Telling Lauren

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Becca's POV
Okay so it's been a couple of days since I slept over at the Wilson's and I've basically told all of the girls except for Lauren. They all support us. Hell Dinah is captain of our ship and Jamie and Jess are her first mates. Which Megan and I both find funny but anyway today is the day before we go on our first date so we decided we would tell Lauren today. I just hope she doesn't flip out on us. "Good luck telling Lauren today guys" Jamie says "thanks Jamie we need all the luck we can get" I say "You'll guys will be fine just avoid looking into her eyes for too long" Jake says as we all laugh. We were currently on our way home. "Oh shit! You still have to meet our moms" Megan says "shit you're right! Um how about I meet them when I pick you up tomorrow" I say "That's perfect I'll tell them today after we tell the green eyed sex godess" she says "Yea and call Lauren anything but that." I say "oh like you wouldn't fuck her" she says "okay I will admit when I met her I wanted to but now no just no" I say grossed out. Everyone laughs. "Alright so tell us how it went later?" Jess says "you bet. Well see you guys." I say "yea if you're not dead" Jeremy says I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door. "I'm home!" I say. I planned it so that it would just be Lauren and us. "Oh hey guys lunch is on the table if you're hungry." Lauren says greeting us. "Actually we just ate. We went to Taco Bell after school." I say "and you didn't bring me any" she says "Well you could higher my allowance and maybe I could afford it." I say "yea not gonna happen nice try though" she says sitting on the couch. I looked at Megan and she nodded signaling she was ready. I nodded back. We both sat on the couch in front of her. "Lauren we have something to tell you" I say "You're not pregnant with Megan's kid are you?" She says catching me totally off guard. "What! No no no!" I say surprised "okay then what's up?" She says I took a deep breath. Just avoid looking into her eyes for too long.
I looked down and looked anywhere but Lauren's eyes. "Um Megan and I are going on a date tomorrow. So I guess you could say we are kinda sorta dating but not really" I say "I'm sorry you're what?" She says I looked up at her and she didn't show any emotion. I looked at Megan kinda giving her a look of fear. She grabbed my hand and looked at Lauren. "We're dating Lauren" Megan says "Can I have a word alone with Skylar?" Lauren says Megan nods "yea. See you later Sky" She says I nod as she heads torwards the front door. "Skylay I don't think this is a good idea. I mean you met her what last week? And then boom all of a sudden you're dating. Next you're gonna tell me you're engaged and then married and then boom you have a baby and then you're all grown up and you won't need me anymore" she says pacing back and forth. Oh I see what's going on here. She's afraid of loosing me,but I'm not special. "Whoa Lo calm down. Firstly we're just going on a date. Its nothing serious. We both agreed we'd take things slow and we wouldn't rush into anything until we were sure we ready.  If anything you should be happy we are actually going on a date. Back in the gang our first date was sex. Secondly, Lauren I'm always going to need you. I'm going to need you and the girls all throughout my life. I need you guys there when I do something great to praise me and when I screw something up to help lift me back up. I'm always going to need you Lo. I love you and I always will" I say she takes a deep breath and nods. "Okay" she says nodding "okay?" I say hugging her "Okay I give you permission to go if and only if you let myself and the girls help you get ready." She says i nod smiling "Deal!" I say hugging her "Okay well you should probably go tell the other girls" she says "actually I already have. I uh saved the best for last" I say smiling "More like beast" Dinah says coming down the stairs "Dinah what happened to sticking to the plan?" I say "I wanted to see if my Mecca ship was gonna sink or sail and by the looks of it. It's sailing." She says smiling I blushed and threw a pillow at her. "And it looks like your Camren ship is sinking" I say "No it's not they just are too scared to admit they are in love" she says "Yea okay keep thinking that DJ" Lauren says I chuckle as I headed up the stairs to tell everyone the good news.
JJJJMB Group Chat
Becca😇😈: Guyssssss guess what????
Jamie 💯: What?
Becca 😇😈: She said yes!!!!
Jake💁: Wait Mecca is engaged!!!!!
Jeremy🐻: Whoa 0-💯 real quick
Jess😝: Whoa what the hell did I miss?!?
Megan😍😍: A lot apparently
Becca😇😈: what? No guys! Ugh! Lauren said yes to me and Megan going out!!
Megan😍😍: Omg!!! Yay!!!!!😍😍😍😘😘
Becca😇 😈: Hehe I know!!☺️☺️
Jamie💯: Are you guys forgetting that this is a group chat.
Megan😍😍: oh right cmon Becca lets go to our private one so we can sext.😏😉😉
Jess😝: Nice going babe
Jake💁: As long as you guys use protection I'm fine with it.
Becca😇😈: Guys she was kidding 😒
Jess😝: Riiiiiigggghhhttt she was 'kidding' just like I'm 'kidding' about having sex w/ Jamie later😏
Megan😍😍:Actually you can't our moms are back home remember
Jess😝:Really?? They didn't seem to mind last night.
Megan😍😍: GROSS!!!!!!!😒😒
Jake💁:ohhhh so that's why Jamie kept moaning. I thought she was having a sex dream...again.
Jamie💯:it's not the first time😏
Megan😍😍:You mean I slept under you guys while you...Eww
Jess😝:yea I'm surprised the bed hasn't collapsed
Becca😇😈: Okay can we stop talking about your sex life. Im getting images that I should not be getting of you guys.
Jamie💯:Alright we'll stop so where are you taking the Megster tomorrow?
Megan😍😍: I thought I told you to stop calling me that!
Jamie💯: You did I just didn't listen
Becca😇😈: I can't say. It's a surprise😉😉
Jake💁: And you say Jerbear and I are cheesy
Jeremy🐻: Yea you guys are a pretty cheesy couple
Megan😍😍:Well I think it's cute
Jamie💯:Awww they're using emojis!!!
Jess😝: Awww babe remember when we went down that phase?
Jamie💯:Yea we were so cute!! Following your big sisters footsteps Meg?
Jake💁:Shots fired!!!
Jeremy🐻: The sass is real!!!!
Becca😇😈:Lmaoo I love you guys!
Jamie💯:we love you too Right field
Becca😇😈: Oh come on not my softball name!!!
I continued talking to them for a while until the girls all came into my room. "Hey guys what's up?" I ask putting my phone aside "Well as you know we all now know that you're dating Megan" Ally says "yea and?" I say "Well just sorta wanted to talk to you kid" Lauren says sitting next to me. "Oh no please don't tell me this is 'the talk' cause if it is no need to worry about it I know how that goes" I say "Relax kid we're not going to explain how to fuck. We just want to put down some rules" Dinah says "Okay cool with me" I say "Okay well we decided that a reasonable crew few for dates is 10 so if you come any later than that you're grounded" Ally says "Got it!" I say "Also you can't have you're bedroom door shut when Megan is over. We figured you guys would want privacy but we'll be checking up on you guys" Lauren says "Okay anything else?" I say "Oh yeah no sex until you're married or else Ally will spray you guys with the holy water" Dinah says making all of us laugh. "Alright kid it's getting late and you've got a big day tomorrow" Lauren says kissing my head "right night guys love you." I say "Night Bec we love you too" Camila says as they all head out of my bedroom. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep excited to wake up tomorrow.
A/N:Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. What do you guys think will happen on Becca and Megan's date? If you guys have any ideas or feedback I'd love to hear from you guys. Well until next time I love you guys

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