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Becca's POV
I woke up the next morning wrapped in Lauren's arms. I smiled and snuggled into her neck since she was warm and comfy. "Mhmm morning Babygirl" she says waking up "Morning Merry Christmas!" I say looking up and smiling she leans down to kiss my forehead and smiles at me. "Merry Christmas baby. Hey since it's Christmas we get to open presents!" She says my eyes widen "Yay!!!!!" I say clapping my hands together like a 5 year old because again growing up in a gang basically meant that once you were the age of at least 13 your presents were Drugs,Weapons,Sex,and Money sometimes if you were lucky. "I swear you're 5" she says I roll my eyes as I look over at the cookies we left out for Santa but there weren't any left. "Hey who are the cookies?" I ask "Santa duh!" She says smirking "it was you wasn't it?" I say "I'm not conforming nor denying anything" she says "So you ate them" I say "No I didn't now I'm going to go wake up everyone else" she says "Wait I know a way how we can wake everyone up at the same time" I say smirking "You've been spending way too much time with Dinah" she says once I finish setting everything up. I had some speakers hooked up to my phone and made sure they were on full blast. I was going to blast All I want for Christmas is you by the girls to wake everyone up. "Maybe I have maybe I haven't either way this will get us opening presents faster so shush" I say as I press play and the music starts playing and the song hadn't even gotten to the end of the first verse by the time everyone had woken up. "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!" I yell over the music. "Turn the music off!!!" Chris yells "What!!!!" I yell back. Lauren unplugs my phone from the speaker stopping the music. "Vibe killer" I say she sticks out her tongue and I do the same. "Sometimes I wonder if you guys are actually siblings rather than mother and daughter" Taylor says "Nah that spot is reserved for all the other girls this one is just annoying" I say "I'm standing right here you know and I can still ground you" she says my eyes widen as I drop to my knees "No I was kidding please don't ground me it's Christmas" I say giving her my puppy eyes. "Awww okay you're forgiven" she says skipping away happliy. "You've gotta teach me how to do that" Taylor says "It helps being cute" I say she playfully shoves me as we head downstairs. Taylor is more like a sister now and Chris is like a brother. We all sat around the Christmas tree as we ate breakfast. "Alright Ready set go!" Paps J says as we all scramble to get our presents. Let me just tell you that it gets aggressive at the Jauregui household when it comes to present opening. At the end I ended up with a hover board from Chris,A Shawn Mendes album from Taylor,A new penny board and speakers from Lauren, and a Starbucks gift card from my grandparents. "Okay so now that that's done now what?" I ask "Now we are going over to Camila's to open some presents over there" Lauren says "Yay more presents!!!" I say clapping my hands "You know it's better to give than to receive" She says "Really I didn't know that" I say sarcastically she rolls her eyes as we said a quick goodbye to everyone and headed out for Camila's. As we parked in the driveway I got out of Lauren's car and went and knocked on the door. The door opened a few seconds later and I recognized the person immediately especially because of thier goofy smile. "Welcome to casa Cabello!" Camila says as I Koala hug her and she hugs me back. "How are my little koala?" She asks giggling "I'm amazing!" I say as she sets me down. She laughs as Lauren comes to join us. "Looks like Camren is underneath the mistletoe!" I say teasing them as they both smile at eachother and Lauren kisses Camila. "Ewww!" I hear a familiar voice say behind me. "Sofi!" I say hugging her I had met her at one of the girls shows in Florida. We just clicked and she's been like a little sister to me ever since. And I also happen to be great with kids. "Skylar I can't breathe" she says I laugh as I let her go. I went into the living room and said hey to Camila's parents and sat on the couch. We had all exchange presents and I had gotten A joke book from Camila, a drawing from Sofi and some clothes from the Cabello parents. After that we all sat around and talked just sorta caught up until my phone starting going off. I looked at the screen and saw that it was Dinah face timing me. "Hey DJ!" I say answering her "Hey kid! Merry Christmas!" She says "Merry Christmas to you too I miss you!" I say "Miss you too dude but hey don't worry we'll be pulling pranks on Camren in no time" She says I chuckle "Hi Chee Chee!" Camila says behind me "Chancho how is it over there with Lauser?" Dinah asks "I'm right here" Lauren says taking my phone "Oh hey planet green eyes" Dinah says as Lauren rolls her eyes. They continue to talk until Camila gets a call from Ally and Lauren gets a call from Mani. "Hey the whole gang is here!" I say as they all laugh. "Well Merry Christmas everyone!" Ally says and we all said Merry Christmas back and then we all talked for a while until it started getting late. "Alright well it's too late to drive back now so I'm gonna call my parents and tell them we are staying here" Lauren informs me "Okay" I say "Hey you know I think this calls for a Netflix and Chill shesh" Camila says "Oh my god no I'm not having a threesome with Camren no matter how badly I want to that's just wrong" I say "Not like that ugh Lauren I'm blaming you for her mind being dirty. I mean like actually watching Netflix and you know cuddling" She says "Okay but I'm in the middle because I don't want this to turn into a make out session" I say "That's just fine by me" Lauren says "Yay Family Netflix time" Camila says turning on Netflix and putting on Frosty the snowman "Of course you would choose this" I say "Hey it's the only day of the year I get to watch this so shhh!!" She says I roll my eyes at her childness. We all took turns picking movies and I regret handing the controller over to Lauren because she literally picked the scariest movie to watch on Netflix. Lauren ended up being in the middle since Camila and I were both scared and then I fell asleep on Lauren. Best Christmas I've had in my entire life.
A/N: Hey guys so I know I'm late to the whole Christmas chapter but here you go!! So yea Vote and comment! Love you guys!

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