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Becca's POV
"Hey! Hey Bec wake up its your birthday!!" I hear Camilla yell as she enters my room "ugh! Why do you have to be so loud" I groan as I rub the sleep out of my eyes she giggles and kisses my cheek. "Sorry babe but it's almost time to go to school so get up!" She says I roll my eyes as I got out of my warm bed. It was finally starting to get cold in California so that meant it was hoodie weather. So I grabbed one of Lauren's hoodies that I stole from her as well as her stay weird beanie then I put on some jeans and converse. I then went downstairs and was tackled by Dinah to the ground. "What the hell?!??" I yell as she starts punching me in the arm which I assume was 17 times "Happy Birthday kid!" She says smiling and then kissing my cheek. I smile and chuckle at her Childness "Thanks D now get off me so I can have some breakfast." I say "I made your favorite since its your birthday!!" Ally says putting two pancakes on my plate as i rushed to get to my spot. I was about to dig in when someone held me back. "Wait we have to put candles on it and sing you 'happy birthday'" Lauren says I rolled my eyes as they put the number 17 on my breakfast and light the candles.
"Happy birthday to you,Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Becca happy birthday to you" they all sang in harmony but what can you except since they were called Fifth Harmony. "Make a wish baby girl!" Lauren says I closed my eyes and made a wish and then blew out the candles as they all cheered. "Now can I eat my breakfast?" I say "Go for it! It is your special day so your in charge" Mani says I smile as I dig in. By the time I was done it was time to meet up with my friends. "Bye guys love you see you later!" I say as I head out grabbing my backpack on the way out. I ran over to meet my friends at our usual spot. "Oh my god people move my baby is finally 17!" Megan says as I approach them. Megan and I are now the same age but she's just a couple months older than I am. "Happy birthday babe!" She says giving me kisses all over my face. "Alright alright I think that's 17" I say laughing "one more for Good luck!" She says as everyone else laughs. Once they all got their birthday wishes and punches out of the way we started walking torwards hell. "So the girls planning anything special for your birthday?" Jess asks "They most definitely are. They're throwing a party I think and I'd love it if you guys could be there" I say smiling "We wouldn't miss it" Jamie says assuring me. "So any ideas on what the girls or anyone else have gotten you?" Jake says "No they have been very sneaky with the hiding of presents. Believe me I tried looking for them but I couldn't find them anywhere" I say "Well you'll never guess what I got you! You are going to love it!" Megan says "aww babe you didn't have to get me anything." I say smiling at the fact that she actually put thought into getting me something. "Well I did so none of that 'you didn't have to' nonsense" she says making us all laugh. "Alright well unless we want to be late for Spanish we better start heading to class" I say we said bye to our friends and went to take our seats. The whole class sang to me in Spanish which was pretty cool but boy was this going to be a long ass day. Before I knew it, it was 4th period which was photography with Megan and Jeremy. We were working in groups of 3 so we immediantly paired up. We basically were given permission to walk around campus and take pictures for the period. "So what time is this party?" Jeremy says "I don't know but I'll be sure to tell you guys once I find out!" I say "So will there be celebrities at this party?" Megan asks "Probably, I've pretty much all of them by now except for Ed Sheeran" I say "Oh my god I love him!" Jeremy says "Better not let Jake hear you say that" I joke "he already knows I have a man crush on him" he says causing Megan and I to laugh. We basically just messed around and took stupid pictures. As soon as the final bell rang we were all already on the way to the front of the school. We all jammed out to random songs from my playlist as we walked home. "Make sure to let us know when the party starts!" Jamie says as I start to walk to my house. "For sure! See you guys later!" I say as I enter a pair of hands wrap around me. Wait a second the vallinia perfume and the black hair. "Hey Dems good to see you!" I say hugging the singer back "How have you been kid? Happy birthday!" She says smiling as we pull back from our hug. "I've been good and you? The album is amazing by the way I've had it on repeat since it came out" I say "Awww thanks! And I've been good you know just getting ready for tour but enough about me and more about you. I heard from a little birdie that your in a relationship now?" She says wriggling her eyebrows "Let me guess Dinah told you?" I ask "Maybe but who's the lucky girl?" She asks "Her names Megan and she's a Sophomore well she's supposed to be a Junior but she got held back like me. Well actually I flunked 3rd grade like twice so yea" I say "How do you flunk the 3rd grade" she says "Hey you try to write in cursive with your left hand" I say defending myself as she laughs "Alright well the real reason I'm here is so that I could help the girls with the decorations so they went out a while ago to get streamers and stuff so they left me in charge of food. So what kind of food you like kid?" She asks "Um pizza sounds good" I say "Cool I'll order some then in the meantime let's get some tunes going" she says as she plugs in her phone into the sound system and Confident comes on. "Hell yeah! Turn it up!" I say as she laughs I texted Lauren to find out when the party was starting then I texted the group chat that time. Soon enough the girls came back with decorations. So I helped them with decorating and stuff. "Hey babe come look at your cake!" Lauren says "Coming!" I say as I come downstairs. I just finished decorating the stairwell area so I went into the kitchen and saw that my cake had Ed Sheerans face on it as well as one of my favorites lyrics which was hearts are never broken and times forever frozen and still. Also Happy birthday Bec hope you take lots of photographs today! I smiled "awwww guys I love it!" I say as the doorbell rings "I'll get it! Probably the gang since they're the closest." I say I open the door and sure enough it was my friends and The Wilson parents made it as well. "Glad you guys could make it!" I say smiling "We wouldn't dream of missing something as special as your birthday!" Jen says "Yeah my mini me turns 17 today!" Rebecca says "Thanks guys!" I say smiling as they came in. "Holy shit Demi lovato is hotter in person!" Megan blurts out "I know right!" I say as Demi laughs at Megan's little fan girl moment. "Nice to meet you guys." She says as she shakes all their hands. More and more guests arrived literally everyone from One Direction to Nick Jonas showed up. "Alright Becca present time!" Lauren says i went over to the present table as they handed me present. Most of them were clothes and jewelry. Demi got me some beats since she knew I was begging the girls for some. Ally got me some red cowgirl boots,Mani got me this cute shirt with a cross on it as well as some red lipstick. Dinah got me a football jersey with the number 9 on it with 'Kid' on the back of it. She was wearing the one that matched that said 'DJ' on the back. Camila got me some Ed Sheeran tickets for me which I was ecstatic about since I've always wanted to go to one of his concerts. Megan got me a red Polaroid camera as well as a picture of our very first selfie we took together with a very sweet message on the back. Jess and Jamie had gotten me various types of beanies and Jake and Jeremy had gotten me a customized phone case that had a picture of the 6 of us at the home game. "Alright only two are left" Lauren says "but I only see one present?" I say "That's part of my present to you" she says smiling she hands me the box which I rip open to reveal a locket with a picture of Lauren and I on the bus. It was the first selfie we ever took together. Damn so much has changed since then. I read the inscription that you can fit me inside the necklace you got when you were 17. A picture says a thousand words love you Bec.
I smiled as tears started to fill my eyes. "I love you too mom" I say hugging her "Don't thank me just yet babe. That's only half of your present from me." She says hugging me back. I looked at her confused but she gave me a smile as the doorbell rang. "Go answer it!" She says pushing me torwards the door. "Alright" I say I looked around confused as everyone started to pull out their phones. As I opened the door I recognized the person immediantely. "Holy fucking shit!!! You're Ed Sheeran!!!!!" I screamed as he chuckled. "Happy Birthday Becca" he says in his accent "You know my name oh my god!!!! Is this a dream someone pinch me!!!" I say freaking out. "Happy birthday baby girl!" Lauren says hugging me "Thank you so much I seriously don't know how you're going to top this one next year" I say as everyone laughs. "Hey her birthday isn't over yet. A little birdie told me one of you favorite songs was photograph" Ed says "wait now I see what you guys with the cake,Megan with your present,The necklace. It was all leading up to this." I say "What are you talking about kid? We have no idea what you're talking about" Dinah says winking as I rolled my eyes. "Alright then this one is for you Becca. Happy birthday!" Ed says grabbing one of the acustic guitars we had lying around and strumming the first chords of photograph. I started humming along as I looked around the room while he sang chorus.
Where our hearts are never broken
I looked at Megan and smiled and she smiled
And times forever frozen and still.
I looked at everyone here and realized they were all here because they cared about me. I smiled because I knew that this is where I belonged. The gang would have never done something like this. On your birthday you got to fuck whoever you wanted and drink as much as you wanted. But here I was genuinely happy and that's something the gang could never give me. Happiness. "Sing this with me Bec!" Ed says pulling me to the center of the room. I realized he had gotten to the last verse so I sang.
Well on the way I will remember how you kissed me under the lamp post back on 6th street hearing you whisper through the phone. Wait for me to come home..
Everyone appulladed us and I smiled wide. I hugged Ed and then it was time to cut the cake. Once again for the billionth time today everyone started to sing Happy Birthday. Then someone *cough cough* Dinah shoved my face into the cake but no worries I got her back. After that I just enjoyed the party with my friends I even built up enough courage to sing A team but Ed was the one to convince me. Everyone left around 10 so now it was just me and the girls. "Did you have a good time today Bec?" Ally asks me "Yea but I wouldn't have without you guys hell I'd probably be dead without you guys." I say "What do you mean Bec?" Mila asks "Well you guys basically took me off the streets and gave me home. You guys barely knew me and yet you guys decided to give me a chance and I'm so thankful you guys did. You are guys are the best thing that's ever happened to me." I say smiling "Hey this would have never happened if you hadn't stolen my purse." Lauren says smirking at me. "Oh please if you hadn't have caught me I'd probably be rich by now" I say causing them all to laugh. "No but seriously Bec. You're probably the best thing that has happened to us" She says I smile  "Do you ever miss New York I mean it is where you grew up?"Dinah says "Yea I miss it but hey this is my home now" I say "Well if you want we could take a trip up there this week" Ally says "Wait you mean it?" I say "Yea you could even bring your friends if you'd like" Lauren says "oh my god I love you guys!!! You guys are the best!!!" I say hugging all of them. "That's only because you're the best!!" Camila says smiling "Alright well you have a game tomorrow so you better head to bed." Ally says "Okay night love you guys!" I say as I head upstairs and changed into some sweats I layed down and thought about how lucky I am to have the girls in my life. I decided to make a post about it. So I made a collage of all the people who are important to me and posted it with a caption.
So they say a picture says a thousand words well no amount of words from all the languages of the world could explain how i grateful I am for these people. They all mean the world to me and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Thank you all for making this the best birthday I've had in my life. I love you all Goodnight❤️ 🎶 We keep this love in a photograph,We make these memories for ourselves🎶
I smiled as I scrolled through the comments I saw that Lauren had commented on it
@LaurenJauregui: Awwww that's sweet but Go to bed Becca
I chuckled as I set my phone aside and hummed photograph as I fell asleep
A/N:Hey Guys so did you get the theme of this chapter I made it pretty obvious lol okay so Vote and Comment I love you guys! Oh and there will be some drama coming up.😉

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