The kids back

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Becca's POV
"ATTENTION ALL PASSENGERS WE WILL BE LANDING IN FIVE MINUTES. ID LIKE TO THANK FOR FLYING WITH US AND WE HOPE YOU HAVE A NICE DAY IN THE BIG APPLE" i jolted awake as the loud speaker said that now I get why they call it that. I looked over to see Megan sleeping on my shoulder. I smiled at the sight and took a picture of me making a silly face while she slept. I chuckled softly while adding it to the slideshow for photography class which I still didn't get why our teacher assigned us it. He said 'A picture says a thousand words and I hope I can teach you that through this class' I shook my head and thought he was insane. I gently shook Megan awake and she opened those Hazel eyes that I fell in love with and smiled. "Hey baby" I say kissing her head. "Hey" she says in a raspy voice While stretching. "We're about to land so get your seat belt on." I say she nodded and followed my instructions and I did as well. I reached for her hand and held it tightly. I still hadn't gotten used to landing. Taking off was fine but the landing always scared me. Once we landed we had grabbed our carry ons and went out to get our suit cases after that we went to get a van and then headed to the hotel. "Okay so before we set you guys loose we're putting down some rules for the hotel" Ally says we all groaned "We get Ally no sex" Jamie says "Well that too but also No parties,No playing music too loud,No going to the pool after hours and no sneaking out." Lauren says "So basically don't do anything fun" Jess says "I'm sure there are a million other things you can do that are fun" Dinah says "Whoa D I thought you were on our side" I say "I am I just don't want to get kicked out of the hotel at 2 AM again because someone was playing their music too loud" She says looking at me "Hey it's not my fault that lady was annoying the shit out of me with her loud ass classical music I was just giving her a taste of her own medicine" I say "Well just make sure it doesn't happen again" Lauren says glaring at me while I just gave her an innocent smile. "Well we'll be on the floor below you guys so we will know if you throw parties or anything like that but if you need us just text us" Camila says "Fifth harmony below text you guys got it gotta Zayn!" I say joking "Still too soon!" Jake says faking tears I roll my eyes as the gang and I all head into the elevator. "Okay so do they really expect us to follow those rules?" Jamie asks "Probably not but as long as we don't get caught it's okay" I say as we all laugh "Okay so who's up for a midnight dip in the pool. It's the last hour they allow for swim the pool closes at 1" Jeremy asks he was our guy who always made the plans to almost break the rules but still stay within not breaking the law. "Hell Yeah!" We all say getting out of the elevator. "Alright in the meantime let's get settled and figure something to do today" Jess says "Okay ready break!" Jamie says as we all went to find our rooms. Megan and I found our room which turned out to be the one above Lauren and Camila's. "Well looks like they had it all planned out huh?" I say "Yep but check this place out its huge!" Megan says sarcastically I rolled my eyes it was just a normal hotel room you had the flat screen tv,Two beds although we were only going to use one,a bathroom with a shower,a mini fridge and a microwave. Oh and a little balcony thing. We put our suit cases on the bed that we weren't using and played music. I decided that I would text Sabrina since I haven't spoken to her in a while and she would be glad to hear that I'm back.
To Sabrina..
Hey Sabrina you'll never guess where I'm at
From Sabrina..
Never land? Haha jk where are you babe?
To Sabrina..
Ha. Ha. Very funny. But I'm back in Brooklyn!!
From Sabrina..
No way! You have to come by!!!
To Sabrina..
For sure is it cool that I go by today? Would that okay w/ Derek? Oh and can I bring some friends?
From Sabrina..
We kicked him out because he was an ass. I'm in charge now so it's cool w/ me! And the more the merrier!
To Sabrina..
Alright see you soon then
From Sabrina..
Yea see you soon baby
I smiled i happy to visit the old place again. Although it is where most of my bad memories have occurred there are some good ones there too. "Who are you texting?" Megan ask laying down next to me. "Sabrina." I say "Wasn't she your girlfriend in the gang?" She asks "No no no. We didn't exactly put a label on what we were in the gang we were just fuck buddies basically. Except I guess you could say she was more like a fuck sister" I say kinda chuckling "So you two were close then?" She asks  "Yea we were. She said we could swing by and visit." I say "Alright cool ill text the others" she says pulling her phone out. "Yea and also tell them to wear anything but white. That's the rivals color" I say "Got it!" She says while she went to go get ready I decided to text Lauren.
To Mom❤️
Hey mom The gang and I are going out to explore we should be back around 5
From Mom❤️
Okay do you want us to go with you guys?
To Mom❤️
No thanks mom we'll be fine I grew up here remember?
From Mom❤️
Okay but be careful!
To Mom❤️
Always love you!
I couldn't tell her the truth because she would flip if she knew where we were really going. So I had to lie. "Alright all set lets go to the lobby and meet the losers" Megan says she comes out wearing a black shirt that said Fuck off on it along with some jeans and a zip up hoodie since it was cold. The only thing I had to do was change shirts since I kept the shirt they gave me with the gang sign on it. Sabrina had gotten it for me for my birthday last year. We met everyone else down by the lobby then I lead them down the familiar streets of Brooklyn. The same streets that I walked to steal from millions of people. "So how should we act around them?"Jamie asks "Just be normal guys like I said the gang is hella chill. They'll most likely give me a ton of attention though since they haven't seen me in months." I say "Alright are we there yet. My feet are killing me!" Jess complained "Yea almost just a couple more blocks" I say "Any chance we can stop for pizza? I'm hungry!" Jeremy says I rolled my eyes "You're always hungry Jerbear. There will be food over there can you wait?" I ask he nods as we approach the familiar house I went up to the front steps and knocked the gangs secret knock. The door opened and I smiled as I saw the familiar face of Sabrina. "Sabrina!" I say running and hugging her. She hugged me back tightly and kissed my forehead. "I missed you" I say "I missed you too my little munchkin" she says ruffling my hair. "Sabrina these are my friends Jake,Jeremy,Jamie and Jess and this is my girlfriend Megan" I say "So you finally found yourself a girl outside of the gang huh kid?" She says smiling at all them "Yea I did and I'm glad" I say grabbing Megan's hand and locking our fingers. "Alright well come in every is waiting!" She says we all came in and as soon as we made our way to the living room everyone started cheering. "The kids back!" Everyone kept saying "For now at least" I say smiling at all my old friends. Once everyone was all caught up to speed we started to pump some music. Soon everyone was dancing. "So this is what it's like to be in a gang?" Megan asks "Not even close the parties we throw are ten times bigger and better!" I say "The kids right! You guys should come too one this Saturday!" Sabrina says "We'll see what we can do" I say  after a couple of hours of being there we decided to head back. We said our goodbyes and went back to the hotel stopping to get pizza on the way at Jeremy's request. "Alright I say we have a movie night in Camren's room who's with me?" Jamie says "I am" we all shouted "Alright let's go!" Jake says as we go to the girls floor. We went to Lauren and Camila's door and I knocked on it. "Who is it?" Lauren says "it's me!" I say We hear footsteps and right before she can close the door we all walk in with pizza and junk food. "What the hell are you guys doing here?" She asks "Movie night" Jess says putting lion king into the DVD player. "In our room?" Camila asks "Yea why not?" Jeremy says eating a slice of pizza "Well we were planning on having some alone time" Lauren says we all looked amongst eachother and smirked. "Oh I get it Camren wants some alone time." I say Lauren rolls her eyes "Alright well we'll leave you to it. Come on guys lets see if Ally,Dinah and Normani are free" Megan says we all walk out but I stayed behind just to say "Have fun but not too much fun" I say smirking as I left the room. We all watched Lion king,Frozen and Beauty and the Beast. Jake secretly texted the group during the last few minutes of Beauty as the Beast
JJJJMB Group chat
Jake💁🏻: Guys it's almost Midnight let's get out of her
Becca😇😈: Hold on before anyone runs out just everyone start yawning and we'll all go out in couples. Jake and Jeremy you first Megan and I will be last.
Jeremy🐻: Wait why do we have to go first?
Becca😇😈:Because older couples get tired faster.
Jake💁🏻: Wait you're calling us old?!?!!
Megan😍😍:Just go!!!!
Jeremy🐻:Okay! No need to yell!
Jake pretends to yawn. "You tired babe?" Jeremy asks "Yea I think we better go hit the hay" Jake says "Okay well night guys" Jeremy says as they left. We all said a night back then followed Jamie and Jess and then it was our turn. "Alright it's getting hard for me to stay awake" I say standing "Yea same here Night guys" Megan says "Night see you guys in the morning" Ally says we met the rest of our gang by the entrance to the pool. We had our swim suits underneath our clothes and I had already told everyone about my fear of the water so they all agreed we'd stay in the shallow end. And let me tell you that definitely woke us up. We had this huge water fight and the only reason it stopped was because the lifeguard kicked us out. After that we all went back to our rooms and fell asleep. And this was only the beginning of an amazing trip.
A/N: There you guys another update!! Drama is on its way but for now just enjoy the cute little chapters alright well you guys know the drill so love you guys

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