms.Parker your fired!" The principal says "What?" Voldemort says "You heard me as of right now you are no longer a teacher at this school." He says all the choir kids start cheering and hugging one another. Jess and Jamie being well them start making out and everyone started thanking me for saying everything they have always wanted to say but never had the courage to say. After all was said and Dane we ended up going to lunch and then went to class as usual. When Choir started we noticed that there was not a single thing in the choir room that belonged to Ms.Parker which made me happy. "Alright people we've got a concert to prepare for so let's make this one hell of a show!" Jamie yelled as we all cheered. Jamie and Jess picked out some really cool songs for us to sing at the Concert and we were lucky that it's next week because we barley have enough time to learn these. "Alright guys so look up you part on YouTube or something and try to Learn it. We can go over anything you guys don't get tomorrow." Jess says as class ended. We all stacked our chairs and went to our next class. "Dude what you did this morning was awesome!" Jess says "Yea even I don't have the guts to do that" Jamie says "Well what can I say when I'm given the opportunity to speak about something that I'm passionate about there is literally no filter" I explain "Well yea I think we all saw that when you cussed in front of the Principal,The Dean of Students and Voldemort babe" Megan says "Whoops?" I say shrugging my shoulders as my friends laugh. "But at least she's out of our lives now and probably making her way back to hell" Jeremy says "Honestly though" I say as we all laugh again. Man these are the moments that I'm going to remember the most. The times where I rebel against someone in charge of me and then joke about it later on with my friends. "Alright so let's just keep this between us. The girls would freak if they found out what I did" I say as we turn to our street. "Deal." They all say "See you guys later" I say as I head home but as soon as I open the front door I hear "BECCA!!!" Oh fuck I'm so screwed
A/N:So what do you guys think is Becca screwed? Okay well Vote and Comment. Love you guys!

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