Shopping and Hateful words

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Becca's POV
I woke before any of the others so I decided to take a picture with each of them and post it on social media. Which is just what I did I put the pictures into a collage and posted it on instagram with the caption Woke up before any of these dorks could stop me from doing this haha love you guys hope you don't kill me for this. I laughed as I posted it on instagram and tagged them all in it. I smiled as Ally woke up. "Well you're up early" She says streching. "Yea which is unusual for me" I say "Well want to help me with breakfast we have the day off today and Lauren told us that we were taking you shopping!!!" She says excitedly "Yea I'll help" I say smiling. We made pancakes which was pretty fun and it made the time go by faster. "Hey look who's up early! Morning kid!" Dinah says walking into the kitchen area. "Morning" I say smiling as the other three soon joined her. I helped Ally set the table then we all sat down and ate. "So you excited to go shopping today Becca?" Lauren asks "um yea" I say kinda lying I mean yea I was excited to hang out with the girls but I wasn't excited about looking at myself in the mirror. "Well once your done with breakfast what do you say we head back to my room and I can lend you some of my clothes to wear sound good?" She says "Yea sounds like a plan" I say smiling as soon as I finished my breakfast Lauren and I went back to our hotel where I was now currently going through her suitcase which basically consisted of a bunch of graphic tees many beanies and books a couple of hoodies and lots of skinny jeans.  I decided to go with a band tee with a flannel white skinny jeans and a pair of converse. I secretly stole Lauren's Jauregui beanie since I technically am one now. I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of my outfit. #OOTD What you do you guys think?
Not that I really care what they think I like the outfit and that's all that should matter but since the comments started rolling in I decided to read a few.
Omg you're sooooo Beautiful!!!! Cute outfit!!
I love you sooooo much please notice me!
Omg you're so fucking hot!!!!
I laughed at some of them but then I saw a few that kinda felt like they were stabbing me in the heart with a thousand knifes.
Ew you're so fat and ugly you don't deserve to be living with the girls
Why did the girls adopt you? You'll only bring them down
Go kill yourself you ugly fat bitch!
I shut off my phone and put it in my pocket. I looked in the mirror one more time before I left and imediantly I didn't like what I saw. I felt a tear roll down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away. "Hey Becca you okay in there?" Lauren asks "Yea I'll be out in a minute" I say As I look away from the mirror and go outside. "Phew I was starting to get worried" she says but her expression changed once she saw my face. "Are you okay Bec?" She asks "Yea I'm fine can we just go?" I ask "Yea but if you need anything I'm here." She says I nod and head out. We all piled in the back which was perfect because that way no one could see what I was doing on my phone. So I had my headphones in with my music blasting and continued to read some of the comments on my instagram. Most of them were positive but every once in awhile I'd get some really negative ones and those were the ones that stuck.
Lauren's POV
"Awww look little Jauregui is already being anti-social" Dinah says jokingly I rolled my eyes as the others chuckled. "Yea but she's not usually like this usually she's hyper and singing along to songs. She hasn't even said 'Camren' when Camila and I are sitting together. Some thing's up." I say crossing my arms as the van stops. "Well while you figure that out we'll all be shopping" Dinah says "Wait can you guys help keep an eye on Becca I'm new to this whole taking care of a kid thing and the last thing I need is for her to get lost." I say "Of course we'll help you Lo! We love the kid too you know" Normani says I smile "I know I'll let her know we're here you guys go ahead" I say they all nodded and got out of the Van.
Becca's POV
Ugh! Another picture of this disgusting whale and I'm going to kill myself #WeHateBecca
Lauren deserves a better kid than her..I heard she was in a Gang #WeHateBecca
Just go jump off a cliff you fat ugly whore! #WeHateBecca
#WeHateBecca was trending world wide. I'm suprised the girls haven't seen it by now because they are tagged in almost every single tweet. I guess they really don't care about me. I guess all they really care about is the fame and thier image. I snapped out of my thoughts by someone pulling off my beanie which made me jump and shut off my phone. The person Is lucky I had a good grip on it. I looked up to glare at Lauren. "What the fuck?!?" I say "I was wondering where this went." She says smiling and putting it back on my head. "Come on we're here!" She says as she helps me out of the car. There were no paparazzi thank god the last thing I needed was more pictures of me out in the media for people to say mean stuff about me. We walked into a mall and headed into forever 21. The girls said I could pick out anything I wanted so I was currently looking at a studded leather jacket that looked a lot like something um what's that singers name about not caring? "Demi Lovato?" I hear Camila say "Yea her!" I say snapping my fingers. I looked at her smiling kinda embarrassed. "I said that outloud didn't i?" I say she nods chuckling while I just facepalmed. "But hey this would look cute with these" she says holding up a pair of six inche stelleto heels. "Fuck that! I don't wear those! Um what about these?" I say holding up some combat boots. "Even better!" She says smiling while I smile back "Come on go try them on!" She says pushing me into a dressing room. "Alright be out in a sec!" I say As I take off my flannel and replace it with the jacket and same with my converse and the boots. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. For once I actually looked badass! Which is not something that I would usually say about myself. I took pictures of myself in different poses some funny ones and some serious and some with my middle finger up. I decided to post one of the ones where my middle fingers up and post it on social media. I posted one where I had my middle finger up and my face just look like I didn't give a fuck. I captioned it with A tribute to all my haters out there. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU SAY!
I smiled and posted it and put my phone in my pocket not even bothering looking at the comments. "Oh my god! That looks so good on you!" Camila says as I come out "Really?" I ask "Damn girl you look like a boss!" Dinah says as she's walking by I smile at her. "Hey kid how's the shopping going?" I hear someone say as they hug me from behind me. I smiled already knowing it was Lauren. "Yea it's going great!" I say and I meant it as I turned around to look at her. "Oh my god you look so beautiful in that! I'm so getting this for you!" She says smiling "Okay" I say smiling "I'm going to go check out some more stuff! Be right back!" I say smiling and going back into the dressing room. I decided to check on my picture and it turns out it went viral and not in a good way.
Fifth Harmony's New Kid Cusses out Harmonizers!!!
Then it shows the picture I posted along with the caption and some of the comments.
Ugly,Stupid,Fat,Worthless and Rude! You just keep getting better and better!
Wow this was so uncalled for you're nothing but a pathetic little bitch!
I just don't understand how the girls can love someone like her...I mean they could do so much better
I felt tears run down my cheeks as I heard someone knock on the door. "Babe there's lots of other stores in this mall that I think you'd like." Lauren says I walk out of the dressing room not caring that I was crying they probably already saw it. "Baby are you okay?" She asks I shook my head as I buried my head in her chest. "They're saying horrible things about me Lauren. They say I should kill myself and that I don't deserve you guys." I cry into her. "Shhh baby don't listen to them they're just jealous of you. Hey look at me." She says gently lifting my head so that I was looking at her green eyes. "I love you so so so so so so so much! And so do all of the girls and nothing will change that. You mean so much to us already in the short time that you've spent with us. No amount of hateful words said to us about you will change the way we feel about you. From the time you've spent with us I can already tell you are a smart,caring,amazing,funny, and beautiful young lady and I can't wait to get to know more about you. I love you okay?" She says I nod and smile "I love you too" I say she kisses my forehead and smiles back at me wiping some of my tears. "Come on let's go find the four dorks who I call my friends." She says making me laugh. We looked and found them and they each asked to take a selfie with me which I agreed to of course. A couple of minutes later I felt my phone buzz. So I looked and saw millions of new notifications. I saw that most of them were positive which made me smile. The new trending topic that was trending world wide was #WeLoveYouBecca Which made me smile. I saw that it started with the girls.
@AllyBrookeHernadez: I love this little bundle of joy and I can't imagine why anyone would say things like that about her! #WeLoveYouBecca
@NormaniHamilton: Girl you are Beautiful! And don't let anyone else tell you different! Love you! #WeLoveYouBecca
@DinahJane97: I love this kid! And if anyone hurts her I will personally give them a poly beat down! #WeLoveYouBecca
@CamilaCabello97: This girl means everything to all of us! Seeing her cry because of hate was heartbreaking but seeing her smile through was beautiful! "Nothing is more beautiful than a smile that has struggled through tears" -Demi Lovato #WeLoveYouBecca
@Laurenjauregui:See this smile I'd do anything to see her smile. She means everything and more to me and if ANYONE EVER tries to hurt her again they will have to go through me first. I would give my own life just for her! I love her,She makes me happy and that's all that should matter! I love you babygirl! #WeLoveYouBecca
I smiled as I retweeted them all and favorited them as well as some from fans. I decided to tweet as well.
@BeccaTheKid: I cannot thank you all enough for all the kind words and support! You guys are incredible and I love all of you! #BeccaLovesYouAllBack
I smiled at the amount of support I got was overwhelming. "Thanks guys for tweeting all those things today. I really needed it" I say smiling we were all now at the food court getting something to eat. "You're welcome babe and if you see any of those kinds of comments again just come to one of us okay?" Lauren says I nodded "Thank you guys I love you" I say smiling. "We love you too Bec! We'd do anything to see that smile of yours!" Camila says I smile as she said that. "See there it is! God I swear that's the most beautiful smile I've seen don't you guys think so" she says as she gets yeses from all the girls. We ate our food then went to a couple of others stores then went back to the hotel. In the end I ended up with a suitcase to keep all my stuff in,A white penny board with black wheels,a new batman phone case,Some band tees,Hoodies,Lots of snap backs and beanies,Four pairs of converse,Skinny jeans, as well as some dresses and stuff for award shows and stuff. "I'm exhausted! I say As Lauren and I got to our hotel. I dropped all my stuff on my bed and face planted into Lauren's bed. She giggled and layed next to me on her side leaning on her elbow while making circles on my back. "Tired?" She asks "yea" I say facing her. "Well what do you say we take a nap so that way we can explore the city later just you and me. What do you say?" She asks "Alright im down" I say As she covers us with a blanket I snuggle up to her. "Lauren?" I say "Yea?" She asks "did you really mean all that stuff you said to me when I was upset" I say looking up at her "of course i did babe. Every word. Why do you ask?" She says "Because in the gang people would say shit like that to me and they never meant it" I say "Well you will find that when we say stuff like that we mean it" she says I nod "Lauren?" I say "Yea?" She says "I love you" I say she looks down at me and smiles "I love you too babygirl. Now get some rest" she says while kissing my forehead. I nod and close my eyes as she sings The A Team to me softly as I drift off into dream land.
A/N: Boom there you guys go another update. What did you guys think? Am I doing a good job with this story? If you guys have any ideas or feedback I'd love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you guys!

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