First Night

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Becca's POV
I was 10 and Sabrina and I were on a run with her sister,Jen. The three of us were pretty close we were joking around until we came across some rivals. "Well look what we have here." One of them says "shit" Jen mutters under her breath. I started gripping Sabrina's hand tighter as I've never crossed paths with rivals before while being in the gang. "It's okay babe don't worry everything's going to be fine." Sabrina whispers to me "oh but I'm afraid everything's not going to be fine. You know the rules. Youngest to oldest." Another said. "Sabrina I want you to take the kid when I give you my signol." Jen says quietly so the rivals didn't hear. "Jen no I'm not leaving you" Sabrina says with tears in her eyes. "Hey its going to be okay I'll be okay." Jen says hugging her. She then kneels down to me and looks me in the eyes. "I need you to be brave right now and get down on your knees. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Okay?" She says I nodded tears brimming my eyes. She hugs me and whispers "I love you kid, take care of Sabrina for me." She says as we pulled back I went down on my knees. One of the rivals stood right next to me a gun pointed to my head. "Any last words?" He says I look at Jen and she gives Sabrina the signol in a flash Sabrina runs and grabs me and sprints. "Hey come back you little bitch! You'll regret this!" He yells next thing we hear is a gunshot and a body falling to the ground.
End of dream
I woke up sweating I looked around to see Lauren still asleep. I wasn't going back to sleep so I decided to go to the back. It was still dark I'd say around 2 AM. I sat down on one of the couches and pulled my knees to my chest and just let the tears roll down my face. Jen was like another sister to me. She always took care of me and made sure I got everything I wanted. She would make me spaghetti every day for lunch since she knew it was my favorite. She would laugh when I got spaghetti sauce all over my face and call me spaghetti face. I smiled at the memory but it hurt to think that she lost her life because of me. She saved my life when really she should have sacrificed me and ran with Sabrina. Those were what we were supposed to do. It was every man for themselves if you came across rivals. I think that it should have been me. Everyone's lives would have been so much easier. Sabrina wouldn't have to worry about me anymore and The fifth harmony girls wouldn't have a burden like me around them. "Penny for your thoughts?" A voice says that causes me to jump I look over to see Lauren standing there. I wiped my tears that's another thing I learned while I was in the gang is to never let anyone see you cry unless it's someone close to you. To never let them see you at your weakest moments. "What are you doing up?" I asked "I woke up and it was colder than I remember it being so I got up and here I am. Your turn." She says I sigh and looked down "I just had a nightmare." I say not really wanting to talk about it. She must've understood because she didn't push instead she sat next to me and pulled me into her so that my head was resting on her lap and then she ran her fingers through my hair. This reminded me of something Sabrina always used to do whenever I did have nightmares which was often. I imediantly relaxed at her touch. It was wierd I don't trust people easily but with her it was different. "I understand that you don't want to open up right now but I just want you to know that when you do the girls and I are here for you." I nodded. "Thanks" I say looking up "you're welcome now go to sleep we have a long day ahead of us." She says. "I don't know if I can go to sleep after that but I'll try." I say As I closed my eyes. A couple of minutes had passed and I still hadn't fallen asleep. I could hear Lauren softly hum in the background and I kept wondering what she would sound like if she was singing. "Lauren?" I say stopping her from humming "Yea?" She says "Can you sing?" I ask looking at her "yea sure" she says. She starts singing Photograph by Ed Sheeran  (A/N:Loving this song right now!)
Loving can hurt loving can hurt sometimes but it's the only thing that I know. And when it gets hard you know it can get hard sometimes it is the only thing that makes us feel alive.
My eyelids were slowly drooping because her voice was just so calming and it was just so angelic that I felt like I was going to fall asleep right then and there but I wanted to hear more so I was trying to stay awake.
We keep this love in a photograph we make these memories for ourselves where our eyes are never closing hearts are never broken and times forever frozen and still so you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans holding me close until our eyes meet and you won't ever be alone wait for me to come home.
For some wierd reason I believed the words that she was singing but it must have been because I was falling asleep.
Loving can heal loving can mend you're soul. And it's the only thing that I know know. I swear it will get easier remember that with every piece of ya Mmm and it's the only thing we take with us when we die.
As she was singing the chorus I felt like I could fall asleep at any moment now. But I wanted to hear the rest of it so I did my best to keep my eyes open.
And if you hurt me well that's okay baby only words bleed inside these pages you just hold me and I won't ever let you go.
By now I was snuggled into her and she had layed down too so now she had her arms around me as I was resting my head on her chest trying so hard not to fall asleep.
Oh you can fit me inside the necklace you got when you were 16 next to your heartbeat where I should be. Keep it deep within your soul.
I could tell that she was almost done so I used every last ounce of energy in me to keep me awake for the last few lines.
I will remember how you kissed me under the lamp post back on 6th street hear you whisper through the phone.
She trailed off and kissed my forehead as my eyes started to close she whispered.
Wait for me to come home.
A/N: Alright so there you go guys! So cute chapter what should happen next.
If you guys have any ideas or feedback I would really love to hear from you guys! Well until next time I love you guys.

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