First Day of Hell (School)

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Lauren's POV
I woke up early today so that I could get the girls up for Becca's first day of High school. This was so exciting I just know she's gonna come back with a group of new friends. I mean who couldn't love a cute adorable kid who acts like a badass. "Alright let's go over the plan again. Ally you're making pancakes in the shape of hearts. Dinah and Normani you are waking the kid up and helping her get ready. Normani I'm counting on your fashionista skills." I say "you can count on me" she says "Good and then Camz and i will be taking the munchkin to school" i say. We have been planning this day for weeks just to make sure everything went smoothly. "Awwww look at Camren being parents it's so cute!" Dinah says I rolled my eyes at her while Camila just chuckles. "Alright now go team go!" I say As we all break the huddle. I just hope Becca has a good day at school.
Becca's POV
"OH MY GOD!! ED SHEERAN!!' I hear someone scream then I hear what sounded like a guitar and Ed singing Thinking Out Loud. I jumped up and fell out of the bed. "HOLY SHIT IM COMING ED!!" I yelled as I looked up seeing Dinah and normal laughing thier asses off. "Oh its just you dorks" I sat getting off the floor. "Oh my god I can't believe you actually fell for that!" Dinah says I roll my eyes. "Yea whatever" I say grabbing my phone and seeing that's it 5 in the fucking morning. "Holy fuck why are you guys waking me up at 5 in the fucking morning" I say "Hey easy with the cussing girl and everything will be explained but right now you have to get ready for your first day of High school." Mani says. "Also known as Hell" I say heading towards my room. "Oh come on it won't be that bad. You're only a freshman once you know." She says as they follow me to my room. "Whatever I just hope these next 4 years go by fast" I say As we enter my room. "You won't be saying that when you graduate. Trust me ask any one of us if we wanted to go back to high school I'm pretty sure we'd all say yes" Dinah says as I sat on the bed waiting for Mani to pick out as she put it. 'The perfect first day of High school outfit' "Yea these next four years are going to be the best years of your life so enjoy them. You don't know how easy you got it babe" Mani says holding up an outfit she put together. It was this leather jacket with a hoodie type thing. With a black shirt that said 'I like my music LOUD' in white letters with ripped black skinny jeans with White converse. "Oh my god Mani this is perfect!" I say grabbing the outfit."You know me so well Thank you!" She chuckles "No problem girl! Now put it on and come down stairs when you're ready" she says I nodded as they went out of my room I put on the outfit and grabbed my phone along with some headphones and some cash cause you never know when you'll need some and then I went downstairs. "Morning Becca how'd you sleep?" Ally says setting down a plate with two heart shaped pancakes on it. "Pretty good other than I had to wake up at the crack of dawn" I say As I poured syrup onto my pancakes and starting eating them. "Hey there's my favorite munchkin how'd you sleep" Lauren says kissing me on the cheek. I gave a thumbs up while smiling considering I had a mouth full of pancakes. She laughs and sits next to me. "Okay so Camz and I are taking you to school!" She says "Camren is taking me to school oh my god my parents are Camren someone pinch me!" I say in my best fangirl voice causing everyone to laugh. "I taught you well kid!" Dinah says as Lauren rolls her eyes. "Anyway I've got your schedule right here. So we signed you up for 2 classes Photography since I know how much you like taking pictures and Choir since you have a beautiful voice and the world deserves to hear it." She says smiling at me. "But unfortunately that means you have to take an A period which means you have to get up pretty early to go to your first class of the day which is Spanish." Camila says "So that means I'll have 7 classes in total?" I say "plus I signed you up for softball athletics so instead of Regular P.E. you'll have Softball for your 6th period" Lauren says "Kay cool!" I say smiling at her. As I finished my breakfast I said goodbye to the other girls and gave them a kiss on thier cheeks. I hopped into the back seat of Lauren's car with Camila in the passenger seat and Lauren driving. I took my head phones out and plugged them into my phone and put my music on blast. "I swear you're gonna go deaf if you keep playing your music that loud" Lauren says "WHAT!?!?!" I yell on purpose. She rolls her eyes and laughs while I pull an innocent smile and put both of them on and stare out the window until we stop in front of the school. I took a headphone out and looked at them. "Okay you're first class is Spanish here's your schedule and a map of the school. Ask for help If you don't know where your classes are okay?" Camila says handing both of them to me. "Okay see you guys" I say but just as I was about to get out of the car when Lauren locked it. "Did you really think we were going to let you go without a goodbye kiss?" Lauren asks "no come on you guys are wearing lipstick!" I whine "Looks like you'll just have to wash it off after now come here." Camila says I chuckle as I kissed them both on the cheek and they kissed my cheeks at the same time making sure they left lipstick marks. "Love you!" They called as I got out. "Love you too bye!" I say As I wiped the lipstick clean off my face. "You still has some right here." Says an unfamiliar voice. I look up to see a beautiful blonde with these hazel ish eyes. No snap out of it Bec you can't already have a crush on the first day. You barely met her and you already want to fuck her god Damn it stop staring and say something! "Uh thanks" I say going to wipe it off. "Here let me get that for you." She says wiping it off as she touches my cheek I feel my whole body get shocked electricity. "Thanks" I say trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing. "You're welcome. So are those your moms?" She asks "What? Um no" I say kinda scared of what she thinks. "It's cool. I'm a supporter" she says smiling. "Okay but they're not my moms. I mean I guess you could say one of them technically is but I think of them more like a sisters" I say "wait so you're adopted?" She asks "Yea..." I say looking down. "Hey its okay. I am too and so are my siblings." She says "I'm Megan by the way" I look back up at her since she's a little taller than me. "I'm Rebecca or Becca for short" I say. "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around." She says "yea I actually am" I say I don't know why but I feel so comfortable around her. "Cool whats your first class?" She asks "um Spanish with Mr. Perez" I say looking at my schedule. "No way me too. Can I see your schedule?" She asks. I nod and hand it to her. "Cool we also have photography, Choir and Softball together" she says. "Cool" I say As the bell rings. "Guess we better head to Spanish huh?" She says "Yea" I say smiling. Maybe School won't be so bad. During Spanish I got to learn more about Megan. I learned that she has 2 moms which is so cool. She's also a sophomore and she has 2 older siblings who she is going to introduce me to during lunch. As the bell rings for the next class she offers to walk me to class since her class isn't that far from mine so I accept. "Kay well here's your class. The teacher is super chill by the way I had her freshman year and it was awesome. You're gonna love it!" She says smiling. "Okay well thanks for walking me to class." I say "Anytime!" She says winking at me. I put my hoodie on trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing. Ugh what is she doing to me. "Ah you must be our new student!" The teacher says smiling at me. She was a brunette who looked to be in her mid 30s and she had green eyes like Lauren's but hers were darker. "Yea I'm Rebecca or Becca" I say "Well its nice to meet you Becca." She says "Why don't you take a seat right there next to Jake" I nod and head over there. "Sup I'm Jake" he says "Becca" I say "Let me guess you're a Freshie aren't you?" He asks "Yea how'd you know?" I ask "Lucky guess. I'm a senior" he says "What are you doing I'm Algebra then?" I ask "Needed another math class so I figured why not take the easiest one" he says "That's smart" I say "Yea I know I am." He says pretending to be cocky. I laugh "Hey Jake you can flirt with Becca later,but right now you're in my class so keep the PDA to a minimum" She says "Sorry Mrs. Collins." He chuckles "You're forgiven and don't worry I won't tell Jeremy about this" she says going back to her lesson. "Who's Jeremy?" I ask "My boyfriend" he says blushing "awwww that's so cute!" I say smiling "Yea what about you. You got a boyfriend or girlfriend?" He says raising his eyebrows. I love that we now live in a society where being Gay is okay or at least I guess here it is. "Um no but I've got my eyes on someone." I say smiling "Who?" He says "Damn going straight for the details are we?" I say "Come on please tell me." He begs "I can't. I don't even know if she likes me back yet." I say "awww well just so you know I totally ship it!" He says I roll my eyes and laugh. After class is over he points me in the direction of my next class and I walk there alone. "Hey you're the new kid right?" Someone says I look up to see a girl dressed in slutty clothes and two girls behind her. She looks like the average popular girl. "What's it to you?" I say "Wait you're fifth Harmony's kid." She says "Yea and?" I say "Nothing. But just so you know I own this school and I'll beat the shit out of anyone who tries to take from me." She threatens "oh yea then are you planning on graduating or are you just going to be here for the rest of your pathetic life." I say I didn't like picking fights but back in the gang they taught me that if someone makes you feel inferior then you stand your ground and you shoot back with as much fire as possible. Next thing you know she throws a fist at my face but I dodge and slap her hard leaving a mark as I take off my backpack one of her minions pushes me to the ground. "You're going to pay for that bitch!" She says "oh is she?" I hear someone say I look up at the queen bee and see her frozen with fear. The person steps in front of me protectively coming face to face with the bitch. "Word of advice. I'd run if I were you." She says the bitch looks at me and says "This isn't over! C'mon girls!" And walks away. The girl who I now consider a badass turns around and helps me up. "You okay?" She asks I look at a her and see that she has red hair,Light brown eyes and a nose peircing. "Yea I'm good." I say "Where are you headed kid?" She asks "Ummm Biology with Mr. Hughes?" I say looking at my schedule. "Hey me too!" She says smiling as the tardy bell rings. "Shit!" I mutter under my breath. She laughs "I like you kid. Don't worry Mr. Hughes and I are tight. I'll get you out of being tardy come on." She says I follow her as we head to Biology. We walk in and Mr.Huges looks at us amused. "Late again Jamie? What's your excuse this time?" He asks rolling his eyes. "I was helping your new student out. She was lost." She says "oh really and what's this new student's name?" He asks her. I decided to help her out so I faked a cough and said Becca. "Her names Becca" she says he smiles and rolls his eyes. "Nice to meet you Becca. Why don't you take a seat next to.." he starts but Jamie inturupts "There's an empty seat next to me" "Very well then. But I expect you both to be paying attention" he says. "Will do Mr.H" Jamie says as we go our seats. "So what grade are you in kid?" She asks "I'm a Freshman" I say "Cool I'm a junior." She says "That's Cool!" I say "Yea I've only got 2 more years in this hell hole then I'm out!" She cheers I chuckle "Yea I've got four. Yay!" I say sarcasticly " Cheer up kid! It'll be over before you know. Trust me you'll be wishing you were a Freshie again by the end of your senior year" she says. We chat for the rest of the period while paying attention here and there. She even invited me to lunch with her friends. I said sure since I knew I would spot Megan and introduce her to Jamie.
"Becca!" Megan says spotting me and Jamie. "I see you've met my sister Jamie" "Wait she's your sister? No wonder you guys look so alike!" I say "That's what everyone always says but we don't see it" Jamie says. "There you guys are I wanted to introduce you to this new Freshie I met" Jake says but then spots "I guess you guys already met her." "Becca this my loser of a brother Jake that you already met." Megan says "Yea" I say chuckling. "Well you still get to meet Jeremy and Jess" Jamie says "I know Jeremy is Jake's Boyfriend but who's jess?" I ask "She's my girlfriend" Jamie says I nod. "Our moms kinda joke that they're the reason we're all Gay." Jake says chuckling "Wait so you're Gay too then?" I ask Megan. "Yea" she says biting her lip. Holy shit you have no idea how fucking hot that looked! "It's okay I am too" I somehow manage to say. "You are Damn kid maybe if I wasn't with Jess then maybe we could get it on" Jamie says winking at me "Hey I heard that and don't even think about it Wilson!" A girl who I'm guessing is Jess since she kissed Jamie after she said that. "Wouldn't dream of it baby. Besides I think someone else had thier eyes on her." Jamie says I turn and see Megan glaring at her. "Ignore her she delusional" she says I laugh. "Alright enough with the Making out! You guys can fuck later. I still need to see my boo!" Jake says we all laugh as we head to the football field. "Jake,my love!" A guy who looked to be a football player ran over to us. "Jerbear!" Jake yells as they embrace and give eachother a quick peck on the lips. "Who's this?" Jeremy says gesturing towards me. "This is Becca. The Freshie I was telling you about in English" Jake says "oh well its nice to meet you kid." He says ruffling my hair "you too Jeremy." I say smiling. "Hey looks like we finally found someone for Megan guys" Jess says "We're just friends guys" Megan says "Uh huh that's what I said when I met Jake and now look at us" Jeremy says she rolls her eyes. "Whatever let's just eat" She says as we all sat in a circle in the middle of the football field. "So where are you from Bec?" Jamie asks "Well I grew up Brooklyn,New York which is where I was adopted from and now I live here." I say "Cool I was adopted from New Jersey when I was 3" she says "I was adopted from Dallas,Texas when I was 5" Jake says "And I was adopted from Philly when I was a baby" Megan says "Cool!" I say "Yea so we hear you live with Fifth Harmony?" Jess says "Damn word travels fast around here" I say "oh trust us you have no idea the amount of hate we got our sophomore year when Jeremy came out to the whole football team." Jake says "Yea but luckily for us everyone was very accepting by our Junior year." Jeremy says. "Well to answer your question yes I'm. Fifth Harmony's kid as everyone keeps calling me" I say looking down not wanting that to label me. "Hey don't worry kid,we're not going to treat you any differently. To us you'll just be regular Becca" Jamie says "Yea come on Bec turn that frown upside down" Jake says "Hey Bec look!" Megan says causing me to look at her as she pull a funny face causing me to laugh. Maybe this year won't be so bad after all. As the bell rings. "Hey kid what class you got next?" Jess asks "Um Honors English with Mrs.Benson" I say "Cool me too!" She says "Hey Becca don't forget we have Photography next period and then We all have Choir together. Then Jess,Jamie,You and I all have Softball. Oh and if you're a little late that's okay Jamie is the captain." Megan explains. "Damn so it looks like I'll be seeing a lot of you eh Megan?" I say "Yea I guess I'll see you later Bec" she says winking. As I walk to English with Jess. Looks like high school won't be so bad after all.
A/N: Hey guys so what do you think of this chapter. It was pretty long and it was gonna be longer but I didn't want to bore you guys. So what do you guys think of Becca's new group of friends? And who ships Megan and Becca? Okay if you guys have any ideas or feedback I'd love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you guys!

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