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Becca's POV
The two days after we had looked my dad up went by quickly. Lauren had pulled me out of school on Thursday we spent all day traveling. We got to San Jose around midnight and stayed the night in a hotel. "Babygirl wake up" Lauren says softly trying to wake me up. I shot up instantly smiling. "That's the fastest I've seen you get up" she says giggling. "I'm just so happy I get to see my dad again" I say "Alright well get ready we are going down for breakfast." She says I had changed into some regular clothes and joined Lauren in the lobby for breakfast. "So where did he say we could meet up?" Lauren asks taking a bite out of her omelette. "He said we could meet him at his apartment." I say "Okay cool does he live on his own?" She asks "Yea he told me that he had split with my mom when she dropped me off on the streets and that he had no idea where she was now" I explain "Okay so I'm thinking I'll stay in the car while you go and talk to him. If i hear any screaming I'll break down that damn door and kill him." She says "Easy there Lo" I say I knew she was protective of me but enough to kill someone damn. As we pulled up to my dad's apartment building I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. I mean what if I didn't turn out the way he wanted me to be. What if he's completely Dissapointed in me. "Bec are you okay?" Lauren asks as she parks the car. "Yea why?" I ask "because you're biting your lip and you always bite your lip when you're nervous." She says "I'm just nervous about what his reaction to me is going to be" I say "Baby he's going to love you. And if he doesn't I'll kick his ass." She says making me chuckle a bit. "Now go and say hi and then give me a thumbs up when you think he's a good guy" she says I nodded and took a deep breath as I got out of the car. His apartment was B9. Hey that's like the first letter of my name and my lucky number. As I stood in front of his door I took a deep breath and knocked on it. As soon as the door opened I was met with these blue eyes almost identical to mine but his were a little darker. It looked like he had shaven his beard and his hair was a lot shorter than I remember it being. "Dad?" I say being the first one to speak. He broke out into a smile and tears were pouring out of his eyes. "Becca it really is you!" He says engulfing me in a hug. I hugged back and closed my eyes taking in his scent. He still used the same cologne that he had used when I was a kid. "Well come inside" he says I gave Lauren a quick thumbs up and she nodded. I went in and the place looked really cozy. I sat on the couch while he sat on the recliner. "It's so nice to see all grown up Becca. You have grown into a beautiful young lady" he says "Thanks dad" I say smiling at him. "So that girl you're with is she your girlfriend?" He asks wriggling his eyebrows I almost choked on my own saliva. "What? Oh god no! That's Lauren. She's the one who adopted me. You see after mom dropped off on the streets I was sorta in a gang" I say his eyes widen "A Gang?" He says "Yeah" I say I explained the whole situation and he completely understood. "Wow sounds like you've been through a lot." He says sitting back. "Yea I actually have" I say playing with the ring he gave me. "You still have that?" He say noticing my actions. "Yea never thought those were the last words I'd hear from you" I say "Never thought that'd be the last time I'd see you" he says looking down. "I'm glad you said what you said though. And I hope I grew up to be the badass I was born to be." I say making him chuckle. "You are that and so much more. You are everything I'd hope you would be. You know when you were born everyone said you had my eyes. I didn't see it. In fact I didn't see any part of me in you because at that time I hated myself. I hated myself for getting a girl pregnant and ruining her life because that's what I was taught if you got a girl pregnant you basically screwed yourself and that child. So I didn't want any part of me to be apart of you. But now I'm glad that there is so much of me in you." He says I nodded urging him to go on I wanted to know more. "You have my charisma and my humor. Say are you any good at video games?" He asks "Yea I actually am" I say "You got that from me too. You've got your mom's smile though she had a beautiful smile" he says "the only thing I hope to have of her." I say "You're mom wasn't a bad person Becca she just wasn't ready" he says I nodded wanting to believe him. "So any boyfriend or girlfriend?" He says I smiled looks like coming out to him won't be so hard. "Um yea I actually have an amazing girlfriend named Megan and some amazing friends back home." I say "That's great! Also I guess the Apple didn't fall far from the tree." He says it took me a second then it dawned on me. "You're Gay?" I ask he nods "How long have you been together?" I ask him as he shows me a picture of his boyfriend. "A couple of years now. We're actually thinking about moving in together that's why the apartment is a mess" he says "Cool have you guys talked about having kids yet?" I ask "Yea we have but listen Bec I want to keep in touch with you and I want you to meet Derek and I want to be apart of your life. So is there some way we could work out some kind of arrangement with Lauren" he asks "Yea let me signol her to come in. She came in the apartment and at the end of it we all decided that I could spend part of the summer here with him like maybe a couple of months or something like that. "Alright well Bec I think it's time we should go" Lauren says I nodded "Well I'll see you in a few months dad" I say he smiles and hugs me "see you then princess" he says I smiled knowing this wouldn't be the last time I would see him.
A/N:Hey guys sorry if this chapter sucked or if it seemed kinda rushed. I just wanted to give you guys something. So hopefully you guys liked it! Anyways remember to vote and comment. Love you guys!

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