Roadtrips and bonfire songs

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Becca's POV
I woke up the next morning and got dressed. I went downstairs to make myself breakfast since the girls had already left. In fact they woke me up at 2 AM just to say goodbye to me. I wasn't too happy about being woken up in the middle of the night but nonetheless I said my goodbyes and then went back to sleep. So when I woke up this morning I wasn't expecting anyone here today. That is until I smelled the scent of bacon. "Whoa I never thought I'd see the day where Demi Lovato cooked me breakfast in the morning." I saw surprised to find her in the kitchen. She rolled her eyes at me but set a plate of eggs and bacon down for me. "Well I thought since the girls were gonna be out of town I'd make you a good and nutritious breakfast." She says "Right so bacon is good for you then?" I say making her laugh "Shut up and eat" she says playfully shoving me. I ate my breakfast that Demi had made for me. As I was finishing up I heard the sound of a horn honk. "That must be the gang. Thanks again Demi for the breakfast" I say grabbing my backpack that was full of stuff that I needed over the weekend. "No problem kid! Hey be good to the Wilson's and tell them I said hi" she says "Will do!" I say as I walked out to the Van that we were borrowing from the Wilson's. "Was that Demi Lovato I saw in there?" Megan asks as I get in. "Sure was and she says hi!" I say she squeals probably fangirling. I rolled my eyes at her as I got my seatbelt on. "Alright so now that we've got Bec let's get this road trip started!" Jess shouts "Fuck yeah!" Jamie says putting the car in gear and speeding off. "Alright who let Jamie drive" I say looking at Jake "It's not my fault she stole the keys" he says "We're gonna die" Megan says "Oh come on guys she can't be that bad of a driver" Jeremy says and then we all felt Jamie swerve. "You were saying?" I say "Nevermind we are all going to die" he says as we laugh "Don't worry guys I'll get us there in one piece." Jamie says confidentiality "I seriously doubt that" I say "Whatever then I'm not stopping at 7/11" She says "Jamie did I ever tell you that your my favorite?" Megan says "What I thought I was your favorite?" Jake says "That was before she threatened not to stop at 7/11 and I need an Arizona if I'm going to get through this car ride" She says "Relax guys we're stopping at Walmart to get some snacks and stuff." Jess says "Perfect!" I say as we park in the lot. We all got out of the car and split up. Megan and I were in charge of getting the water and juice boxes and stuff like that. We all met up near check out. "Alright so we've got Chips,Sodas,Energy drinks,Lunchables,Food to last us a good two days,Some milk and juice,What are we missing?" Jess says we all think about it and then look at eachother. "Candy!" We all say in unison. We headed torwards the candy isle and picked a bag of our favorite candy. So that Candy is pretty much gonna last us until the end of the week. Trust me if you put all of us in a cabin with two days with tons of food I guarantee all that food will be gone because we are constantly eating. As we finished putting the last of our bags in the car Lauren was trying to face time me. "Shit guys it's green eyes!" I say "answer it!" Jamie says "uh hey mom" I say trying to act normal. "Hey I just called to say that we made it here safely." She says "I can see that" I say as I got into the car. "It looks like you guys are in a car. Where are you guys headed?" She says "Oh we are going to the bowling alley." I say I know lying is bad and all but I mean come on do you really think Lauren would let me go to a cabin in the woods with these guys? Okay she may be cool with that but the Cabin we are going to only has like three rooms which means Megan and I will be sharing a room. Alone. With no parents. Now do you see why I have to lie. Okay good on with the story. "Oh cool well I love you baby and I miss you so much" she says I rolled my eyes as my friends were struggling to keep their laughter in. "I love you too mom." I say "Say it like you mean it" she says "I love you dork you're so annoying sometimes" I say she laughs "Alright I'll let you go have fun!" "Thanks byeeeee!!!!!" I say as she hung up. "I love you so much Baby" Jamie says imitating Lauren. "Shut it!" I say "Awww is my baby blushing?" Megan says "No I'm not blushing ugh!" I say covering my face "Don't cover it babe it's cute" she says kissing my cheek. I rolled my eyes as we continued the road trip. It took us 3 hours to get to our cabin but after 3 rounds of truth or dare and many cans of Arizonas we finally made it. "Wow check this place out!" I say walking in. First off it was huge. There was a living room with a flat screen tv and a sound system. There was a full on kitchen. There was also a balcony. "Alright let's do some exploring" Jake says we went upstairs to see that these were all rooms. So we picked our rooms and let me tell you Megan and I had the best view of the woods. I couldn't resist I just had to take a picture. I didn't post it on social media though I'm not that stupid. Megan and I then decided to check out the downstairs. "Whoa Megan check this out. There's a game room!" I say walking in to see a bunch of gaming consoles and shelves of games. Anything from Call of Duty to Mario Kart. "I think I died and went to heaven" Megan says "Hey guys we found a pool!" Jeremy says "No way!" I say "Yea there's also a built in Movie theater and a hot tub!" Jake says "Holy shit how did you guys afford this place?!" I say "Easy Christmas money" Jake says my eyes widen "What kinda Christmas money have you been getting?" I say "We have a huge family and there's a lot of people that we don't see as often so those people give us money for birthdays,Christmas basically anything" Megan explains "Can your family adopt me?" I say "Nah you're already rich" Jamie says I rolled my eyes at her. "Hey I say we make a camp fire since it's getting dark." Jess says "Yea I saw a bonfire pit just about a mile from here." Jeremy says "I'll get the marshmallows!" Jamie says "I'll get the crackers and chocolate" Jess says following her girlfriend into the kitchen. "Jake and I will get the fire started." Jeremy says "Well I guess you and I are just supposed to show up" I say "Or you could bring your guitar and play for us" Megan says "Come on babe you know I'm not that good" I say "Baby I've heard you before I think you should play something come on we won't judge you" she says I sigh still unsure "Please for me?" She asks putting on her best puppy face. "Ugh fine!" I say giving in. "Yay!" She says as I got up to get my guitar from our room. We were now sitting on the ground around the fire put making s'mores and telling stories. "Alright alright but seriously who else would bang Kylie Jenner?" Jamie says "Why Just stop at Kylie? Can't we bang her and her sisters?" I say "Even better just have this huge sex session with all of them!" Jess says we all started laughing. "Hey kid why don't you serenade us with some music. You brought your guitar right?" Jeremy says "Yea?" I say "Well then let's here it girl!" Jake says I laughed and grabbed my guitar from behind me. I started messing around but then I found the chords to This is our song by well basically the Cast of Camp rock 2.
So let's sing Na Na Na Na hey ya cmon and sing Na Na Na Na Hey ya
I smiled at Megan and she smiled back as she started to sing the next part with me.
This is our song that's all that matters cause we all belong right here together there's nothing than singing along this is our summer. This is our song.
I continued playing and looked at Jake he had a killer voice so I nodded at him to sing.
Come grab your guitar
Then out of nowhere Jamie jumped in
Sit by the fire cause we all need a song when we're weary and tired.
I looked at Megan and then we started singing.
We'll sit here together
She decided to sing Demi's part so she sang.
And sing it out loud
And then I sang it and then we all joined in unison for the chorus.
This is our song that's all that matters cause we all belong right here together there's nothing better than singing along this is our summer. This is our song.
We sang that again and then we acted out the actual scene in the movie where the Camp Star kids come into the song. I then looked at Megan again and smiled
So let's sing Na Na Na Na hey ya
Then the rest of the group joined
Come on and sing Na Na Na Na hey ya
Then Megan finally joined.
And Come on and sing Na Na Na Na hey hey yaaaa yeah! This is our song that's all that matters cause we all belong right here together there's nothing better than singing along this is our summer. This is our song that's all that matters cause we all belong right here together there's nothing better than singing along this our summer and this is our song (This is our Song) this is our song (This is our song) this is our song (This is our song) and then I finally ended it by singing the last line and playing the last few chords. "Wow that was great guys" I say putting my guitar back where it was. "Yeah Hey! We could be the cast of camp rock 3!" Jamie says "Yea great idea babe Bec I could totally see you being Mitchie and Shane's daughter!" Jess says "Me being the product of Demi and Joe?" I say "Have you seen yourself Bec you're like the younger version of Demi!" Jake says I rolled my eyes at them "as if!" I say "Yea yea yea and then Megan could be the daughter of Tess and we could all make up the other cast members kids. And the main plot is basically where these two girls are told all their lives to stay away from eachother since Mitchie and Tess never got along and so when they finally meet at camp rock they know who the other is already but it's like love at first sight type thing. So they develop feelings for eachother and then boom everyone's next OTP!" Jeremy says "That actually sounds like something I would watch" Megan says "Yea I would love to see the look on Demi's face when we pitch the idea to her." I say as we all laugh at our silly imagination. "Alright guys well it's getting late we should head to bed" Jess says we all agree so we put out the fire and went back to the cabin to get some rest. I can't wait to see what tomorrow held for us.
A/N:Hey guys so pretty long chapter huh? Well hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope it wasn't too boring. Remember to Vote and comment! Love you guys!

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