Swimming and First Show

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Becca's POV
As I got off the bus I noticed we were in front of a hotel. And that I had no idea where we were. "Hey where are we?" I ask "We're in Detroit" Lauren replies "wait so we drove all the way from New York to Michigan? Couldn't we have just taken a plane or something?" I ask "Well yea but then we'd have a run in with the paps and fans and we didn't want you to deal with all of that unless it's necessary." She says I nodded understanding. We all went in to check in we had 3 rooms. I was rooming with Lauren so the others were basically rooming with eachother. They all decided we would rotate Everytime we were in a hotel so that way it keeps things fun. We all got to our rooms and got settled. "So what am I going to be doing while you guys are performing and all that other stuff?" I ask "Well you'll be hanging out with Big Rob backstage and during the other stuff like Soundcheck and interviews. Well we were thinking that you could take questions during Soundcheck and interviews well there will be some where you'll be asked to come on and others you'll just stay backstage" She explains "Sounds cool." I say "So I'm guessing this is going to my new normal" I say "if you call hanging out with 5 crazy dorks normal then yes it is" she says making me laugh. "Hey what do you say we go take a quick swim before I have to go on stage." She asks "Umm yea sure but just letting you know I can't swim" I say "Well that's something I'm going to change now come on go put on your swimsuit" She says "okay" I went into my backpack and noticed I was running out of clothes. "Is that all the clothes you brought with you?" Lauren asks "Yea well I didn't have a lot of time to pack everything. Plus I didn't have much anyway" I say "Well the second we have a free day we are taking you shopping" She says "great" I mutter under my breath I go into the bathroom avoiding the mirror. I've always had issues with my body. No matter how many times I'm told that I'm beautiful I just never believed it. But anyway enough about that I changed into a tang top and some shorts while Lauren changed into a two piece bikini and Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!! She's fucking hot!!!!!! Wait it's still illegal if I fucked her right? Damn it!! Ugh oh well!! "Earth to Becca?" She says snapping her fingers in my face. "Hmm oh sorry I was uh...." I sat trying to find an excuse for not staring at her ass. What? Oh don't act like you haven't stared at her
For more than 5 minutes. "Girl I know what you were doing when we first met you were the one flirting with me remember?" She says laughing causing me to blush. "Shut up! Let's just go." I say "Alright whatever you say" she says as we walk down the hall we asked the rest of the girls if they wanted to join us but
they just wanted to chill in thier rooms. Party poopers. As soon as we got to the pool we set our stuff down and Lauren jumped into the deep end. I went straight for the stairs and just chilled in the shallow end. She soon joined me and we just sat there for a while. "So let's get this swimming lesson started" she says "Alright what do I do first?" I ask "Well first things first you have to trust me. I wouldn't tell you to do something that isn't safe. So do you trust me?" She asks looking at me with those percing green eyes. "Yea I trust you" I say "Okay" she holds her hands out in front of her and instructs me to lay down. I'm a little hesitant at first because I do have a phobia of drowning. "It's okay I'll hold you up" she says "okay" I say going to lay down. I felt her hands on my back and I felt safe. "Okay now close your eyes and relax" She says I do as she says but I can't relax she must have noticed because she started to hum a little bit of photograph I imediantly relaxed. "Okay now open your eyes when I opened my eyes I noticed that her hands were up and I started freaking out and my breathing was getting quick. "Hey hey its okay you're not going to drown." She says helping me up. I quickly clung on to her as if my life depended on it as she got us both out of the water. She ran her hand through my hair until I calmed down. "Sorry I guess I should have told that I have a phobia of drowning." I say "it's okay babe don't worry about it" she says. "Hey why don't we save the swimming lessons for later. The show starts in two hours and you wouldn't want to go to your first show in wet clothes would you." I chuckle and shake my head we both got up and dried ourselves off and went up to take a shower. "I call showering first!" Lauren says beating me to the bathroom. "Damn it! Ugh! Just hurry up!" I say she just sticks her tounge out at me while I roll my eyes. I went on my phone to see 3 missed calls all from Sabrina. So I decided to call her.
S:Becca thank god are you okay?!?
B:Yea I'm fine why?
S:I've been worried sick about you for the past week! Are you safe?
B:Yea I actually got adopted by a famous girl group
S:No way! That's Great I'm so happy for you!
B:Thanks! How are things going over there?
S:Same old same old except Derek's being a Douce
B: You know if I was there I'd put him back in his place
S:Haha yea I know you would
Just as I was about to speak again Lauren steps out of the bathroom.
B:Yea well listen I gotta go but I'll call you later
S: Okay I love you
B:Love you too bye
I hang up the phone and take out the last of my clothes out of my backpack. "Who was that?" Lauren asks "oh just an old friend" I say "oh cool!" She says drying her hair "yup see you in 10 minutes" I say walking into the bathroom. I took my shower then got out and changed into a Nirvana shirt and some ripped black skinny jeans and my black converse. I walked and saw that the room was empty so I checked my phone.
L:Hey kid went to the venue early but don't worry we've got you covered! Big Rob should be in the lobby by the time you get this so go check there!
I went down to the lobby and saw Big Rob waiting for me. "There you are come on Soundcheck's about to start and the girls insist that you be there" he says "Alright im coming" I say As he leads me into a black van and drives us to the venue. As we walk in I saw the girls on stage singing a song that I didn't recognize but they sounded pretty good. Big Rob lead me to the side of the stage and Lauren was the first to see me and she smiled and I smiled back at her. "Alright we'd like to invite someone who just recently came into our lives" Ally says looking over at me and smiling "So please welcome Becca!" Camila says As I walk our the whole arupts into applause. I waved at the crowd and went over to stand next to Lauren. "Hey guys I'm Becca but you guys already knew that" I say laughing as they all laugh with me. "Alright so she's going to walk through the crowd and take you Questions so you gotta get her attention to get your question answered" Lauren says "Alright im look in the middle first" I announced through the mic I jumped off the stage and ran through the middle section until I found a girl with a Fifth harmony shirt on as well as a couple of wristbands so I choose her. "Do you have question for the girls?" I ask her "oh my god yes!" She says "Alright First Question comes from..." I say trailing off looking at her. "Faith" she says "Faith" I finish handing her the mic. "Oh my god I can't believe I'm talking to you right now" she says I smile at how excited she is. I mean I know If I was talking to Ed Sheeran I'd freak out. "Okay um Do you guys have any advice for aspiring singers?" She asks "I think if you really believe in yourself then you should just keep working at it and don't let anyone stop you" Lauren says "Yea and never give up on yourself you can do anything you set your mind to" Camila says After that I went all around the venue picking people who stood out to me. "Alright guys I think that's all the time we have for questions" I say since Big Rob told after five to come back. "Aww are leaving us" Camila says giving me puppy dog eyes "unfortunately" I say "noooo stay come on sing this last song with us please!!!" She begs "I don't know" I say "oh come on Becca you know this one " Lauren says pulling me into her lap "oh alright" I say "Yay!!!!!!!" They all cheer as I just laugh. They start singing a bit of Lego House by Ed Sheeran so I started singing along at the chorus.
I'm out of touch I'm out of luck I'll pick you up when you're feeling down and out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now I'm out of sight I'm out of mind I'll pick you up when you getting down and out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now.
I kept joining the girls at the chorus and our voice fit perfectly together it was like we were made to sing together and I've never been felt more happier in my life. As we finished the girls said thier goodbyes and then went backstage. "You did great out there babe" Lauren says smiling "Yea you're voice is the most amazing thing I've ever heard" Dinah says I smile "Thanks guys it means a lot" I say after that I went out to watch the opening acts and they all did great before the girls went on stage they hugged me as I wished them luck. I smiled as the girls rocked the stage even though I didn't know any of thier songs but it didn't matter I rocked our to every single song and tried to sing along. After the last song they all ran side stage to hug me. "Ewww you guys are all sweaty" I say As they laugh "Well get used to sweaty hugs cause you're gonna get a bunch" Dinah says kissing my cheek. I smiled as they all went to take a shower. I went into the dressing room to wait for them. Man just a couple of days with these girls and my life has changed completely. I didn't realize that I was zoning out until Lauren came and sat next to me making me jump. "You okay kid?" She asks "Yea just thinking that's all" I say "About?" She says "how much my life has changed in just two days. I mean I went from being a street kid to being a famous kid you know what I mean?" I say she nods "Yea I know what you mean trust me this is all new for us too. But you can't let the fame get to you. Just keep being you alright?" She says booping my nose. I smile "Alright so where to after today?" I ask "Not too sure but I do know that we are staying at the hotel for the night." Lauren says as the other girls come out of the bathroom. "Wait isn't It becca's first night staying at a hotel?" Dinah asks "Yea it is" Lauren says "You know what this calls for?" Camila says They were all smiling and looking at me. "Okay am I missing something?" I ask "SLUMBER PARTY!!!" They all yell oh boy this should be fun!
A/N: Hey guys so here's an update. Hope you guys like it! If you guys have any ideas or feedback I'd love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you guys

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