Did you make any new Friends?

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Becca's POV
"Alright girls that's enough for today. Let's call it a day" Jamie says I was drenched in sweat by the time we finished. I basically hung with them the whole day. I either have a class with one of them or all of them. I've got Spanish with Megan Then Math with Jake, Biology with Jamie, English with Jess, Photography with Jeremy and Megan, Choir with all of them, And Softball with Jamie,Jess,and Megan. It's crazy how I just got accepted into thier group in just one day. Lauren texted me during lunch saying that they were at the studio so I had to walk home.  "Hey Bec do you get picked up or do you walk home?" Jamie "Um well today I'm walking but I'm planning on just telling the girls that I'll walk to and from school just to make it easier on them." I say "Cool! Well we all walk together too wanna join?" Megan asks "Yea sure!" I say smiling. "Alright well we better catch those two love birds before they go off without us" Jess says as I see Jeremy and Jake heading over to us. "So where do you live kid?" Jake says as we come close to my street. "Um see that huge house over there?" I ask "You live there?" Jeremy asks suprised "Yea" I say chuckling. "Huh we always asumed that house was empty seeing as its always empty." Jamie says "Well the girls just recently came back from tour" I say "Well it looks like we'll be neighbors cause we live across the street from you." Megan says smiling "What about Jess and Jeremy?" I say "We live about a block away but we always are over so we'll see you too!" Jess says I smile knowing that this is going to be a fun year. "Yea well I gotta go before the girls start to worry." I say "Wait do you want my number you know just in case we want to hang out?" Megan asks "um sure" I say she grabs a pen from her backpack and write her number down on my hand. "Okay well text me when you get the chance" She says I nod "Will do!" I say smiling. "Hey you're coming to the home game on Friday right?" Jeremy says "I'll ask if I can go" I say "Cool so you'll get to see us both out there!" Jake says I looked at him confused. "Guess I should have mentioned that I'm a cheerleader" he says I smile. "The cheerleader dating the quarterback I should have seen that coming such a cliché" I say causing them to laugh. "Yea well they're the cheesyest couple you could ever possibly meet" Jamie says I laugh "Okay well see you guys tomorrow!" I say As I head off to my house. The girls gave me a key to the house so I unlocked the front door and walked in. "I'm home!" I say not really expecting a response seeing as the girls were in the studio. But I heard someone in the kitchen. Wait shit are we being robbed. I quickly ran upstairs and threw my backpack in my room and ran into Lauren's room and found her old bat. I quietly went back downstairs and decided to sneak up on them. As I went to turn I saw a black haired girl who looked no more than at least 20. She turned around and stared at me wide eyed. "Whoa no need to get the bat out Bec." She says chuckling Wait how'd she know my name and wait a minute that voice sounded familiar. God Damn it I'm no good with names. Hold on give me a second. "Wait you're Demi Lovato" I say putting the bat down."I sure am" she says smiling at me. "Why are you here if you don't mind me asking?" I ask "Well the girls didn't want to leave you alone so they called me to babysit." She says "What do they think I'm gonna set the house on fire?" I say she looks at me with her eyebrow raised. "It was one time and it wasn't a house it was a hotel room. And they should've known better than to leave a hungry teenager in a room alone." I say As she laughs. "Speaking of food you hungry?" She asks "Yea I could eat." I say "Okay will you put the bat down though I'm not gonna kidnap you." She says causing me to laugh "How am I supposed to know that? We've only known eachother for 5 minutes. You may be America's sweetheart but I don't trust people easily" I say she just smirked at me. Damn it why dose she have to be hot. "I'm flattered but I have a boyfriend" she says laughing. "Shit I said that outloud didn't I?" I say "Yes and Lauren warned me about your attitude and it's cute for now kid but it's not gonna get you far in life." She says "Why does everyone keep calling me cute?" I sat rolling my eyes. "Why don't you go put that bat back where you found it and I'll make you sandwich." She says "Okay I'll be upstairs doing my homework." I say she nods. I go upstairs and put Lauren's bat back then I go to do some of my homework like for photography o had to download this app that takes all the photos you take during the school year and puts them in a slide show. Which I personally think is pretty cool. "Hey what are you working on?" Demi asks as she sets the sandwich on my desk. "I'm syncing my phone to this app that takes all the pictures in your phone that you take and puts it into a slide show at the end of the year." I say "No way how does it work?" She asks "come take a selfie with me and I'll show you." I say "Okay!" She says she leans down so that I can take a selfie. She shines her award winning smiling while I just stick my tounge out. "That's a keeper." I say smiling "Now what's it doing?" She asks "Well first it's gonna ask me if I want it in the slide show which sure why not" I say pushing the yes button. "Then it's gonna put the picture in the editing process." I put 'Our First picture' In the middle. I show her and she nods. "And then it adds it to the slide show" I say "That's so cool!" She says "Yep!" I say As I hear the door open. "Sounds like the girls are home" Demi says. We both head downstairs to greet them. "Thank you so much Demi for taking care of this one" Lauren says "Even though I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself" I say "It was my pleasure other than the fact that she almost attacked me with a bat it was fun" Demi says "Wait you did what?" Ally says looking at me "it's a long story" I say pulling an innocent smile. "It sure is kid. See you guys soon" Demi says as she heads out "Well I've got a  lot of homework so I'll be upstairs." I say trying to get out of the whole 'How was your first day of school' conversation. I almost escaped when I forgot that one of them is super tall and I'm super tiny. Let's just say Dinah the freaking giant carried me to the couch. "How was your first day of school?" Ally asks "It was good!" I say smiling "Did you make any new friends?" Lauren asks "Yea I did. 5 new people were crazy enough to make friends with me" I say causing them to laugh. "Alright let's get straight to the details. Any cute girls?" Dinah says raising her eyebrows. I've come out to all the girls by now and they all supported me 100 percent. I look down blushing remembering Megan. "There so is! I totally called it!" Mani says "you owe me 10 buck smalls" Dinah says to Ally. "Wait you guys bet on how long it would take me to have a crush?" I ask "Yep and you just helped me win ten bucks! High five!" Dinah says as she holds her hand up. I go to high five completely forgetting that Megan's number was still on my hand. "So I see someone already got the digits" Dinah says smirking. "Oh look at the time better start on that homework. Don't wanna be up late" I say sprinting upstairs as I hear them all laugh. I remembered that I still haven't finished any of my homework. Ehh I really don't care. I layed on my bed and went on my phone. I decided I'd text Megan.
B:Hey Megan it's me Becca.
M: Oh hey Bec whts up?
B: Just got interrogated by Fifth Harmony lol
M:Lmao I just finished my homework and now I'm going to watch Netflix!
B:Nice! Netflix is life!
M:Becca I think this the start of a beautiful friendship.
B:Yea me too
M: Hey everyone wants me to add you to the group chat. Is that cool with you?
B:Yea sure!
M: Okay hold on then.
I waited until my phone buzzed again.
Megan has added you to the JJJM group chat.
M: Okay there you guys go happy now?
J:Very! Hey kid it's Jamie just in case you forgot!
M: it says your name! Idiot!
Je:Hey! Don't call my girlfriend an idiot. She's just a little slow.
J:Awww babe you know me so well
M:Ew will you guys please stop before Jess ends up coming over and I'm forced to sleep on the couch.
J:It could be worse you could end up sleeping with Jake.
Ja:Hey whts wrong with sleeping with me?!?!
M:You sleep kick!!!!
Jer:Guys I think you scared the kid...
M:Bec you still there?
I chuckled
B:Yea I'm still here lol
J:phew! That was a close one guys
Ja: Hey guys I think we should change the group name to JJJMB now that Becca's in the group.
Jer:Good thinking my love I'll change it!
Jerbear has changed the group name to JJMB
B: Okay quick question does everyone call Jeremy Jerbear?
Jer:No they have to earn that privalage
B: Oh have I earned it?
Jer: I was kidding! Jeez Jake put that as my name but if you really want to you can lol
B: Okay I'll stick to Jeremy until I find some other name to call you lol
I continued talking in the group until Lauren told me it was time to go to sleep so I said Goodnight in the chat and went to sleep.
A/N: Hey guys so what do you guys think of the new group of friends that Becca has made? Do you guys think Megan and Becca should hook up?
If you guys have any ideas or feedback I'd love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you guys

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